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This paper examines security networks in a context where security is increasingly regarded as a problem of intelligence. Data are derived from interviews with officers in criminal intelligence units in Ontario, Canada. A conceptual framework is developed to understand the limits of security intelligence within an emerging security network paradigm, focussing on the normative dimensions governing security networking, and the mechanisms and technologies limiting information deployment among public security agencies. Despite efforts to address security through the sharing of actionable information, security intelligence maintains an exclusive value. Technologies of control promoting this exclusivity also function to prevent intelligence from becoming common knowledge. Because of its limited value, intelligence is ill-suited for export into security governance writ large.  相似文献   
在所有权与经营权分离的现代公司制度中,股东大会往往成为控股股东压制中小股东的工具。完善的股东提案权制度是中小股东参与公司管理和维护利益的一种有效途径。股东提案权的缘起、股东提案权的理论基础和现实意义、股东提案权的具体内容以及我国股东提案权制度的不足与完善。  相似文献   
Gesch?fte der Gesellschaft mit einem Aufsichtsratsmitglied müssen dem Aufsichtsrat vorgelegt werden und bedürfen seiner Zustimmung. Damit sollen Interessenkonflikte vermieden und Transparenz hergestellt werden. Der Beitrag geht folgenden Fragen nach: Wen trifft die Pflicht zur Information? Wie genau ist der Aufsichtsrat über diese Gesch?fte zu informieren? Welche Stimmverbote bestehen? Welche Konsequenzen k?nnen sich daraus für die Beschlussf?higkeit ergeben? Welche Rechtsfolgen l?st die Nichtbeachtung der gesetzlichen Anforderungen aus? Schlie?lich wird die nicht ausreichend geregelte Situation der Arbeitnehmervertreter untersucht.  相似文献   
Community-driven reconstruction (CDR) has become a new paradigm in post-conflict development. It combines infrastructure restoration with introducing good governance at the local level. Recent evaluations show that governance objectives are not easily met and significant change cannot be demonstrated. This paper adds to this argument on the basis of ethnographic research on a CDR programme in eastern DRC. It seeks to find explanations for the lack of demonstrable governance impact in the content and implementation of training. It identifies room for improvement by better adjusting capacity building to locally prevailing accountability mechanisms and by coordinating capacity building with other development programmes.  相似文献   
对于云服务器租赁等新型网络服务提供者而言,应当灵活地理解《侵权责任法》第36条中所述的"通知删除"规则。因为该类网络服务提供者对于他人通过其提供服务所传递的信息及内容,并无实际控制或影响的能力,一概地要求其断开所提供服务,可能有违"手段-目的"应合比例性的要求。当然,权利人发出的通知应当满足必要的构成要件。若因其不当行使通知权利,也应受到必要的惩罚。根据阶段不同,对新型网络服务提供者也有不同的责任要求,具体而言:其在事前应履行必要审查义务,在事中应主动判断通知内容并确定可以采取的适当必要措施,而在事后视其过错程度承担相应的责任。  相似文献   
This study purports to examine whether governance networks influence cities’ use of local economic development policies, specifically business incentives, and if the role of networks changed during the Great Recession. Using American cities that responded to the International City/County Management Association’s Economic Development Survey in 2004 and 2009, hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to identify groups of cities with similar network membership patterns. The results of negative binomial regression models indicate that before the recession, the total number of actors participating in the network played a larger role in the total number of incentives provided by cities as well as the use of tax incentives. This changed in 2009 when network type emerged as the important governance-based determinant of the same variables. The results also suggest that traditional theories of economic development do not hold during times of economic and fail to explain the use of planning and labour incentives.  相似文献   
This article examines contemporary challenges of formal seed sector participation for resource-poor farmers in Tharaka and engages in a wider discussion of national seed policy and formal seed sector development in Kenya. While many farmers reported utilising modern seed varieties developed by the formal seed sector, the majority of these were introduced through seed aid and maintained through seed saving, supporting seed system integration strategies. Building on these findings, the article discusses ways in which national seed policy in Kenya might be refined to better meet national and regional development goals focused on decreasing the incidence of hunger and poverty.  相似文献   
《重大行政决策程序暂行条例》是新时代推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的制度样本。它统筹协调处理行政决策所涉及的多种关系,以形成良法善治的制度合力。理论上,它对行政决策范围的界定、重大行政决策的判断标准、公众参与的模式、合法性审查的模式、行政决策的终身责任追究等方面进行了回应或取舍。制度上,它对适用主体、重大决策事项划定方式、创新和拓展公众参与渠道、专家库和专家信用体系建设等问题进行了回应与设计。  相似文献   
费孝通的《乡土中国》是一部乡村社会学著作,该书不但说明了传统中国基层社会的乡土性质以及具有差序格局特征的社会结构形式,而且叙述了建立在这一社会结构基础上的治理方式,如礼治秩序、无讼、无为政治、长老统治等。当社会性质由乡土社会转变为现代社会,社会结构形式以及治理方式也随之发生改变。这一过程表现为内生性、渐进性、长期性的特征,基于此,乡土社会的治理方式对于现在的乡村社会治理就具有现实意义。借鉴乡土社会的治理方式,对于完善我国新时代乡村社会治理体系以及增强文化自信都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
经过长期的演化与发展,基层协商民主已经成为了地方治理中的常态,制度化的痕迹日渐明晰。然而,基层协商民主的实践存在着分化,差异在于制度化的程度,制度形成的规则是否成为了基层协商民主日常生活的一部分,成为生活习惯与生活方式。进一步理顺基层协商民主的内在联系,发挥基层协商民主的作用,拓宽基层协商民主的实践空间,需要回到基层协商民主成长的制度化路径,挖掘正式规则与非正式规则中的某些要素。因此,有必要建构基于价值导向、政策执行与结果绩效相统一的基层协商民主三位一体模型机制,强调观念更新、利益兼容、治理绩效累积是协商民主有效推进基层治理的结构性原因,使得基层协商民主更加有效地运转并朝着更加成熟定型的方向发展。  相似文献   
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