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农民的生活时间配置情况可以由其结构、类型和特征三个角度加以描述。农民的生活时间结构包括生产劳动时间、生理必需时间、家务劳动时间和闲暇时间四个组成部分。根据农民在各项生活时间上的支出 ,可以识别出四种主要的生活时间配置类型 ,即多劳型、均衡型、多闲型和家务型。农村居民在生活环境、生活水平、生产劳动方式等方面与城镇居民有很大的不同 ,反映到生活时间的配置上也是各具特色  相似文献   
网络的发展使人类社会从工业社会走向信息社会,从而人们获取财富的手段表现为对信息的创造、占有、处理和分配上。网络文化也是虚拟文化,对经济发展的影响主要表现为促进了虚拟经济的发展,给实体经济甚至整个经济发展带来了活力。在人们的交往方式上,网络使人与人之间实现了很大程度上的平等关系,打破了传统的等级尊卑、贫富贵贱的交往模式,这便进一步对传统的金字塔政治模式提出了挑战,要求平等对话、独立、自由、开放的新模式出现,进而,网络文化对传统道德的冲击也是很大的。在文化消费模式上,网络文化把工业和文化连接在一起,消解了传统的经典文化。然而,网络文化对人们生活的一系列影响不总是积极的,还有其消极甚至恶劣的一面,这要求我们从人的主体性出发,扬弃其有利和不利因素,超越网络文化的现状,使网络文化朝着网络文明的方向发展。  相似文献   
朱丽娅·克里斯特娃(Julia Kristeva)关于母性的论述,不同于激进女权主义运动流派,她积极地看待母职的再生产,提倡母亲作为社会文明开启者的功能。她指出,母性不仅仅是一种生物学本能,她的孕育空间是胎儿主体所需的符号运作空间,被卑贱化后主体才得以获得语言和社会认同。她以基督教圣母和中国的母始祖母形象为例,建议女权主义运动应该重视母性的激情,寻找更自由的生存和伦理空间。  相似文献   
立功时间要件探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确认识立功的成立条件,是司法实践中正确认定立功,从而对有立功表现的犯罪分子准确量刑的前提。关于立功成立的时间要件,起始时间应为“犯罪分子犯罪之日起”,而截止时间可以限定为“检察机关提起公诉或自诉人提起诉讼之日前”,犯罪分子在审判阶段的立功行为,应作为行刑制度中的立功予以处理。  相似文献   
There is substantial evidence that catastrophic events, including terrorist attacks, lead to increased levels of post-traumatic stress, especially in communities in close proximity to the incident. Some scholars also argue that these events disrupt social organization. On the other hand, many contend that these incidents produce social cohesion as community members coalesce to help each other in time of need. These ideas have resulted in competing hypotheses in the literature. The first is that violence will increase in the wake of catastrophic events due to heightened levels of individual stress and community disorganization. The second is that violence will decline after these events because of increased social cohesion, especially in the face of an outside threat. In order to test these competing hypotheses, we employed autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) techniques to model the impact of the Oklahoma City bombing and the September 11 attacks on monthly homicide counts at the local, state, and national level. Unlike prior studies that provided evidence of an effect but did not use rigorous time-series techniques, we found no support for either of the competing hypotheses. We conclude that while such catastrophic events may have an effect on individual and collective efficacy well beyond the immediate impact of the incidents, these effects are not strong enough to influence homicide rates. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
小白鼠死亡后,肝脏不离体恒温保存,定时定量制备肝浸出液为酶样品,催化5’-腺苷酸(5’AMP)生成腺苷和无机磷酸,后者在还原利存在下与钼酸试剂发生蓝色反应,其颜色深度与磷酸含量成正比。用722型分光光度计测定光密度(OD值),计算酶活力。在三种温度下,经5次重复实验,发现小白鼠死亡后在3O℃12小时、18℃21小时、7℃24小时,其酶活力降低均呈明显的规律性。说明此酶用于一定温度和时间范围内的死亡时间推断具有参考价值。  相似文献   
This paper provides a cradle-to-grave model of political merger between two states and highlights the role of cross-border disparities in material and technological endowments in state formation. This issue has not received adequate theoretical attention in the existing scholarship that has largely focussed on factors like defence, trade, and public goods provision. In this paper, merger negotiations are modelled using a bilateral bargaining model with inside options and contest as an outside option. It is shown that the threat of contest constrains the set of mutually acceptable taxes and, more importantly, it provides stability to the federal constitution by making the punishment strategy in the secession rule credible. The existence of negotiated and contested constitutional merger agreements that are path dependent but time-consistent is shown. Also, the rent extracted by the advanced province in the union for transferring technology to the backward province is shown to be increasing in the complexity of technology but bounded from above. Finally, the impact of demographic heterogeneity on the feasibility of inter-state mergers is discussed.  相似文献   
与传统的女性时尚类杂志紧盯职业女性或女性白领一样,男性时尚杂志也瞄准了中国社会的部分"有品味"人士和新富阶层,即所谓的中产阶级或伪中产阶级,通过精美的广告、成功的人生和奢华的生活方式叙述,传播着特定的消费暗示与阶层梦想.本文以《Mangazine·名牌》杂志为例,着重探讨了这本杂志是如何界定"精英"形象与阶层符号的,揭示了其既有中国式"中产阶级"的幻想,也存在着消费社会必然出现的媒体镜像偏差.成长中的中产阶级与中产读物需要超越消费主义的共谋.  相似文献   
王川 《贵州民族研究》2006,26(2):98-107
就作者个人视野所见,学界尚无论及近现代时期西藏昌都地区经济发展缓慢的论文。在近代史料的基础上,本文分析了西藏昌都地区近现代经济发展史,认为落后的社会制度是近现代昌都地区经济发展的缓慢的根本原因。而税收制度的不健全、各级官员的贪污腐化与滥发货币所造成的通货膨胀;外国经济势力的入侵与战争连绵,成为昌都地区经济发展缓慢的外部原因。  相似文献   
本文分析了浙江省期刊业的现状,指出浙江省的期刊业无论是在全国范围内还是在本省的媒介业内都是一个弱者。随着期刊业本身的迅猛发展,如何让浙江的期刊业走出困境,已是目前我省媒介业内面临的重要问题。为此,作者在分析了我省的既有优势资源的基础上,提出了浙江省期刊业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
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