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井冈山斗争时期,毛泽东以伟大的无产阶级革命家的宽阔胸怀和超人智慧,实施了对袁文才、王佐这两支农民武装的成功改造。在改造袁、王部队的过程中,充分体现了毛泽东一系列超人的策略思想。袁、王部队成功改造,为井冈山革命根据地的创建、发展发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
Arijit Mazumdar 《圆桌》2017,106(1):37-46
This article examines India’s policy towards Pakistan since Narendra Modi became prime minister. At certain times, India has engaged in talks with Pakistan on various bilateral issues. At other times, it has adopted a hardline approach and canceled talks, stating that Pakistan had not demonstrated any sincerity in wanting to end cross-border terrorism against India. Modi’s critics have described his ‘on–off’ talks policy on Pakistan as flawed, confused and visionless. Is Modi’s Pakistan policy riddled with inconsistencies? Why has he not displayed the same pragmatism that is evident in his other diplomatic engagements when it comes to Pakistan? What explains his hardline approach? This paper argues that reconciliation with Pakistan remains a challenge due to persistent issues that adversely affect ties, namely the Pakistan army’s influence over the country’s foreign policy and meager bilateral economic ties. Expectations of a breakthrough in relations under the circumstances appear bleak. From the perspective of the Modi administration, adopting a cautious approach and maintaining a tough line, i.e. calibrating talks with action on cross-border terrorism by Islamabad, appears to be the more pragmatic option in the short term.  相似文献   
刘丽娟 《学理论》2010,(4):181-182
本文将启发个体自觉作为部队思想政治教育的新视角,在教育中,做到尊重人、理解人、关心入,通过增进先进理论的真理性与个体实践的效益性的内在统一,不断激发个体发展的动力,同时达成部队思想政治教育工作自身否定之否定的价值和效益的优化目的,促进部队思想政治教育地系统化和科学化。  相似文献   
党对军队绝对领导原则的产生与近代中国国情和中国革命道路紧密相关。近代中国国情和中国革命特点决定了中国共产党必须拥有武装力量才能取得革命成功;近代中国军权私有化的弊端决定了军队必须在党的领导下才能真正成为革命力量;工农武装割据、农村包围城市的特殊革命道路决定了党对军队的领导必须是"绝对"的领导。  相似文献   
在著名的西征战役中,西征红军高举抗日民族统一战线的大旗,高度重视和大力开展民族统战工作,成功地在宁夏回民聚居区团结了广大回、汉族群众和民族宗教界上层人士,团结了东北军及一切抗日武装,打击了马鸿逵部队,开拓了宁夏生动活泼的革命局面,将陕甘苏区扩充为陕甘宁革命根据地,保卫和巩固了新生的全国革命大本营。红军西征的伟大胜利,对于当时的国内政治形势以及宁夏人民以后的革命和建设事业产生了极为深远的影响,在中国革命史上留下了光辉灿烂的一页。  相似文献   
随着党史学界特别是江西学者对秋收起义和井冈山革命根据地创建这段历史资料的不断挖掘和对历史史实的不断考证,莲花县在创建井冈山革命根据地中的历史作用得到新的认识。通过对文家市、宾兴馆、古城会议内容分析,中共江西省委书记汪泽楷对秋收起义前敌委员会的指示信,还有目前没有文献史料推翻的宋任穷的回忆,可以得出"引兵井冈"的重大决策是在莲花宾兴馆会议作出的结论。充分认识莲花县在中国革命中的历史地位,对于正确认识毛泽东的决策方法,大力发掘莲花县的红色资源,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
日本工农学校,1940年10月成立于宝塔山西麓。其办学宗旨为宣扬中国共产党俘虏政策之精神,改造渐多之日军战俘。学校通过行动感化、理论讲述、生活照顾等方式对日本战俘进行再教育并使之转化。在清除法西斯主义毒害之后,他们或加入八路军,或服务于反战组织,其中许多人在战后也一直为中日友好做贡献。  相似文献   
科学发展观是马克思主义中国化的最新成果,开辟了马克思主义关于发展理论的新境界。科学发展观"军事篇"是党的军事指导理论的与时俱进,是新的历史条件下国防和军队建设的科学指南。以部队建设的优异成绩迎接党的十七大,首要的是用科学发展观统一思想,把全军的思想和意志、智慧和力量凝聚到党的创新理论旗帜下。  相似文献   
In June 1975, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed Emergency rule, capping off a decade long process of the ‘deinstitutionalisation’ of the founding Congress party, increased social mobilisation, and political instability – factors generally considered conducive to military intervention in politics. Organisational factors encouraging military praetorianism, such as military involvement in internal security missions and the growth of ‘rival’ paramilitary institutions, accompanied this process of political decay. But the Indian military did not exploit this window of opportunity. This article offers an institutionalist explanation of the military’s political restraint based on two factors. First, institutionalised mechanisms of civilian control, forged during the critical juncture following independence, insulated the military from politics and the politicians from the military despite the weakening of the political system under which these were created. Second, military internalisation of the norm civilian supremacy, continually reinforced via professional socialisation processes, acted as an internal barrier to military role expansion.  相似文献   
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