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铁路公安机关的体制改革,与国家警察体制改革一起,是我国政治体制改革的一部分,无论是队伍建设,还是警务活动,铁路公安机关都发生了深刻的变化。当前铁路公安指挥系统和处置体系现状存在许多问题如警力严重不足与警务工作量刚性增加矛盾凸现成为制约铁路公安发展的"瓶颈",应立足"警力无增长改善"思路,制定和完善预案体系、建立集约、高效的铁路警务作战指挥体系,提高指挥效能,培养高素质指挥人才。  相似文献   
通过对报刊杂志以及原台籍日本兵的口述历史等史料发掘,发现台湾文化界在日据时期、光复后40余年、以及解严后20余年的三个不同时期,关于台籍日本兵的典型言论各有特点。台湾文化界关于台籍日本兵言论的流变轨迹反映了台湾人从被殖民到“脱殖民”意识形态的演变过程,也从一个侧面举证了日本帝国主义的殖民政策对台湾造成的伤害,表明了日本对台湾文化的长期暴力扭曲正是造成今日台湾文化“脱殖民”困境的根源。  相似文献   

This study identifies the prevailing leadership styles of career Senior Executive Service (SES) members of the Federal Government. This study also determines if an association exits between SES member's self‐perceived leadership style and personal characteristics, such as gender, years in the Federal Service, and highest academic degree earned. The study population consists of 6395 career SES members. A random sample of 364 career SES members was selected. The selected group was asked to respond to a demographic data questionnaire and the Styles of Leadership Survey (SLS). Over 34% of the sample completed the instrument and data questionnaire. This study reveals that Strategic Leadership Style (5/5) is the dominant self‐perceived leadership style of career SES members. The personal characteristics of gender, years employed in the Federal Government, and educational attainment were identified as being significant factors influencing leadership styles of Federal Government executives.  相似文献   
当前,贵州全省都在为贯彻工业强省的战略部署而努力,作为在实施工业强省战略中具有重要地位的贵阳市,怎样发挥其带动作用,加强法制环境建设,创造一个良好的法制环境显得尤为重要。文章以贵阳市在深入实施工业强省战略中如何建设与完善自身法制环境问题为切入点,通过对贵阳市地方环境、BOT投资模式、地理标志保护、地方行政审批制度改革的调查研究,就其法制环境的建设与完善提出自己的一些看法与建议。  相似文献   
韩国朴槿惠总统自从2009年以来提倡"东北亚和平合作构想",并向美中等国家寻求支持。"东北亚和平合作构想"就是以韩国和朝鲜为主,包括美国、中国、日本、俄罗斯和蒙古等亚太国家和非国家行动主体,培养非传统安全或是软性安全热点问题合作。但该构想存在许多问题,如美国是否作为参与国加入,议题是否包含传统安全和制度化水平问题。如果美国加入,那么,东北亚区域固有的人类安全议题的选择混乱或将引起东北亚的认同性危机;议题的最终目标如果是传统安全,那么非传统安全或软性安全的重要性将被削弱;在制度化水平方面,习惯和惯例的制约性和实效性将成为问题。本文提出了作为东北亚区域内国家间的和平合作体,形成针对人类安全议题的"东北亚人类安全共同体"的方案,研究人类安全理论和国际机制并验证了其合理性。由此,确认了仅限于东北亚国家之间的人类安全范围内形成共同体的合理性。  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of good governance in elections compared to the role of the economy. The latter is considered the key factor in electoral survival, while governance issues are rarely included in politicians' discourse or campaigning strategies. Using the ParlGov data and the ICRG indicators for 160 elections, the analysis shows that good governance matters, but mainly for developing countries. Economic growth is an important electoral topic in most of the elections, but its effect varies systematically across contexts. The impact of each good governance and the economy get weaker as the other worsens, and these conditional effects are moderated by the level of economic development.  相似文献   
本研究力图通过对1991—2013年国家社科基金台湾研究项目进行统计分析,从立项数量、学科分布、研究主题、立项机构和地域分布等方面对中国大陆现阶段台湾研究现状加以讨论,揭示出相关项目的表面特征及走势,项目内容的变化与发展情况,力图使研究者对台湾研究的未来发展趋向有更加准确的了解。  相似文献   
美国总统奥巴马开始第二任期后,继续推动"亚太再平衡"战略,并对亚太安全政策进行了调整。主要表现为继续强化在亚太地区的军事能力和安全存在、注重发挥盟友和安全伙伴的作用、通过多元化资源投入弥补安全的有限性以及对地区热点问题采取有效管控等。但美国亚太安全政策也受国内的孤立主义思潮、国防预算的削减、其他地区热点问题的掣肘以及亚太地区其他国家的动能不足等因素的制约。中国应把握奥巴马政府安全政策调整的机会,降低来自美国的安全压力。  相似文献   
中国问题研究小组是1939年共产国际执委会书记处为中共七大准备指导文件而成立的临时机构,中共党的领导人任弼时,高级干部林彪、毛泽民等参加其中.有关这个小组的史料,反映了任弼时、林彪和毛泽民坚持党的六届六中全会精神,正确分析中国抗战形势、阐述党的抗日民族统一战线政策、讨论当前坚持国共合作所要解决的主要问题等方面的信息.该小组的活动,反映出共产国际高级干部在中国统一战线问题上过分偏向蒋介石和国民党,忽视中共独立性的倾向.他们的不正确主张,最后并未形成指导意见.  相似文献   

This article treats rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs) from a constructive cultural perspective. The female-based African-Jamaican tradition of paadna (partnership) is examined within the theoretical scope of womanist (Black feminist) thought, a seminal discourse intersecting both the African diaspora and women's studies. Across the multiple scholarly approaches within women's and African diaspora studies, academic theory acquires cogency through legitimate correspondences with tangible liberating practices and traditions that can be documented and interrogated for conceptual insights. The practice of economic partnering is one such tradition that substantiates the ethical directives and imperatives of womanist theory and practice. A womanist reading of paadnas is proposed, not because the participants have any self-conscious commitment to feminism/womanism, but because of the institution's efficacy in enhancing the socioeconomic standing of Black families through a relatively small-scale capital enterprise. Through paadna networks, Jamaican women have transplanted a flexible self-help tradition to America that is arguably one of the most reliable sources of social and economic mobility among groups of African descent in the United States.  相似文献   
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