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涉众型经济犯罪涉及面广,涉案金额巨大,严重危害我国的社会经济秩序。近段时间,海口特大招生诈骗案、深圳中天置业总裁卷款数亿元潜逃案、中国人寿“营销精英”骗保1500万案、江苏常州“带头大哥”非法经营证券业务案等相继发生,涉众型经济犯罪呈高发态势。经侦部门只有深刻分析涉众型经济犯罪产生的原因,掌握其规律和特征,才能有针对性地采取侦查措施,遏制涉众型经济犯罪的高发势头,保护广大人民群众的合法权益,维护社会主义市场经济秩序和社会和谐稳定。  相似文献   
立体思维又称空间思维,是一种反映对象整体及其与周围事物所构成立体联系的创造性思维方法。经济犯罪是刑事犯罪的重要组成部分,它会随着商品经济的发展而日益多样化、复杂化。在办理各类经济案件的过程中,可以发现经济犯罪往往随着时间与空间的因素、政治体制、经济形态、社会结构、伦理道德、价值判断标准的发展,而在认定上发生变化。所以,有必要在此基础上提出“立体思维法”的新型的侦查方法。  相似文献   
马克思主义创始人将其所有理论、实践活动的最高目标确定为谋求人的自由、解放和发展,明确提出未来新社会应该是每个人全面自由发展的社会形式。人是社会的主体,只有人得到自由、解放和发展,才能推动社会进一步发展。我国社会主义现代化建设就是要把人从旧体制下解放出来,改变不合理的规章制度,为人的发展创造充分的条件。  相似文献   
政府合作协议是行政权的运行方式之一,它的运用和发展需要以相应的法律加以规制。政府所能缔结的合作协议内容应当符合依法行政原则要求,缔结程序要考虑到公众参与的要求和批准备案的问题。协议效力需要通过赋予协议方的自力救济权以及上级政府的监督制约来加以保障。  相似文献   
The salience of the concept of “empowerment” has been deductively claimed more often than carefully defined or inductively assessed by development scholars and practitioners alike. We use evidence from a mixed methods examination of the Kecamatan (subdistrict) Development Project (KDP) in rural Indonesia, which we define here as development interventions that build marginalized groups’ capacity to engage local-level governing elites using routines of deliberative contestation. “Deliberative contestation” refers to marginalized groups’ practice of exercising associational autonomy in public forums using fairness-based arguments that challenge governing elites’ monopoly over public resource allocation decisions. Deliberative development interventions such as KDP possess a comparative advantage in building the capacity to engage because they actively provide open decision-making spaces, resources for argumentation (such as facilitators), and incentives to participate. They also promote peaceful resolutions to the conflicts they inevitably spark. In the KDP conflicts we analyze, marginalized groups used deliberative contestation to moderately but consistently shift local-level power relations in contexts with both low and high preexisting capacities for managing conflict. By contrast, marginalized groups in non-KDP development conflicts from comparable villages used “mobilizational contestation” to generate comparatively erratic shifts in power relations, shifts that depended greatly on the preexisting capacity for managing conflict.
Michael Woolcock (Corresponding author)Email:

Christopher Gibson   is a Ph.D. student in sociology at Brown University. His research interests include comparative political economy, participatory democracy, contemporary sociological theory, qualitative methodology, and long-run causes of development and inequality in large developing countries. He is currently exploring the relationship between democratic participation and redistribution in Kerala, India. Michael Woolcock   is professor of social science and development policy, and research director of the Brooks World Poverty Institute, at the University of Manchester. He is currently on external service leave from the World Bank’s Development Research Group.  相似文献   
We explore the impact of social institutions on economic performance in Jamaica through a reinterpretation of the plantation economic model. In its original form, the plantation model fails to develop a causal link between the plantation legacy and persistent underdevelopment. Despite its marginalization, the model remains useful for discussions on growth and development. Consequently, we offer a reappraisal using the causal insights from Kenneth Sokoloff and Stanley Engerman. We use two examples to demonstrate how inequality encourages the formation of institutions that are inconsistent with growth, and an empirical analysis to confirm the hypothesized relationship between inequality, institutions, and economic development. Since inequality is expected to influence growth indirectly, we use a structural specification, which follows William Easterly’s recent test of Sokoloff and Engerman’s argument. Our reliance on a time-series specification is unique. We demonstrate that the expectation that, on average, inequality and growth is negatively related and that institutions may compromise growth are accurate for Jamaica, the most cited Caribbean nation in the current discourse. Our results carry several policy implications, including support for the recent calls in Jamaica for political restructuring. However, both the paucity of similar studies and the importance of the implications for sustainable growth and development demand further analyses.
Ransford W. PalmerEmail:

Dawn Richards Elliott   is a Jamaican economist and associate professor of economics at Texas Christian University. Her research and teaching interests address Caribbean development issues from a political economy perspective. Ransford W. Palmer   professor of economics at Howard University, has written several books and journal articles on Caribbean economic and migration issues. He is a former chairman of the Howard University Department of Economics and former president of the Caribbean Studies Association.  相似文献   
工会发展的模式大体上可以概括为四种:工团主义工会,革命性工会,生产辅助型工会和中国特色的社会主义工会。每种模式都嵌入特定的社会制度并且反映其存在的时代背景。中国特色社会主义工会也是依据中国现阶段的基本国情而形成的,既有工会的共性,又有其独特的内涵。  相似文献   
论韩国在现代世界经济体系中地位的变迁   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
二战结束后,美国出于地缘政治战略考虑,把韩国纳入到现代资本主义经济体系,成为该体系的"边缘区";经过漫长的经济积累,在80年代末、90年代初,韩国终于进入"半边缘区",直至今日。目前,韩国在追赶美国、日本的同时,也在被"北方国家"追赶。在这种"多层追赶"的态势中,韩国必须寻找最佳的对策,确保并提升自己在现代世界经济体系中的地位。  相似文献   
日本政府对企业人力资源开发支持政策变迁对我国的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以"终身雇佣制"为基础的"企业培训"为日本的经济发展提供了人才保证,可以说是日本经济实现高速增长的支柱之一。但随着日本国际、国内经济环境的变化,为实现从后发展经济向工业化经济转变而形成的日本型经济体制开始动摇。支持日本经济发展的强有力的"日本型企业培训"由于失去了制度保障而受到了很大的冲击。针对上述情况,为促进企业积极、持续地进行人力资源开发,以保持日本经济发展的可持续性。日本政府在支持企业人力资源开发方面政策采取了一些政策,值得我国政府学习和借鉴。  相似文献   
图们江地区开发开放再度升温   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
在区域合作一体化成为新一轮发展新模式的时代,东北亚地区间国际关系的改善和各国经济形势的好转,延边内生动力的驱动,为图们江地区开发创造了良好的条件。由此,UNIDO、国家、省、州对图们江地区开发的关注再度升温,周边国家的开发热情再度升温,延边由"主动参与"演变为"主导发展"的角色。为了提高图们江地区开发的深度与质量,提出了创新国际合作开发体制的新机制,并制定了建设新的增长点与畅通的对外通道、建立综合配套改革试验区与金融支撑体系等对策建议。  相似文献   
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