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在对现代性的批判与反思上,沈从文的小说创作契合了西方浪漫主义思潮。他批判都市文明、质疑启蒙运动、反对历史进化论,使他的小说呈现出鲜明的浪漫主义精神特质。他在批判的同时,企图对现代性进行修复与救赎,对人自身、人与人、人与自然的关系作出了不同于中国现代启蒙思想作家的思考与设定,其思想性质属于审美现代性思想体系。  相似文献   
自冷战结束以来,在快速而深刻的全球化背景下,随世界政治结构和国际政治经济关系的调整,当今世界地缘政治关系发生重大改变,表现出与以往明显不同的新特征。全球化打破了以往以民族国家为基本单元的地缘政治结构,表现出明显的多元化趋势;同时,国家之间边界越来越模糊,相互依赖日渐加深,地缘政治的全球整体性进一步加强,世界地缘政治面貌展现出新的姿态。  相似文献   
孙子悉心要打造一支王霸之兵,故对团队建设高度重视,因为一支能打胜仗的团队是决定战争胜负最重要的条件之一。《孙子兵法》对团队建设和军队治理的阐述,虽零散碎片似的分散在十三篇中,但其逻辑是严谨的、理论是系统的。孙子在《九地篇》中提出了团队建设努力实现的目标:"齐勇若一,政之道也"。孙子又从多方面阐述打造一支圆形的团队对取得战斗胜利所发挥的积极的决定性的作用,并提出了打造圆形团队的实施办法:"合之以文,齐之以武,是谓必取。"即使团队齐心要采用政治、道义、仁爱等引导教育"文"的方法,使团队步调一致要运用军纪、法规等强制硬性"武"的手段,文武并用、软硬兼施、恩威齐下,这样的团队才是能打胜仗的团队。  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to The History of the Family by researching the historical relationship between family and state, and the roles that the concepts of 'race' and 'mixture' played. To this end, it analyzes the regulation of Chinese–Dutch marriages in the interwar period and Second World War in the Netherlands. It argues that the ways in which these interracial marriages were regulated were informed by colonial discourses on the Chinese as racialized others. This resulted in a systematic pattern of exclusion of Chinese migrants in the Netherlands, in which they were registered, fingerprinted, counted and deported. Part of these discourses focused on Chinese 'interracial' marriages with Dutch white women. This resulted in the 'regulation of mixture' in which state officials aimed to prevent such marriages, through migration law, document requirements and premarital counseling. During the war, these marriages were considered a 'racial shame' and relationships were broken up by arresting Chinese husbands before marriage. More research is needed to learn more about the extent of these practices and to know whether they were applied to racialized groups other than Chinese.  相似文献   
In the wake of the impasse in the Doha Development Round of multilateral trade talks, sector-specific plurilateral trade agreements (PTAs) have been gaining traction. However, PTAs mostly appeal to developed countries, with the uptake among developing countries (including least-developed countries) being very limited. This article investigates the factors contributing to such a phenomenon, whether there is indeed merit in developing countries playing a more active role in PTAs and how they might be encouraged to do so. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted with specific attention being given to the effects, on a selection of developing countries, of participation in four PTAs: the Trade in Services Agreement, the Government Procurement Agreement, the Environmental Goods Agreement and the Information Technology Agreement II. Among the findings was that although, according to the qualitative analysis, policymakers are generally disinterested in the four PTAs because they are not aligned to the countries’ economic interests or they threaten policy space, the quantitative analysis revealed that gains could often be made from more active participation in these agreements. This clearly points to a research gap and highlights the need for more in-depth analysis of the potential of PTAs in the developing world.  相似文献   
当今世界体系演变的转折点是苏联的解体,其根本原因是最近一次工业革命和信息技术革命。当今世界格局仍是单极的,美国是唯一的一极。从主观上讲,今后发生核打击的可能性不太大,但也不是完全没有。世界各国精英应当密切关注如何加强区域或全球合作。  相似文献   
将C3I系统引入公安管理和业务工作中,可以在现代化公安工作中充分发挥其信息共享,实时指挥监控的作用,进一步提高工作效率,提高公安机关的战斗力,更好地维护社会治安、维护社会稳定.  相似文献   
拜登执政后美国对华战略如何调整备受瞩目,美国一些智库则积极"兜售"相关政策主张,其中大西洋理事会发布的《更长电报:走向新的美国对华战略》匿名报告受到广泛关注。该报告反映出美国智库对华战略构想中区别于传统冷战思维的新内涵,在战略认知上更新涉华判断,臆想当前中国战略"脆弱点",批判特朗普政府对华"政治惯性",主张从外部瓦解中国;在战略目标上力推拓展核心利益、重塑国际秩序,强调"共同威胁"以重振霸权体系,旨在护持冷战后美国霸权地位;在战略布局层面,提出振兴国家权势和加强对华威慑、明确与华竞争合作界限并煽动意识形态斗争,以全面遏制中国。该报告肆意抹黑中国,错误界定中国国家利益,对中国充满恶意偏见和误判,其战略布局根本无法撼动中国大战略根基。值得警惕的是,该报告的部分战略与政策构想在拜登政府近期政策实践中已有体现,暴露出美国政治精英与知识群体在涉华政策方面具有很大程度上的共同认知。在中美战略竞争常态化下,必须厘清两国关系的"常量"与"变量",做好应对各种风险和挑战的准备,尤其维护好国家意识形态安全。  相似文献   
中国古代谋略攻心思想一直倍受世界各国的高度重视。在信息化战争的背景下,谋略心理战作为"不战而屈人之兵"的上策,正吸引着越来越多关注的目光。信息化战争对于谋略心理战而言,有利亦有弊,但利大于弊。谋略心理战斗智、斗将、虚实结合的基本特点在信息化战争中开始向战略化、系统化、重点化、技术化、多维化、全程化的方向拓展。与此相适应,谋略心理战的传统认知需要在战略观、系统观和效益观三个层面加以深化,它应跃出单纯以军事一隅来谋划国家安全利益的局限,充分挖掘全社会的心理战资源,着眼系统效益的最优化,努力构建和谐高效的系统结构。直面信息化战争的浪潮,那里有谋略心理战发挥作用更为宽广的舞台。  相似文献   
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