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转型时期的社会失范行为往往引发激烈的治理反弹。事实上,社会冲突的背后是社会权力的生长。在制度化不足的转型期,社会冲突有可能演化为社会暴力甚至犯罪,从而引发国家与社会之间的紧张状态。异化的维稳暴露了社会暴力行政控制的非理性。社会的生长本身并不简单依附国家力量,正相反,社会的力量本身成长于国家之外,并形成对国家的权力结构性约束。因此简单以政府来控制社会秩序的制度设计存在内在缺陷。而在政府转型中,应该积极向社会放权,并在法律可控的的条件下维持社会冲突妁边界控制。  相似文献   
中国西北边境地区面临着"东突"恐怖势力、极端个人和团体恐怖犯罪、国际恐怖势力及邪教恐怖势力等严重威胁。公安边防部门作为边境地区一支重要的反恐力量,在现实的边境反恐斗争中存在着反恐立法不够完善、工作认识不足、缺乏针对性训练、情报保障能力弱、配合协作机制不完善等薄弱环节。应加强反恐理论学习和宣传教育,加强反恐信息和机动力量建设,加强边防管理和反恐立法等,以有效防范和打击恐怖活动,保卫边境安全、维护社会稳定。  相似文献   
抗日战争期间,陕甘宁边区作为中共中央所在地,为抗战胜利作出了巨大贡献.其间,边区工会通过自身的积极活动,调动边区一切人力、物力、财力支持抗战,保障了边区抗战的顺利进行.  相似文献   
鸦片问题是中国近代以来一个严重的社会问题。而抗日战争时期,侵华日军又对中国社会实行了鸦片毒化政策,给中国的社会经济和人民生活造成了巨大的灾难。陕甘宁边区政府,在中国共产党的领导下,宣传发动,政府推进,群众参与,开展了声势浩大的禁毒运动,禁烟戒毒成效显著,经验可鉴。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区在党中央的直接领导下,密切与晋绥根据地的关系,争取与地方实力派建立睦邻友好的合作关系,以政治和军事手段与国民党顽固派进行斗争,坚守千里河防线,确保了陕甘宁边区周边的安全和内部的稳定。  相似文献   
“东突”、“藏独”等恐怖势力是我国边疆地区多元文明冲突长期并存、西方反华思想长期影响、各种极端亚文化现象长期泛滥的结果。在反恐斗争中充分发挥文化的整合功能与导向功能,对于揭露和批判各种极端思潮的反动腐朽本质、抵制西方意识形态的侵蚀、取得反恐斗争的彻底胜利,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Due to the increasing number of Southwest Hispanics in the United States, as well as the overwhelming number of foreign nationals that die every year trying to enter the United States along the southern United States border with Mexico, new methods for classifying individuals have been established at the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner in Tucson, Arizona (PCOME). For each of the past 5 years, the PCOME has investigated a record number of deaths associated with these border crossings. The overwhelming majority of the identified decedents are Mexican Nationals. However, approximately 25% of these undocumented border crossers have yet to be identified, making it clear that improved methods for human identification are greatly needed. The first goal of this paper is to delineate the suite of skeletal nonmetric traits utilized in assessing Southwest Hispanic ancestry at the PCOME. This suite of nonmetric traits has proven to be an effective component in establishing the "biological profile" of unknown individuals in these cases. The second goal of this paper is to introduce methods used at the PCOME to establish the "cultural profile" of individuals in these cases. The "cultural profile" is a set of identification criteria that include: the geographic context of recovery, personal effects, dental health, and cultural accoutrements. Establishing the "cultural profile" in these cases is essential in identifying individuals as foreign nationals who have died trying to cross the border.  相似文献   
The Pima County (Arizona) Office of the Medical Examiner has seen a dramatic rise over the past 6 years in the number of deaths related to the illegal crossing of our international border with Mexico. This rise in deaths is undoubtedly related to an increase in the number of foreign nationals who cross into the various Arizona jurisdictions that utilize the Pima County Medical Examiner to investigate their unnatural deaths. Because of the utterly dangerous nature of trekking across the Sonoran Desert, especially in the summer months, many of these unfortunate migrants succumb to the effects of heat-related illness and perish along the journey. The combined effects of a dry, hot environment and the remoteness of some of the trekking corridors can quickly render a deceased person unidentifiable by visual means. Thus, our office is faced with not only an increase in the number of deaths requiring medico-legal investigation but also an increase in the number of decedents needing additional specialized examinations in an effort to effect identification. This paper attempts to outline the problems and the methods utilized by our office over the past 6 years in the identification process of undocumented border crossers. It is hoped that this paper, as well as the others presented at this symposium, will allow for the sharing of information amongst all medical investigators who assist in the identification of these migrants. The identification of these individuals takes on added importance when one considers the possible nationalities, and perhaps motivation for entering into the US, of those that remain unidentified.  相似文献   
清雍正三年秋,在湘鄂西容美土司与长阳县交界地区,发生了大规模的汉土田地权属之争,当事各方通过会勘、协商,最终妥善解决了争议,并在争议地带建立起两座形制内容完全相同的"汉土疆界碑",创立了通过协商机制解决区域性民族纠纷的范例。汉土疆界碑铭文典型地反映了清初改土归流前夕,渝湘鄂黔毗邻多民族混居地区民族关系的急剧变化;记录了容美末代土司田?如在与命运抗争的同时,为保一方民众的安宁,坚持理性处理民族关系的策略,为世人认识少数民族土司提供了一个真实的影象。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期陕甘宁边区政府交际处的统战工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战爆发后,建立抗日民族统一战线成为中国共产党的政治路线和基本策略。围绕这一策略和大局,陕甘宁边区政府交际处工作侧重点迅速发生转变,其职能定位迅速调整,工作人员思想观念艰难转变,他们创造性地开展统战工作,取得了显著成绩,为抗日战争的最后胜利做出了贡献  相似文献   
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