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The European Union is in the early stages of developing policy and practice guidelines for dealing with domestic violence offenders. There is a real danger, however, that that policy and practice is going to be shaped by political lobbyists rather than academic literature and evidence-based practice. Feminist advocates control the curriculum of domestic violence perpetrator programmes in the US and more recently in the UK and proscribe treatments that do not conform to their conceptualisation of domestic violence. Feminist advocates conceptualise domestic violence as unilateral male-to-female violence enacted to control and dominate women, supported by the patriarchal beliefs and systems of the wider society. Academic support for this theory is lacking, however, and scientifically sound evaluations find that programmes based on this philosophy have little or no effect on recidivism. Empirical literature suggests that domestic violence is not a unitary phenomenon and that perpetrators are a heterogeneous group whose treatment should match their crimingenic needs and risk.  相似文献   
伍庆玲 《思想战线》2000,26(1):122-126
20世纪早期,埃及伊斯兰改革主义和民族主义推动了女权运动的兴起,伊斯兰传统文化制约着女权主义的内涵,第一代女权主义者的才智和奋斗精神,推动着埃及社会的进步.  相似文献   
Young looks at the place of black feminists in today's academy in Britain, and poses some questions for contemporary self-identified black and white feminists based in that country. There is a new confidence among some black, professional Britons but infiltration into the academy remains problematic for many. Black British feminists and writers are largely absent in so-called postcolonial literary canons developed in the Anglo-American institutions, and by and large black British feminists are only offered fragile support by white feminists. Although African-American feminism offers intellectual sustenance and networks, the situation in the United States is very different, particularly as, there, black feminism has had much more impact and recognition. Discussions of the intersections of race, class and gender are rare in Britain outside black feminism, and there has been much less attention than in the States to black women's writing. Perhaps some kind of 'provisional essentialism' is still needed, for it is difficult for black feminist academics ever to feel the question of race is optional. It can be argued that 'blackness' is used to describe women of very different origins, and can obscure differential histories, but 'blackness' is always a political concept, not a register of national belonging. Black women have transformed British culture, but white feminists have largely failed to understand their problems. Attention to the social history of black women in Britain, and particularly to the creative work of black women writers, filmmakers and other cultural workers, is the place at which a new analysis should begin.  相似文献   

Wilfred Bion's A Memoir of the Future provides a point of departure for feminist thinking about the millennium. Bion problematizes hopes for the future and associates thought with catastrophic change. Women play an unexpected role in Bion's experimental autobiography, posing provocative questions and unsettling the status quo . Since Bion has little to say about women in his clinical writings, A Memoir sheds light on his thinking and on the post-Kleinian culture of the 1970s. Book I of A Memoir depicts a class- and sex-nightmare played out between men and women, and women and women, in an age of anxiety whose setting appears to be the fascist 'pacification' of Middle England during an unspecified period. In this hallucinatory drama, all encounters are reduced to a brutal fiction of dominance and submission. The violence of the action suggests the primitive mental world of psychosis. Book II of A Memoir satirizes 'the brilliance of masculine thought' through the voices and criticisms of women. But this is the purgatorial movement of Bion's autobiography, inhabited by 'idées mères' (untransformed beta-elements) and haunted by the ghosts of Bion's traumatic war-time experience. A monstrous plot is hatched to kill primitive, fascistic Man, who retaliates and takes the female spoils. Is this the prelude to catastrophic change? Book III stages a country-house debate between different characters who represent aspects of Bion's personality, recapitulating the concerns of his later writing. The debate includes a meditation on childbirth as compared to war trauma, but Bion takes his distance from feminine intuition or common sense. Women fight on both sides of the barriers in the Bionic revolution - becoming, however, figures for the 'unexpected' and precursors of emotional upheaval. The gendering of millennial thought in Bion's Memoir provides an opportunity to scrutinize our own unthought fantasies of change.  相似文献   

Horeck looks at what happens when a feminist author attempts to rewrite one of culture's most powerful narratives: the story of female victimization and male sexual violence. Exploring the controversy surrounding Sarah Dunant's 1997 thriller Transgressions , a novel accused of being 'anti-feminist' for its alleged depiction of female sexual arousal in a rape scene, she asks after feminism's fictional investment in images of rape. What kind of cultural work are images of sexual violence being made to perform for feminist crime writers? Her contention is that Dunant's novel exemplifies the purchase that rape holds for feminism as a scenario for working through questions of female agency and male-female sexual relations. Through her represenation of the female translator's attempt to rewrite a dominant cultural narrative of male brutality and female victimization, Dunant is thematizing the difficult work of the feminist crime writer. But while the novel's fictional representation of sex and violence can be read as an attempt to unsettle governing gender codes, Horeck argues that it also inadvertently shows up the limitations of the female crime writer's attempt to fight 'fantasy with fantasy'.  相似文献   
解构理论与女性主义之间存在影响与互动的关系。罗兰·巴特的社会语言观启发了女性话语的建构,德里达反对逻各斯中心主义的主张深化了女性主义对菲勒斯中心主义的批判;反本质主义的解构立场亦启发女性主义学者颠覆固定、僵化的女性形象与模式化的女性特征,打破女性地位、命运与生理之间的本质主义联系,同时关注"女性"这一范畴内部的异质因素。而女性主义的人文关怀与现实精神又决定了其对解构理论必须采取为我所用的实践策略,将之纳入自己的政治框架。  相似文献   

Humor controversies can simultaneously reveal and obscure relations of power, as well as the rhetorical/political nature of jokes. US comedian Daniel Tosh ignited one such controversy in July 2012 when he directed a rape joke toward a female audience member during a live performance in Hollywood, CA. This paper consists of a two-part analysis of this humor controversy. First, we examine a televised debate following this incident, between a comedian and feminist, to map the dominant framing and counter-framing of rape jokes. We contend these positions are representative of two frames that repeatedly surface in response to controversial sexist humor: a dominant patriarchal frame and an oppositional feminist counter-frame. Second, we analyze the saliency of these two frames among college students to observe the way individual interpretations resonate with, challenge, and complicate those frames. In light of our findings, we argue the dominant framing/interpretation of rape jokes reinforce patriarchal and free-market ideologies, and deny real-world implications of misogynistic humor, particularly when comedians/audiences defend such jokes as harmless fun.  相似文献   
女性主义对公民资格理论传统的批判在凸现传统公民资格理论中女性之缺席的同时,却由于潜在的性别本质化分析而陷入普遍主义正义伦理的两难,关怀伦理成为女性主义摆脱正义伦理两难处境的另类思考。与以关怀为基础的路径相一致,差异性立场、身份政治转而成为女性主义表达其性别正义诉求的武器。但是如果妇女并非一种统一的性别象征,如何能够提出妇女的政治主张?因此,建构一种基于宽容、对话、理解、友爱、团结基础之上的包容不同身份差异(包括性别差异)的公民身份和公民制度成为继身份政治之后女性主义进一步考虑的重点。  相似文献   
伊斯兰姐妹是马来西亚著名的非政府组织,属于伊斯兰女性主义,致力于在伊斯兰的框架下维护公正和妇女权利。该组织通过重新解释《古兰经》,指出伊斯兰是追求公正和性别平等的宗教;通过宣传教育、向政府递交备忘录、发表公开信和声明等方式,提高公众觉悟、影响政府政策和法律制定;还通过法律援助,帮助在婚姻中处于弱势的穆斯林妇女。伊斯兰姐妹将伊斯兰与民主、人权联系起来,维护妇女的权利,有力地挑战了宗教权威对伊斯兰解释的垄断权,也有力地回击了伊斯兰主义对妇女的说教。  相似文献   
中国女性文学批评正是由于缺乏与本土男性批评者的对话意识,才导致了对西方女性主义某种程度的认同与盲从.对于女性文学批评而言,如何理解“对话”的含义、如何理解“性别身份”、如何处置西方女性主义与本土女性文学批评的关系、如何对待女作家创作是保持批评生命活力的几个关键问题.身处主流批评领域的男性批评者能够参与女性文学批评的对话,是在为女性文学批评的更好发展提出意见.  相似文献   
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