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连横一生以搜集、记录、整理、保存、研究台湾历史和文化为职志,著述颇丰,尤以《台湾通史》名世。纵观《台湾通史》的出版史和相关研究的学术史,实与近代以来中国历史进程相契合,其独特的学术价值和现实意义也逐步彰显。20世纪90年代以来,海峡两岸的《台湾通史》研究均进入新的发展阶段,无论视角还是视野、方法还是理论,特别是在学术性或学理性上,都有显著的推进和拓展。  相似文献   
台湾史是一门兼具学术与政治意义的新兴特色学科。中国大陆的台湾史研究,从学科建设的角度来说,属于中国历史学的分支学科。从研究史的角度,对于60多年来大陆学界台湾史研究成果做一宏观性的检讨,具体分析各个不同时期台湾史研究的特点,剖析唯物史观与“台独”史观论争的典型事例,提出新的研究问题,展现新的研究趋向,将有助于推动台湾史研究的深入拓展。  相似文献   
This paper provides an overview of what we call ‘agroecological revolution’ in Latin America. As the expansion of agroexports and biofuels continues unfolding in Latin America and warming the planet, the concepts of food sovereignty and agroecology-based agricultural production gain increasing attention. New approaches and technologies involving the application of blended agroecological science and indigenous knowledge systems are being spearheaded by a significant number of peasants, NGOs and some government and academic institutions, and they are proving to enhance food security while conserving natural resources, and empowering local, regional and national peasant organizations and movements. An assessment of various grassroots initiatives in Latin America reveals that the application of the agroecological paradigm can bring significant environmental, economic and political benefits to small farmers and rural communities as well as urban populations in the region. The trajectory of the agroecological movements in Brazil, the Andean region, Mexico, Central America and Cuba and their potential to promote broad-based and sustainable agrarian and social change is briefly presented and examined. We argue that an emerging threefold ‘agroecological revolution’, namely, epistemological, technical and social, is creating new and unexpected changes directed at restoring local self-reliance, conserving and regenerating natural resource agrobiodiversity, producing healthy foods with low inputs, and empowering peasant organizations. These changes directly challenge neoliberal modernization policies based on agribusiness and agroexports while opening new political roads for Latin American agrarian societies.  相似文献   
“Spaces of self-consciousness” examines three environments created by the Italian artist Carla Accardi in light of an emerging feminist politics. Though better known as a painter, Accardi created these three-dimensional works during an era of political and social upheaval in which her own commitment to the Italian feminist movement began to take shape. Her environments were deeply imbricated both with her own experience of autocoscienza, or consciousness-raising, as well as with radical design proposals that rejected the current state of civilization. This article examines how these environments functioned as prototypes of the transient, anti-institutional spaces that she would later create as co-founder of Rivolta femminile, a historic Italian feminist collective, and examines a previously obscure moment in Carla Accardi's career.  相似文献   
可持续发展战略是联合国环境与发展大会确定的未来共同发展战略。我国《中国21世纪议程——中国21世纪人口、环境与发展白皮书》提出了可持续发展战略、对策及行动方案。我国虽然在环境资源方面立法基本建立了环境与资源法的法律体系,但是尚缺将可持续发展作为环境与资源立法的指导思想。因此本文针对目前我国环境与资源及立法存在的实际问题,提出以可持续发展作为环境与资源立法的指导思想,修改我国《宪法》、《环境保护法》及有关环境与资源的法律、法规,制订统一《自然资源保护法》、《环境污染税法》、《环境保护投资法》及《环境与资源教育法》,完善我国环境与资源立法体制。  相似文献   
薛瑞泽  张志红 《思想战线》2000,26(2):132-136
魏晋南北朝时期寡居女性有的受传统封建礼教的束缚和熏陶而不愿再婚,有的受先秦两汉以来寡妇再婚以及北朝少数民族婚姻开放风气的影响而再婚.由于受门阀等级内婚制约,再婚双方都较为重视对方门第.男姓再婚虽然在礼法方面有许多限制,但在实际生活中礼法限制则形同虚设,但也有受传统礼教观念影响较深的男子终身不再娶.  相似文献   
冷战后美国和欧盟的对华政策明显地拉开了距离 ,他们的对华政策的调整变化是由各自所处的国际环境、经济利益和战略利益所决定的 ,它对美中关系、欧中关系的发展产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   
平台经济在各国的发展状况不同,各国对其涉及的劳动关系认定等问题进行规制的法律制度也不同。日本平台经济下的劳动关系认定相关探讨建立在个别法与集体法对劳动者概念之界定、相关的判例和学理的基础上,主要思路是修订现行《家内劳动法》与导入德国"类雇员"概念。在充分考虑日本对于平台经济之定位与我国有所区别的前提下,其兼顾"如何划定适用对象"及"对其采用何种规制"的政策研究方式,以及构建"类雇员"概念的相关探讨,对我国相关政策研究及法律制定极具借鉴意义。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来,美国经济出现了二战后罕见的持续非线性的高速度增长.其主要表现为高增长率、高就业、高规模、高扩张,人们将这种经济现象定义为-新经济.新经济出现在美国绝非偶然,本文旨在探讨新经济现象背后的制度因素--科技创新、制度创新、政策性保障及对中国知识经济发展的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
许琳 《东北亚论坛》2012,21(4):36-41
21世纪初亚洲地位的迅速提升正在引起美国全球战略重心的东移。奥巴马政府亚太战略的目标,是要在"美国的太平洋世纪"里,"保持和加强美国在亚太地区的领导能力,改善安全,扩大繁荣,促进美国的价值观"。为此,美国将以"前沿部署外交"为开端,按照"六条关键性的行动路线"向前推进:增强美国的双边安全同盟;深化美国与新兴大国的关系;发展与区域性多边机构的接触;扩大贸易和投资;打造基础广泛的军事存在;增进民主和人权。这表明,"现实的理想主义"构成了奥巴马政府亚太战略的战略理念。  相似文献   
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