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This article tests two empirical hypotheses: one, MNE affiliates perform distinctly better than their local counterparts in the export markets in a globalised economy, and two, the MNE affiliates have greater comparative advantages in high-tech than in low- and medium-tech industries. Tobit estimates of a large data set of Indian manufacturing firms for the late 1990s provide relatively weak support to the first hypothesis. A disaggregated industry-group-wise analysis indicates that MNE affiliates perform no better than their local counterparts in high-tech industries. Thus, even with a higher level of integration with the global economy in the 1990s India appears to have failed in attracting efficiency-seeking FDI on a significant scale, particularly in high-tech industries. R&D and efficiency of manpower emerge as two significant determinants of international competitiveness in technology-based sectors (high- and medium-high tech sectors). Imports of raw materials enhance the export competitiveness of firms in all industry groups. Finally, large firms are found to be more export oriented, implying the need for creating large flagship companies in the country.  相似文献   
朱启荣  王玉平 《东北亚论坛》2020,(1):54-68,127,128
特朗普政府上台后,不断将中国高科技公司与机构列入美方出口管制实体清单,技术出口管制已成为美国对中国实施极限施压和战略遏制的重要工具。本文运用GTAP评估了美国加强对华技术出口管制对中美两国经济影响,模拟分析中国采取各种对策的效果,研究表明:第一,美国不断加强对华技术出口管制,中美两国GDP、居民消费支出和资本回流净收益率、社会福利、进出口贸易遭受的负面影响也不断加大。第二,采用增强自主创新能力与加强国际经济技术合作相结合方式来应对美国技术出口管制,中国不但能够获得更多的宏观经济效益,还可以减少中国出口所遭受的负面影响与扩大中国进口,但可能对美国宏观经济和进出口贸易产生较大不利影响。第三,美方加强对中国技术出口管制,对中美两国生产部门产出影响较小;中国在增强自主创新能力的同时,加强国际经济技术合作,有助于提高美国总产出水平,更有助于提高中国的总产出水平。  相似文献   
周伟 《现代法学》2000,22(4):37-40
中央对香港和澳门特别行政区行使立法权不仅包括国防和外交事务 ,也包括自治范围内的有关事务。中央通过不同的方式对特别行政区行使立法权 ,保留对自治范围内事务的监督权。保持中央对特别行政区立法权的适当张力 ,有助于“一国两制”的长久实现。  相似文献   
中国外贸企业要在充分了解美国的产品责任法和相关诉讼风险的基础上,有效地采取措施预防涉外的产品责任风险。在出现问题的时候,要积极应对,尽量合法合理地减轻或免除自己的产品责任风险。  相似文献   
Uganda and Zimbabwe are predicted on the basis of their human and natural resources, to have similar shares of manufactures in their exports However, Uganda falls a long way short of the predicted share, while Zimbabwe greatly exceeds it. Uganda's manufactured export share is unusually small mainly because of high transport costs, due to its distance from the sea and inadequate infrastructure. Zimbabwe's manufactured export share is unusually big mainly because its comparative advantage in manufacturing was enhanced by the know-how brought in by European settlers and a long-term policy of promoting the sector.  相似文献   
The coalition government has set out plans to dismantle the regional tier and return powers to localities and Whitehall departments. These changes will have significant implications for the way in which transport policy is formulated and delivered in England. When in power, New Labour introduced a range of measures to strengthen governance arrangements for promoting a more joined-up and decentralised approach to transport policy, including Regional Funding Allocations (RFAs). This paper examines the opportunities and limitations of the RFA process and considers the consequences of removing these regional structures for transport policy in England. We conclude that important progress made in recent years to develop effective arrangements for identifying transport priorities at the sub-national tier could be derailed by the Coalition's intention to remove regional governance structures in their entirety.  相似文献   
中国—东盟自由贸易区建立后,中国沿海、沿边、内陆地区充分发挥各自优势,抓住战略机遇,竞相掀起了构建对东盟开放型经济的新高潮。共性是:实行积极主动的对东盟开放战略;重点深化与东盟的经贸合作;搭建开放合作平台,完善开放合作机制;加快实施"走出去"战略。区别是:东部沿海地区实施"双转移"战略;西部内陆地区重点是加快综合交通枢纽建设,深化与周边省市合作;西部沿边地区重点是参与国际多区域合作,加大边境经济合作区和国际大通道建设。本文研究提出新形势下推进泛珠三角区域创新开放模式构建对东盟开放型经济的新思路。  相似文献   
作为中国———东盟自由贸易区的桥头堡思茅市,长期以来遭受境外毒品的侵害,是一个毒品问题比较严重的地区之一。其一,毒品犯罪问题主要表现为走私、运输、买卖毒品、非法种植毒品原植物,贩卖易制毒化学品,其中最突出和最严重的就是贩毒(海洛因、鸦片为最多)。其二,主要特点为:贩毒手段相对简单;每次贩毒数量少、频率高;熟人熟地熟情况;文化素质较低,因贫穷而贩毒,一般情况下不离开本地;受雇于老板只赚取“运费”,以贩养吸直接参与贩毒,等等。其三,治理对策;针对本地实际禁毒工作要常抓不懈;重视经济发展,帮助当地群众脱贫致富;动员全社会力量,加大“四禁”并举工作力度。  相似文献   
近年来山东花生出口频繁遭绿色贸易壁垒。分析山东花生出口遭遇绿色贸易壁垒的影响及主要原因,提出通过加强出口基地建设,强化花生标准化体系建设,加快行业协会发展,进一步提高产业化水平和规范市场秩序来促进山东花生出口贸易的可持续发展。  相似文献   
文章认为 ,利益冲突乃是中国西部生态环境及自然资源保护不力的症结所在。故在西部环境法治建设中 ,应通过建立健全补偿制度、制定有效的财政平衡政策、公正处理环境公害案件、建立环境侵权责任保险制度等利益平衡机制来充分调动各类利益主体保护西部生态环境和自然资源的积极性和主动性 ,并预防和化解纠纷。在实践层面 ,这一价值取向往往受到政治逻辑的制约。  相似文献   
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