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Traditionally the British legal system has taken a sceptical attitude toward the testimony of children, reflected in the competency requirement, the corroboration rule and the judicial caution. However, recent psychological research has suggested that children, properly interviewed, can provide invaluable testimony in securing convictions in cases of sexual or physical abuse. Research suggests that children's spontaneous accounts of events are generally accurate, and that suggestibility can be greatly reduced by appropriate questioning techniques. Partly as a result of such research, the legal hurdles surrounding children's evidence have been dismantled and procedural innovations, such as the use of the Videolink and videotaped interviews introduced. Empirical research demonstrates the success of the Videolink and a similar evaluation is planned for videotaped interviews. The latter has highlighted the need for a new research agenda which would include the impact of biased or repeated questioning, and requests to children from abusers to lie or keep secrets.  相似文献   
The main issue is the legal protection of children and juveniles suspected of or convicted for crime. The age of criminal responsibility is 15 years in the countries concerned. Particular juvenile justice systems do not exist in Scandinavia. There are, however, exceptions from the general system in order to maintain needs, interests and rights of children and juveniles. Some common characteristics are described, for instance diversion of juveniles from prison into social welfare measures and the prohibition of placing children in jail. Individual characteristics are pointed out as well. Introduction of secure social institutions as an alternative to imprisonment in Sweden and Denmark is one, mediation processes with children as parties in Finland and Norway is another. It is argued that from the point of view of legality the demands for legal rights are of greatest importance in prosecution and punishment matters, whereas social welfare support is not to the same degree concerned about such questions. Furthermore it is argued that in spite of good intentions the Scandinavian countries challenge the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, by not definitely prohibiting the possibility of a juvenile serving a prison sentence together with adults. It is stated that the distance between constructive pragmatism and destructive loss of principles as legality, equality and proportionality may be short. Crime trends are not linked to the politics: there is no relation between crime rates and political attention to crime. Juvenile justice has increasing political attention these years while the crime rates tend to be stable. In relation not solely to the economy and the Convention but first and foremost in the interest of children and juveniles more thought should be given to scientific experiences about early and appropriate prevention.  相似文献   
行政行为分类是行政法学研究的重要内容,但对其研究却是极其薄弱。受法学研究路径的束缚,目前行政行为分类的现状极为混乱,所表现出来的症结为前提模糊、方式混乱、立场局限。从逻辑学的角度,以分类标准、分类规则、分类类型为参数对行政行为的分类现状进行梳理和探讨,有利于促进对行政行为研究的深化和扩展。行政行为的分类应当面向司法实践,使得理论研究与实践应用相统一。  相似文献   
王传干 《北方法学》2013,(3):154-160
"裁量基准运动"在实践中开展得如火如荼,理论研究也日渐深入,在防止裁量滥用、构建裁量治理模式方面确实起到了很大的作用。但是,裁量基准能否在实践中真正发挥自己应有的作用和效能,在很大程度上还取决于其制定过程中能否合理地考量各种技术因素。因此,将客观的技术标准植入主观的裁量过程,对影响裁量基准制定的因素予以量化,规划研究它们对于合理估量裁量因素的正义层级,以求改进裁量基准制定技术、保证个案正义将大有裨益。  相似文献   
From a European perspective as referring to EU member states, which are receiving European financial assistance, the idea of assessment of the countries' administrative capacity represents a priority and an issue of concern not only for the new member countries but also for the all the member countries. Based on its functions, public institutions should perform an evaluation or measure their administrative and organizational capacity performance when significant changes occur, in order to facilitate the necessary improvements for their organizational and administrative capacity. Following these considerations, after studying the literature concepts about the administrative capacity and based upon an empirical research, this article aims: (1) to classify the European countries (EU27) according to their administrative capacity, based on some relevant identified indicators as following the European Commissions' reports from the official websites; and (2) to identify and analyze the influence and effects that strategic management and project management have on the administrative capacity of Romanian public administration using a survey which analyses the performance of the Romanian public administration.  相似文献   
行政裁量权由于其可能导致肆意和专断,因而成为腐败的重灾区。因此,反腐的关键在于规制行政裁量权,保证行政裁量权在法治的轨道上运行。行政裁量权的规制属于复合规制模式,包括立法规制、行政规制、司法规制以及权利规制四种规制路径。然而规制模式有其内在的局限性,公众参与作为民主理论在行政过程的投射,其所具有的民意表达、利益协商、程序正义等功能和优势,可以实现对行政裁量权的有效规制。建立起公众参与的配套制度,并完善公众参与的程序设计,可以实现对行政裁量权的有效规制,促进反腐倡廉建设的健康发展。  相似文献   
书面询问是德日民事诉讼中证人不出庭情况下的一种证据调查方法。与证人仅仅单方面提供书面证言不同,它通过书面问答的方式,尽可能实现法官与证人、当事人之间的实质交流。书面询问是直接主义、口头主义的例外,在适用条件和程序上有严格的限制,该方法与其他措施一起构成证人不出庭情况下的特殊证据调查体系。日本从德国移植该项制度并根据本国实际情况进行类型化设计,对我国相关司法问题的解决有重要启示。  相似文献   
房屋征收补偿协议是一种行政合同,按其属性应纳入行政诉讼。但问题在于,现行行政诉讼制度不能容纳这一诉讼类型:原告资格、协议效力、诉讼竞合、证据规则、判决种类等方面都提出了新的要求。这些问题认识不清,已造成实务的混乱和理论的争议。那么,目前实务上需要哪些调整,未来行政诉讼法又需要哪些方面突破,这些都要在行政诉讼新类型制度上来解释,并且在契约行政与合作治理的理论背景下来考察。  相似文献   
刑事诉讼法在立法层面上首次对行政执法证据司法化予以肯定,但是行政执法证据如何向刑事司法证据合理转化,转化后司法机关如何使用,以及证明效力的延续性等我国法律实践中亟需解决的难题却没有得到根本解决。文章分析了行政执法证据向刑事司法证据转化的必要性和证据转化的种类、方法、规则等,并提出对司法实践具有积极意义的证据转化制度。  相似文献   
刑事立案监督是人民检察院对侦查机关的刑事立案活动进行的监督。然而,这一权力在实际运行中还存在诸多问题,文章提出了解决刑事立案监督问题的对策:拓宽刑事立案监督线索来源渠道;创新工作机制,深入开展监督工作;健全立案监督的内部工作机制。  相似文献   
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