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实际操作中的区域性治安管理应随地区不断变化的特点而作相应的调整,警力活动要具有操作性,突出针对性,把握策略性,注重实效性。  相似文献   
国际形势及中法关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国在21世纪的经济、文化重要性已得到世界公认。当前,法中关系发展良好,双方在全面战略伙伴关系的框架下不断推进经济、文化、科技的交流与合作,超越单一的经济思维,建立了文化互信。欧洲一体化进程不会停滞。欧洲各国要向公众解释政府的意图,使公众理解合作带来的是经济发展,而非本国文化特性的丧失。  相似文献   
张力 《行政与法》2007,(3):75-76
东北三省是我国的老工业基地,同时,也是以农业为特征及农产品优势明显的地区,更是培养各类人才的聚集地。在过去的几十年里,东北人民为新中国的成立和建设事业做出了巨大的贡献。但随着经济体制改革的不断深入,东北经济的发展逐渐显现出滞后的趋势,如何振兴东北地区的经济?特别是如何发挥它在培养各类人才方面的独特优势,以成为人们日益关注的焦点。为此,本文从分析东北三省各自的人才战略规划入手,探讨了开发各类人才的新途径、新思路,为东北经济的发展,提出一条走人才之路的构想。  相似文献   

When the European Union (EU) and South Africa acceded to a strategic partnership, they expanded into new areas of partnership. One of these areas was peace and security, which is the focus of this article. The article argues that, although there appears to be a shared understanding of what security means, the strategic partnership has not been utilised significantly to further this understanding in practice. This is largely due to the EU's preferences for a continental, multilateral approach over the bilateralism of a strategic partnership. At the same time, South Africa sees its strategic partnership with the EU as being outside of its broader commitment to regional security. As a result the peace and security element of the strategic partnership has not been leveraged effectively despite several entry points for action. The article thus concludes that both the EU and South Africa need to re-think the current arrangement.  相似文献   

This article reviews the importance of the EU–South Africa Strategic Partnership in South Africa's foreign policy calculations after a decade in existence. While political differences have been open for all to see in cases such as Zimbabwe and South Africa's notice of withdrawal from the International Criminal Court, the enhanced political dialogue is important in ensuring that the partners have a greater appreciation of the complexities faced by foreign policy-makers on both sides. This study is thus interested in uncovering why political relations have lagged behind the economic and social aspects of the relationship. After assessing South Africa's foreign policy interests towards the EU, it then reviews where the political fault lines have been located since the adoption of the Joint Action Plan before identifying areas of cooperation in meeting South Africa’s interests as stated in the 2011 white paper on foreign policy.  相似文献   
中日四份政治文件代表着中日关系发展的主要脉络,两国从结束敌对状态、建立邦交关系发展到战略互惠关系经历了曲折复杂的过程。从第四份政治文件的签署到现在已有十多年,随着中国“一带一路”倡议的深化实施、美国从“亚太再平衡”到“印太战略”的调整、日本追求战略性外交的努力等,国际形势、地缘政治格局、国家能力和心态早已发生了深刻变化。本文以新古典现实主义为基础,根据当今国际政治发展现状构建了新的理论模型,从体系层次、国家层次和个人层次上来解析中日关系发展的历史和趋势,得出当今国际社会已经具备了升级中日两国关系的新的时代契机和因素。中日关系的深化、合作领域的拓展、合作程度的加深将是中日未来发展的必然趋势,也将对东亚地区乃至国际社会的稳定繁荣具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
The discussion of multi-level governance and sub-national mobilization has become a critical case for those concerned with the political and institutional consequences of European integration. The evidence so far indicates that the EU impact on the empowerment of the sub-national level has not been as uniform within member states as the multi-level governance concept traditionally would assume. This article explores the Europeanization impact on sub-national mobilization in Estonia. The results of the study address the factors affecting the emergence of multi-level governance and provide a foundation for the analysis of the possible wider applicability of these manifestations to a wider set of countries with similar territorial and political structures.  相似文献   
奥巴马成功访华使中美关系得以全面提升,中关关系站上了“新的历史起点”。对中关关系应准确看待、避免三种误区,即过高估计中关关系的全球重要性与影响力;过高估计中国在中关关系格局中影响力的增强;避免将错综复杂与不断发展的中关关系“片面化”、“绝对化”与“静止化”。中美关系仍然存在诸多现实问题与未来挑战,处理中美关系不仅需要双方充分把握时代机遇,更需要彼此慎重应对各种挑战。美国政府只有真正“解放思想”、彻底抛弃“冷战思维”、端正对华心态,中关关系才能不断“与时俱进”,从而持久造福于两国人民与世界。  相似文献   
多年来,公用事业公私合作制的实施加快了我国公用基础设施建设的步伐,增加了公共产品的数量,提高了公共服务的质量与效率。然而,在公私合作制实施过程中还存在着对私人资本保障不足、对公共利益关注不够等问题,尤其是在污水、垃圾处理等新兴环保型公用事业领域存在的问题较为突出。本文认为,可以通过完善政府相关职能、健全收费机制、建立公私合作合同制度、完善公众参与机制等途径,促进公用事业公私合作,提高公用事业产品与服务的质量,以期更好地实现社会福祉。  相似文献   
战略利益决定战略构想.战略构想的相同或相近,体现了其共同或相似的战略利益.战略构想不同,是由其不同利益或利益分歧决定的.上合组织是否有前途,是否有生命力,从根本上来说取决于中俄两国战略构想是否一致或大体吻合.如果战略构想相差甚远,体现了其战略利益的背道而驰,那么建立在其上的国际组织是不可能有大的发展前途的.中俄关于上合组织的战略构想中,相同、相似或交叉之处远远大于或多于不同或分歧之处,说明上合组织虽然是一个新建的、年轻的国际组织,还很不成熟,很不完善,但上合组织是有生命力的,是有发展前途的.  相似文献   
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