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人口结构、就业形态、新时代的健康政策与脱贫攻坚任务、技术发展等宏观环境,为“十四五”时期医疗保障的发展提供了机遇也提出了挑战。立足“十一五”到“十三五”医疗保障从无到有、从制度全民覆盖到实践全民覆盖、待遇水平持续提升、各项机制跨越式发展等发展脉络,“十四五”时期医疗保障的发展思路应定位于守正、发展与创新。第一,坚守公平共享与切实保障的发展理念;第二,回应健康需求与不平衡、不充分的医保制度现状,在待遇保障、筹资机制、支付方式、基金监管等方面补短板、强弱项;第三,直面新形势的新挑战,在新业态人员参保、大病保障、医疗保障与公共卫生资金统筹衔接等方面实现创新与突破。目标是在“十四五”时期实现一个全民享有、公平适度、法治规范、高效便捷、协同联动的医疗保障制度。  相似文献   
"孟不印尼"(BBIN)合作倡议是由印度发起的一个南亚东北部次区域合作倡议。目的是绕开长期被印巴矛盾拖累的南盟,通过在印度东部、孟加拉国、尼泊尔和不丹之间建立一个涉及公路、铁路、内河运输、航空和电力网络的次区域联通体系,推动南亚东部次区域一体化进程。目前,"孟不印尼"倡议的里程碑"机动车协议"已经达成但尚未完全生效。铁路联通协议开始讨论并已有前期收获,其他领域尚未进入正式谈判阶段。"孟不印尼"合作倡议体现了相关国家和地区对互联互通的渴望与要求,符合该地区的长远利益。印度试图借此解决其东北部的交通瓶颈问题,巩固其南亚交通枢纽的地位,并试图在更大地理范围内扩大印度的地缘优势。但是,这一倡议受到印度国家能力的限制以及与其他成员国之间复杂关系的影响。一方面,印度东部地区经济发展水平低下,不足以成为吸引周边国家的经济发动机。另一方面,BBIN国家经济发展水平相近,经济结构高度相似,经济互补性有限。成员国从BBIN倡议中获得的潜在收益,可能会不如预期,将挫伤相关国家的积极性。再加上资金保障不力、管理机制对接困难,BBIN的推进将会比较困难。  相似文献   
Edward Kwon 《亚洲事务》2018,49(3):402-432
This paper analyzes the policy remedies for dealing with North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile programs. After six nuclear tests and three recent successful ICBM tests, North Korea is close to miniaturizing nuclear warheads and establishing a reliable delivery system, thus achieving a much-feared nuclear weapons capability. In defiance of the extraordinarily tough U.N. Security Council resolutions, Pyongyang persists in developing nuclear weapons. North Korea's nuclear weapons program already has exceeded the strategic patience, of the U.S.-ROK alliance. Harsher policy options to deal with the DPRK nuclear weapons are imperative. Several drastic options, including severe sanctions, preventive bombing, nuclear armament of South Korea, are evaluated in the final round of engagement policy on guaranteeing nonaggression and a peace agreement with Pyongyang.  相似文献   
土地发展权是经济法意义上之权,具有公权和私权的二重属性,其所保护的法益为社会公共利益,它有利于实现社会资源配置的帕累托最优。在构建生态发展区土地发展权转移机制时应坚持经济法的理念和原则,调制的实体内容和程序规范要有法可依,调制行为要符合生态和经济发展的客观规律,调制的绩效要兼顾效率和公平;在推进生态发展区土地发展权转移时必须定位实施主体,明确职责,建立高效、透明的开发区管理制度,科学合理地设立招商引资门槛,以保障生态发展区的发展机会与发展权利。  相似文献   
从文化安全视域下,高校宗教文化热对高校马克思主义意识形态的稳固、高校科学精神的培养以及大学生对民族文化的认同存有负面影响。本文认为,高校党政领导和各职能部门应准确理解和把握党和政府的宗教理论和政策,从文化战略高度,加大科学无神论的研究和宣讲力度,弘扬优秀传统文化,以维护高校文化安全。  相似文献   
Background: The recent UK Government strategy on high-risk offenders with personality disorders (PD) proposes improved identification of this group, assessment of their treatment needs through case formulation (CF) and the subsequent provision of treatment pathways. Little is known about service user and carer views on this strategy. Aims/Hypotheses: This study sought to identify the views of personality-disordered (PD) offenders and carers on the proposed role of Probation staff in CF. Methods: Three focus groups were carried out, two with service users and one with carers, with a total of 10 participants overall. Results: Five themes emerged: ‘power’, ‘conflicting roles’, ‘trust’, ‘building a relationship through consistency of care’ and ‘hope and possibility’. Conclusions/Practical implications: Offenders and carers were sceptical regarding the proposed role of Offender Manager (OMs) in CF and this could pose a potential barrier to the successful implementation of the strategy.  相似文献   
国内安全保卫专业的设立对国内安全保卫专业教学及人才培养均提出了新的更高的要求,参照公安院校学生的具体情况,对"教、学、练、战"一体化视阈下的国内安全保卫专业建设、发展与创新途径进行了思考和总结。具体而言应主要从"教"层面的专业定位,"学"层面的课程体系构建,"练"层面的教学方法创新和"战"层面的实践能力培养几个方面入手进行专业建设。  相似文献   
为了遏制共产主义在东南亚的渗透,在美国国家安全委员会的指示下,心理战略委员会特别成立了一个东南亚计划小组来负责制定编号为PSB D-23号的东南亚心理战略计划。但是,在PSB D-23号文件筹划过程中,国务院、中央情报局等部门对如何扩大在东南亚的心理战略计划有不同的看法,使得该文件的制定过程颇多磨难。虽然经过妥协,该计划最终得到国家安全委员会通过,但其实施效果却不应过分夸大。  相似文献   
观念认同对地区秩序建构有着重要意义。观念认同建构行为体的身份和利益,进而改变或影响行为体的行为,在地区秩序建构中起到了"路线图"和"粘合剂"的作用。地区行为体之间的观念认同决定了它们互动的形式和态度,界定了地区秩序的自我属性,框定了战后地区秩序的建构原则,因而成为建构地区秩序的重要因素之一。中国首倡的新安全观与东盟主张的地区规范产生了积极互动,推动东亚观念结构由洛克文化向康德文化演进。  相似文献   
Lawful Interception (LI) of data communications is an essential tool for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) in order to investigate criminal activities carried out or coordinated by means of Internet. However, the ability to secretly monitor the activities of citizens also has a great impact on civil rights. Therefore, democratic societies must prevent abuse and ensure that LI is only employed in specific cases with justifiable grounds or a probable cause. Nowadays, in many countries each interception must be authorized by a wiretap warrant, usually issued by a judge. However, this wiretap warrant is merely an administrative document that should be checked by the network or service operator before enabling the monitoring of its customers, whose communications are later handed over to a LEA in plaintext. This paper proposes the idea of employing a Digital Wiretap Warrant (DWW), which further protects the civil liberties, security and privacy of LI by ensuring that monitoring devices can only be enabled with a valid DWW, and by encrypting the captured data so only the authorized LEA is able to decrypt those communications. Moreover, in the proposed DWW framework all digital evidence is securely time-stamped and signed, thus guaranteeing that it has not been tampered with, and that a proper chain of custody has been met. In particular this paper proposes how to apply the DWW concept to the lawful interception framework defined by the ETSI LI Technical Committee, and evaluates how the additional security mechanisms could impact the performance and storage costs of a LI platform.  相似文献   
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