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吕雪梅  黄升 《法学论坛》2004,19(6):50-56
公安许可是公安机关为了防止危险而实施的一种事前控制机制,属于对社会干预程度较强的、成本较高的抑制性规制手段。对公安许可的过分依赖是形成公安被动型静态管理模式的主要原因,严峻的社会治安形势迫切要求改革现有公安管理模式,提高公安管理效能。因此,我们有必要对公安许可制度改革与公安行政管理以及刑事侦查之间的关系进行系统思考,客观分析公安许可的基本属性,探明公安许可制度改革的可行之路。  相似文献   
司法程序不仅具有工具的作用,而且还有其自身独立的价值。当前公安机关在行政执法程序中存在的问题主要包括执法方式违法、执法步骤违法以及执法期限违法。  相似文献   
论医疗机构对患者的安全保障义务   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
患者在医院走失 (丢失 )、财产被盗、受到第三人侵害的事情时有发生 ,因此而发生的损害赔偿纠纷成为医患诉讼新的焦点。本文对与此相关的理论进行探析 ,旨在探讨法院在评判双方过错时所应适用的标准。笔者认为 ,附随义务是医疗机构对患者及其财产进行安全保障的依据 ,法院在认定医疗机构是否有过错应当以具体情事和诚信原则作为标准。  相似文献   
"一带一路"倡议是中国特色社会主义进入新时代对外开放的重大抉择,旨在形成陆海内外联动、东西双向互济的开放格局,推进中华民族从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大复兴进程,成为构建人类命运共同体的实践平台。七年来,"一带一路"建设已经完成顶层设计的"大写意",正在绘制聚焦重点和项目建设的"工笔画",在政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通等"五通"方面成就卓著,并形成一系列合作理念和机制规范,推动沿线国家优势互补,联动发展。"一带一路"建设作为一项涵盖经济贸易、政治外交、人文交流等诸多领域的系统工程,在中国特色大国外交保驾护航下,构建国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,打造健康丝绸之路以推进全球公共卫生平台建设,并展现出美好前景。  相似文献   
作为一种兼具公共产品与战略工具双重功能的议题,全球基础设施具有明确的发展与安全含义,因此,该议题在国际政治中呈现出嵌入"发展—安全联结"的基本态势。当前,在大国战略竞争结构之下,全球基础设施建设与国际社会"发展—安全联结"都具备议题拓展的政治动力,两者互动推动着安全与发展两大议题领域在不同层次上展开更为复杂化的聚合,扩展了当前"发展—安全联结"在国际政治中的适用范围,也强化了基础设施对安全与发展的依赖程度。基础设施与"发展—安全联结"互动呈现出螺旋圈层的架构,即主要通过议题维度的立体配置逻辑、制度方面的双重建构逻辑和演变方面的系统嵌合逻辑等方式,更紧密地与"发展—安全联结"发生互动关联。一个"发展—基建—安全联结"正在浮现。全新的联结也在重新塑造安全与发展两大议题,并在议题设定、行为逻辑、国际制度、全球治理和运作环境方面影响着当前的国际秩序。这种正在出现的"发展—基建—安全联结"可能对中国推进"一带一路"基建具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

Trade patterns in East Asia are termed the “Factory Asia” model, whereby Asia functions as a “global factory” that imports intermediate goods from its regional networks and then assembles and exports them as finished goods to higher-income developed countries. In 2001, China’s accession into the World Trade Organisation consolidated this pattern by becoming the core economy in this model. However, is this pattern still valid after more than a decade of rapid development in East Asian countries? The main objective of this article is to examine the evolution of this pattern of trade in East Asian countries. Although the key findings of this study show that the Factory Asia model continues, it is changing as different East Asian countries capture more value in global value chains. The gaps in the rate of upgrading are identified and mainly attributed to differences in government policies and competition. However, the dependence on foreign inputs still remains an important part of high-technology production in East Asian countries. Hence, the idea that East Asia is evolving from a “factory” into a “Research & Development hub” remains far-fetched.  相似文献   

Recognising the impact of religion on state action, this article identifies two variables that interact to affect the type and level of violence employed by Western states against Third World targets. First, variation in the degree to which the prominent Christian denominations and organisations within these states view evangelisation as either an individual-level or national-level process – Christian individualism vs Christian nationalism – has determined church support for using violence as a tactic. Second, the level of influence that churches and missionary organisations have over their home states affects the ability of Christian actors to directly impact state actions. Western violence against Third World peoples is expected to be lowest when churches and Christian organisations view evangelisation in primarily individualistic terms and have significant influence over the state. The article examines the relationships between concepts of evangelisation, Christian influence over state policies, and levels of violence against the Third World by examining British, French and German colonialism during the late colonial period of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  相似文献   
新大国协调继承了传统大国协调通过外交会议、协商来决策的方式,治理领域由传统的军事安全扩展到经济、政治、社会和环境等多个领域。从新大国协调的起源看,美国作为西方世界最强大的国家开始起领导作用。本文通过考察"七国集团"的治理结构,发现美国领导下的多国合作是新大国协调最有意义的制度创新。这种一国领导、多国合作的特点不同于历史上的传统大国协调的治理体制,是一种新型的国际多边安全治理机制。由于这种领导的存在,新大国协调产生了明显的治理效果,主要包括:形成美国意志主导下的大国共同立场、应对国际危机的大国集体反应、其他大国对美国身份的认可以及美国对其他大国分配治理任务。  相似文献   
进入21世纪,我国的经济持续发展,城市、城镇化进度明显提高,随之而来的社会中的各项风险也增多。各项传统应急管理措施与指导思想已不足以解决当前出现的各种问题,面对新的挑战,必须把社区安全应急管理提上日程。如何借鉴国外先进经验,用更科学的方法维护社区安全,保护人民生命财产安全,已成为我国现阶段需要努力的方向之一。本文旨在阐述当前社区安全应急管理现状,主要指出社区应急管理的必要性与现阶段的缺陷,同时结合美国较为成熟的社区应急管理的理论和实践,以期制定更为科学可行的社区管理体系。  相似文献   

How do local situations matter? It is tempting to explain the creation of a new peacekeeping operation (PKO) by the willingness to solve a local security problem. However, main contributor countries to UN and EU PKO in the Central African Republic in 2014, have sent hundreds of troops without a genuine interest in the local situation. Thus, how, why and when links to the ground are made? Having presence on the ground gave some actors levers in the negotiations. The contact with the ground impact the construction of expectations. It is a resource for pressuring on hesitating countries.  相似文献   
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