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涉众型经济犯罪的复杂性、特殊性决定了其判后追缴、退赔工作的难度,在"重人身、轻财产"的刑事司法理念影响下,涉案财产的性质与权属不明、查控与保全滞后、裁判主文表述不明等问题都未能给判后执行创造良好的基础和条件,且容易造成审判与执行的脱节。对此,应及早保全涉案财物并妥善保管,构建正当的审理程序,落实实体审理内容并规范制作裁判文书,为后续执行奠定正当性的实体基础和物质基础。  相似文献   

While many studies have identified an association between social class and economic preferences, we know little about the implications of changes in class location for these preferences. This article assesses how social class and intra-generational class mobility affect economic preferences drawing on longitudinal data from the British Household Panel Survey. In doing so, the article adopts a post-industrial perspective that considers horizontal and vertical class divisions. Even when time-invariant characteristics of individuals are kept constant (through fixed-effects estimation), it is found that both vertical and horizontal class location explain economic preferences. Thus, these estimations suggest that social class moulds preferences, even when accounting for factors that can lead to selection into classes. Moreover, people who change classes hold different economic preferences than their peers in the class of origin, but do not completely assimilate into their class of destination. This implies that growing intra-generational class mobility could undermine the class basis of political conflict.  相似文献   
经济全球化背景下的中国自由贸易区之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄加宁 《时代法学》2012,10(3):93-99
在经济全球化背景下,除世界贸易组织外,区域经济一体化已产生越来越重要的影响。文章介绍、分析了具有代表性的世界主要自由贸易区和中国发展自由贸易区的现状和特点,提出了中国发展自由贸易区的具体建议。  相似文献   
广西北部湾经济区率先实现现代化的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈秋华 《桂海论丛》2007,23(6):28-31
现代化是经济、政治、社会、文化以及人类本身的全面推进与提升的过程。广西北部湾经济区应抢抓叠加历史机遇,立足优势、突出重点、强化措施、齐心协力、攻破难点,进一步加快现代化进程,尽快建成经济新高地和发展新一极,率先实现全面的综合的现代化。  相似文献   
本文聚焦于作家李准的早期创作(1954年到1955年7月合作化高潮前),追踪李准如何观察互助合作过程所引发的农民在价值观念、心理、意识、情感、家庭关系等方面的变化状态,深入分析他围绕互助合作的动员组织方式、个人与集体关系、集体形成路径、新的家庭关系与乡村日常生活状态等主题所展开的观察和把握的具体意涵。文章进而揭示,李准的体察突破了惯常的"阶级"视角,有助于我们突破相关历史表述及其逻辑重新认识那一段历史中经验的真实意涵,同时使我们得以在更为丰富的维度中思考20世纪50年代合作化进程中集体与个人、公与私、情与理等重要问题。文章还将思考李准当年这些观察和理解对我们今天认识中国乡村社会和农民的启发意义。  相似文献   
我国2005年10月27日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议通过了对公司法的修正案。修订后的《公司法》顺应了世界立法潮流,首次明确承认了一人有限责任公司的法律地位,并对其设置进行了相应规范,从而使实际存在的一人公司受到了有效的法律规制,但其仍然有进一步完善的空间。  相似文献   
经济法的可诉性与经济公益诉讼制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济法以社会本位为基本价值取向,以维护社会公共利益为根本宗旨。其在促进社会整体利益,保持国民经济健康、和谐发展方面起着其它法律部门不可替代的巨大作用。但由于经济法可诉性的缺失,其自身的价值和功能难以得到完全发挥。基于此,实现经济法的可诉性,建立经济公益诉讼制度,就成为解决和平衡经济纠纷、经济冲突的一条有效途径。  相似文献   
We explore the impact of social institutions on economic performance in Jamaica through a reinterpretation of the plantation economic model. In its original form, the plantation model fails to develop a causal link between the plantation legacy and persistent underdevelopment. Despite its marginalization, the model remains useful for discussions on growth and development. Consequently, we offer a reappraisal using the causal insights from Kenneth Sokoloff and Stanley Engerman. We use two examples to demonstrate how inequality encourages the formation of institutions that are inconsistent with growth, and an empirical analysis to confirm the hypothesized relationship between inequality, institutions, and economic development. Since inequality is expected to influence growth indirectly, we use a structural specification, which follows William Easterly’s recent test of Sokoloff and Engerman’s argument. Our reliance on a time-series specification is unique. We demonstrate that the expectation that, on average, inequality and growth is negatively related and that institutions may compromise growth are accurate for Jamaica, the most cited Caribbean nation in the current discourse. Our results carry several policy implications, including support for the recent calls in Jamaica for political restructuring. However, both the paucity of similar studies and the importance of the implications for sustainable growth and development demand further analyses.
Ransford W. PalmerEmail:

Dawn Richards Elliott   is a Jamaican economist and associate professor of economics at Texas Christian University. Her research and teaching interests address Caribbean development issues from a political economy perspective. Ransford W. Palmer   professor of economics at Howard University, has written several books and journal articles on Caribbean economic and migration issues. He is a former chairman of the Howard University Department of Economics and former president of the Caribbean Studies Association.  相似文献   
论韩国在现代世界经济体系中地位的变迁   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
二战结束后,美国出于地缘政治战略考虑,把韩国纳入到现代资本主义经济体系,成为该体系的"边缘区";经过漫长的经济积累,在80年代末、90年代初,韩国终于进入"半边缘区",直至今日。目前,韩国在追赶美国、日本的同时,也在被"北方国家"追赶。在这种"多层追赶"的态势中,韩国必须寻找最佳的对策,确保并提升自己在现代世界经济体系中的地位。  相似文献   
谢洪忠  张洪 《思想战线》2001,27(5):30-34
云南建设国际大通道的思路一经提出,许多专家、学者从不同角度论述了通道建设的必要性和可行性,从各方面说明了通道建设的意义和作用.实际上,云南建设我国通向东南亚、南亚国际大通道还存在许多制约因素,诸如经济增长对交通运输的需求、产业结构的变化、城市化水平、区域间的经济社会联系以及对外开放程度等.只有在分析清楚这些制约因素,并在具体实施中逐步解决相关的问题,才可能把国际大通道的建设扎扎实实地推向前进.  相似文献   
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