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目前,网络淫秽色情活动虽然受到了遏制与打击,但是新的违法犯罪方法不断出现,传播渠道越来越复杂。由于法律法规、司法解释对淫秽信息的表现形式和载体的定义不明确,对淫秽信息的点击量、网站注册会员数量规定得不明确等等,导致现实中对网络淫秽色情网站的打击效果不太理想。笔者试图就如何在现有条件下加大打击处理的力度,并对其中发现的法律难点问题加以论述,为打击网络淫秽色情活动的立法提供参考。  相似文献   
解放战争后期,尤其是辽沈、淮海、平津三大战役胜利结束以后,毛泽东审时度势,及时地提出了军队不仅是战斗队而且是工作队,要求军队干部应当学会接收、管理城市和新区工作,对促进当时新解放区干部问题的解决和革命事业的顺利发展起到了巨大的促进作用。在新世纪新阶段,我军要借鉴毛泽东的工作队经验。努力做到突出核心军事能力建设,注重非战争军事行动能力建设,注重培养“学习型”高素质复合型军事人才,为维护国家安全、社会稳定和经济发展作贡献。  相似文献   
武装冲突法运用得当与否,关系到在战争或武装冲突中能否处于主动地位,从而直接影响战争进程的顺利发展。研究武装冲突法的具体法律运用,对于我军应对当前国际形势下可能出现的各种冲突具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
日俄战争为日本在东北实施舆论操纵、殖民文化、经济统治创造了机遇、提供了土壤。《满洲日日新闻》的创刊吹起了日本向东北实施殖民统治的舆论号角,将日本对东北的殖民文化渗透在舆论宣传上推向了极致。战争的胜利为该报赖以生存的环境注入了活力,为其长期的发展、存续提供了坚实的保障。加快加大日本在该地区舆论导向步伐的同时,也加快了东北沦为殖民地的进程,更为日后日本对东北实施武力入侵、经济掠夺赢得话语权并提供了坚实的理论基础和声援保障。  相似文献   
二战结束后,菲律宾华侨社会经历了深刻变化。“菲化运动”对华社产生强烈冲击,华侨社会陷入动荡。在菲律宾政府放宽华侨入籍条件后,华侨社会逐步演变为华人社会,其政治认同也发生了转变。这些因素不但对菲律宾华文教育的发展环境产生影响,也使其性质发生了根本性的变化。菲律宾华文教育的发展与华人社会紧密关联,是深入反映华侨华人社会处境的一面镜子。为此,研究战后菲律宾华文教育可为进一步了解菲华社会提供良好视角,同时也可为当前汉语国际传播提供借鉴。  相似文献   
云南省解放初期禁毒形势比较严峻,经过禁种、禁运、禁售、禁吸等措施的实施,最终从源头上堵住了烟毒的泛滥,基本上解决了建国初期云南的烟毒问题,维护了社会安定,净化了社会风气,促进了社会的发展与稳定。今天云南省面临的禁毒形势依然很严峻,总结历史成功的经验对今天的禁毒工作有一定启示作用。  相似文献   
This article discusses The Language of the Listening Body, a collaborative creative project between choreographer Hope Mohr and composer Michelle Nagai exploring an active listening and moving practice in the urban environment of New York City. Mohr discusses listening and moving practices in the studio and in ‘soundwalks’—walking meditations where participants are encouraged to maintain a high level of sonic awareness. The article discusses discoveries and questions that arose during a creative process with a focus on: (1) the relationship between listening-based movement research and public soundwalks, and (2) the unique issues involved in environmentally based creative process and performance.  相似文献   
2007年4月27日,日本最高法院做出"根据中日联合声明中国国民的请求权已经被放弃"的判决,使得二战受难者在日民间战争赔偿诉讼陷入僵局。此种境遇下"和解"成为战后遗留问题工作者寻求突破的无奈选择。安野和解正是在此背景下达成。虽然和解取得了如企业承认强掳劳工的历史事实、表示谢罪、经济赔偿等一些成果,但受日本政府态度的影响,和解只能存在于受难者与企业间,就必然使得和解带有不彻底性,这也恰恰成为和解饱受争议的根源。彻底解决这一问题的方法在于以诉讼推动战争赔偿立法,以实现日本政府与企业两个层面上承认强掳华工法律责任基础上的全面解决,诉讼的根本目标及意义也在于此。  相似文献   
This article explores the multiple roles played by civil society actors in relation to policy debates relating to whether to advocate or oppose humanitarian intervention under a variety of specific circumstances or in general. There is no consistent civil society viewpoint, but rather a range of disagreements relating to whether there exists a genuine imminent threat of humanitarian catastrophe, whether the political will exists to intervene in a manner that protects a threatened population, and whether a reliance on force for humanitarian ends should ever be supported in the absence of a mandate from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Most civil society voices prefer to assess each case on its own rather than to be for or against humanitarian intervention as a general proposition. A consensus would look favourably upon humanitarian intervention endorsed by the UNSC. The problems arise where such an endorsement is not obtainable. The NATO War of 1999 to safeguard the endangered Albanian population of Kosovo illustrates the positive case for humanitarian intervention as there appeared to be an imminent threat and there existed a sufficient political will to make it seem likely that an intervention could attain its goals. The absence of support from the UNSC in this instance was offset by the participation by the UN after the fact in the work of economic and political reconstruction, although the precedent set by this use of non-defensive force has kept the Kosovo undertaking controversial. In contrast to Kosovo, civil society actors throughout the world generally rejected the claimed humanitarian justifications for the Iraq War. At this time civil society is split on the question as to whether ever to encourage humanitarian intervention undertaken absent a green light in advance from the UN.  相似文献   
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