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2008年9月从美国爆发的国际金融危机对世界政治产生了五方面的深远影响,一是国际战略格局多极化进入加速发展的新阶段,二是大国竞争与合作交织发展,大国关系复杂重组,国际机制变革加快,三是区域一体化明显提速,世界地缘战略重心加快东移亚洲,四是发展模式更趋多样化,五是中国有效应对国际金融危机,经济崛起步伐加快。  相似文献   
司法是一种地方性实践。具有属地性,司法世界主义作为一个命题从本体论和方法论的角度都不能成立。近年来,陕西陇县法院在县委强力推动和上级法院的有力指导下。坚持“三个至上”指导思想,围绕为大局服务,为人民司法的工作主题,继承和发扬马锡五审判方式,积极弘扬人民司法优良传统,主动回应人民群众对法院工作的新需求、新期待,自觉承担社会责任,坚持司法专业化与大众化相结合。探索推行能动主义八四司法模式,建立了一村一法官工作机制,在制度设计中,着眼于定纷止争、维稳促和,不但解决了许多进入诉讼程序后我们可能解决不了、解决不好或解决后难以执行的案件。而且从源头上消除了一大批影响社会和谐稳定的因素。是一个有效的司法经验。  相似文献   
政府职能社会化是政府权力向社会的转移,是社会发展的必然趋势。世界各国在处理政府与社会关系问题上,基本上有强政府弱社会、弱政府弱社会、弱政府弱社会、强政府强社会四种模式。经过几十年的改革和发展,我国已经具备了政府职能社会化的政治基础和经济条件,建立公民自主管理和完善公民参与机制是政府职能社会化的基础和保障。  相似文献   
《Diplomacy & Statecraft》2002,13(2):229-242
Often referred to as simply 'Satow', the Guide to Diplomatic Practice stands as a lasting monument to Satow's 'second career' as a scholar of international law and diplomacy. However, there was more to this phase in Satow's life than the Guide's two stout volumes. This article argues that in reconstructing the origins and genesis of this work, Satow's own conception of diplomacy as an historically evolved tool of international politics can be examined much more comprehensively than is possible on the basis on the current fifth edition of the Guide. Moreover, this examination will also offer further insights into the evolution of diplomatic studies as an academic discipline in the early twentieth century.  相似文献   
By making use of an original data-set built based on a codification of all investiture debates of the Italian governments from 1946 to 2014, the paper investigates the main factors that explain the choice of a party to devote its attention to the valence issues of corruption and competence in its legislative speeches. Two classes of hypotheses are tested; the first concentrates on spatial reasons, and the second concentrates on contextual factors. Both sets of factors appear to play a significant role, although no clear temporal trend emerges in party attention over almost seventy years of Italian parliamentary debates.  相似文献   
Human security has increasingly shifted attention to the individual, while the state has become guarantor (or violator) of security given its role in governing the domestic environment. This article examines how variations in regime forms influence security, pointing to the importance of political security in the wider human security framework. To illustrate, the article examines the nature of political security in Central America, a region with weakly democratized states and histories of political violence. The findings suggest a link between democracy and human security that is mediated by state capacity and the ability to control non-state violence against individuals.  相似文献   
In 1989 President Stroessner was overthrown after almost 35 years in power. This led to a process of transition over the following decade which included elections at presidential, congressional, and municipal levels, as well as a democratic constitution, which guaranteed full political and civil liberties. However, the transition has been complicated by the continued prominence of the same political and military forces that supported Stroessner, and that have proved reluctant to withdraw from power. As a result, instead of representing a complete break with an authoritarian past, the transition has combined elements of continuity and change. This has led to a conservative and faltering transition, characterised by frequent political crises and the lack of socio‐economic reform. This article analyses the major structural and institutional obstacles to the consolidation of democracy in Paraguay. It then brings the reader up to date, by examining the events of 1998/1999, a period in which Paraguay's transition came under the greatest threat, and which revealed both its greatest strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   
李冠杰 《学理论》2012,(1):40-42
苏联社会主义模式是人类发展道路上的奇葩,它使落后国家短期内走上工业化道路。面对苏联社会中的严重矛盾,戈尔巴乔夫上台后试图开辟新局面。他在苏联尚未作好改革准备的情况下,短期内进行全面改革,最终无力控制局势,导致苏联解体。  相似文献   
汪茵 《青年论坛》2010,(3):31-36
通过对浙江青年政治参与的相关问卷调查及数据分析,发现当代浙江青年在经济改革的背景下,政治参与状况及参与意识呈现四个主要特征:一是对经济发展和社会稳定等基本政治原则抱有积极的认同;二是对经济体制和政治体制改革方面的突出社会问题较为关注;三是各行业各阶层的浙江青年政治参与存在着不均衡性;四是青年政治参与意识与政治参与行动之间呈现分化现象。基于对我省青年政治参与现状的原因分析,我们从政治体制改革、教育体制改革、网络环境净化、法律程序保障和共青团的作用这五个方面探讨引导青年政治参与的途径与方法。  相似文献   
正义:我国行政决策的理性诉求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为行政管理活动的首要环节和重要基础,行政决策解决了政治资源的定位和分配,从而决定着行政管理活动的方向及方式取舍,并以其特有的权威引导和保证社会发展的方向。政治正义性与合法性的原理要求我国的行政决策必须坚持正义的理性诉求。但由于权力寻租的存在,监督机制的不健全以及行政决策的技术基础不够理想,我国部分行政决策的正义性明显不足。要增强我国行政决策的正义性,必须从根本出发,完善行政决策的制度基础,提高行政决策的技术基础,扩大行政决策的社会基础。  相似文献   
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