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在北京大兴新机场建设过程中,将有大量人口涌入北京市大兴区南五镇。如何在这些重点区域调控人口,避免出现城乡结合部乱象,这既需要处理好经济发展与人口涌入的关系、社会综合治理与服务首都发展的关系、政府主导与市场调节的关系以及改革发展提升地区整体实力与提升百姓生活幸福感的关系,又应做到服务与管理并驾齐驱,按照需求做好产业整体布局,有效掌控人口数据、建立门禁制度管理出租房屋等。  相似文献   
新时代系统总结和多维审思马克思主义中国化的基本经验,有利于科学把握马克思主义中国化的基本规律及发展趋势,为新时代中国特色社会主义的发展提供动力支持.这些基本经验启示主要概括为:科学回答"什么是马克思主义、怎样对待马克思主义"是马克思主义中国化的逻辑起点;准确把握中国国情,认清中国特色社会主义发展的历史方位是马克思主义中国化的现实基础;建构理论创新与实践创新互动的有效机制,找准马克思主义与中国实际相结合的切入点是马克思主义中国化的科学路径;坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,着眼人民群众的美好生活需要是马克思主义中国化的价值旨归.  相似文献   
合作共赢是中国在国际关系问题上首倡的一个价值理念,对于构建新型国际关系和人类命运共同体、站在人类道义和历史进步的制高点、促进世界持久和平和普遍繁荣、推动人类社会文明发展、实现全球有效治理等具有非常重大和深远的意义。习近平总书记深入、系统、现实地推进了合作共赢理念的完善和发展,使之成为当今中国对外关系思想的重大新理念和显著特色之一。实现合作共赢的关键在于价值上求同存异,根本在于寻求各国利益交汇点,长远考虑在于提升全人类的现代文明素养。  相似文献   
卫生议题正处在当前全球治理的突出位置,其核心是如何更有效地实现全球卫生公共产品供给。作为新兴负责任大国,中国秉持人类命运共同体理念,积极参与全球卫生治理体系变革,成为日益重要的引领者与公共产品供给者。中国通过多边、区域、双边等多元路径实现供给,国内与国际逻辑趋于统一,逐渐形成了自己的鲜明特色;但在供给体制、产品结构等方面也存在一些不足。新时代中国卫生外交需着眼于全球治理趋势,立足于自身实力与责任,通过提供更多全球卫生公共产品来推动全球卫生领域的良好治理,为构建人类卫生健康共同体作出应有贡献。  相似文献   
缅甸华人母语认同代际差异表现在语言选择、语言水平、语言学习时段及途径、语言规划、对下一代的语言期望等五方面,并各具特点。其形成原因主要有:不同年龄段华裔的生存背景不同,导致母语学习需求和动机不同;家庭和学校教育在各时代发挥的母语传承作用不同,进而形成的母语认同模式不同;不同时期国家语言政策的指挥效用也不同。研究华人母语认同状况,应探求母语认同模式,充分发挥家庭教育与学校教育的配合作用;客观看待语言认同带来的民族认同新变化,利用地缘优势,为缅甸国内稳定的华文教育政策营造良好周边环境。多元文化背景下,海外华人母语与居住国通用语是可以共存并和谐发展的。  相似文献   
Research focusing on the relationship between the economy and satisfaction with democracy often presents mixed results. This article argues that this uncertainty is mainly due to model specification, number of surveys and measurement. After discussing why the role of the economy should not be overlooked, by using an empirical strategy that applies Bayesian cross-classified mixed models to 572 national surveys in 28 European countries from 1973 to 2013 drawn from the Eurobarometer, it is shown that objective macro-economic indicators and a subjective indicator seem to substantially affect citizens’ satisfaction with democracy in Europe. The findings are robust when controlling for various institutional and political variables and using alternative model specifications.  相似文献   
当前中国的行政体制改革,在推进行政审批制度改革、商事制度改革、政务公开、政府重大决策科学化民主化和法治化、政府工作的第三方评估和社会评价、公正有效地提供公共产品和公共服务、地方政府的权力和责任清单制度改革、公车制度改革、公务员职务与职级并行制度改革、贯彻中央八项规定深入反腐倡廉等十个方面,取得了显著进展。推及未来“,十三五”期间的中国行政体制改革将重点围绕推动简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革向纵深发展,大力推行“互联网+政务服务”、推进政府信息化建设,推进大部制改革、优化行政层级和行政区划设置,推进事业单位制度改革,加快和加大力度建设“四个政府”,推进政府廉洁履职和反腐败斗争,坚决处理为官不为、克服庸政懒政怠政,推进国家治理体系现代化,提升国家治理能力,加快各项行政制度的更加成熟定型等十个任务展开。  相似文献   
One of the most distinctive features of Ronald Dworkin’s egalitarian theory is its commitment to holding individuals responsible for the costs to others of their ambitions. This commitment has received much criticism. Drawing on Dworkin’s latest statement of his position in Justice for Hedgehogs (2011), we suggest that it seems to be in tension with another crucial element of Dworkin’s own theory, namely, its endorsement of the importance of people leading authentic lives – lives that reflect their own values. We examine this tension between responsibility and authenticity, and some strategies Dworkin does and could deploy to defuse it, which we think are unsuccessful. We then propose a solution for reconciling the demands of responsibility and authenticity, which is, so we claim, friendly to Dworkin’s fundamental commitments but which leads to a revisionist interpretation of the demands of equality of resources.  相似文献   

Domestic and international contests explain the transformation of Japan's foreign aid programme begun in the early 1950s. Through contests between domestic players, Japan has streamlined its aid processes by introducing institutional innovations, accommodating new actors in aid policy and delivery, and responding more sensitively to public opinion and independent advice. At the international level, contests have come from the Development Assistance Committee/Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (DAC/OECD), the USA, and China. Through these contests, Japan has emerged as a more rounded aid donor. Its new aid model blends Western principles with concepts of ‘self-help’, favouring large infrastructure projects that serve both Japan's and recipient countries’ interests.  相似文献   
South Africa occupied Namibia for 75 years. After that occupation ended in 1990, numerous ties between the two countries continued to exist and their economies are still intertwined more than 25 years later. In both countries the liberation movements that fought apartheid and then came to power are still in power. This might suggest that the relationship between the two countries would be a particularly close one. When the leaders of the two countries meet, as they regularly do, they speak of fraternal relations and point to ways in which the two countries are working together to enhance co-operation and regional integration. However, the relationship is a very unequal one, and the small state of Namibia retains suspicions of the regional hegemon, suspicions that have a long history. Areas of tension between the two states therefore remain. This paper considers aspects of their bilateral relations, within the multilateral contexts of the Southern African Customs Union and the Southern African Development Community.  相似文献   
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