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Debates about biotechnology continue to be polarized despite its potential to improve the living standards of the poor in Sub‐Saharan Africa. In the backdrop of this polarized scenario, this paper asked, is there a place for brokers in bringing about a productive debate that is pro‐development? The paper argued that if potential intermediaries are analyzed from the perspective of understanding their role and stakeholding in the regulatory change process, this may help breakout the current polarized anti‐ and pro‐biotechnology debates and thereby focus on how to enable productive biotechnology development. Informed by insights from innovation brokering, the functions of brokers in biotechnology regulation are analyzed through the lens of organizations involved in agricultural biotechnology debates in Kenya. The analysis found that policy brokering function attracts varying opportunities and challenges appropriate for informing relevant policy. The paper drew lessons from Kenya's experience to inform a productive policy brokering model for biotechnology regulation.  相似文献   
城市化过程中的农民工市民化问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文认为,目前官方的关于2009年城镇化水平达到47.6%的结论,只是一种表象,原因在于官方城镇人口统计中的农民工群体,其目前的生存状态无法与作为城市化主体的市民相称。农民工市民权的缺失表现为非正规工作、社会保障的有限性与不平等性、政治参与和利益代表不足、家庭分离的居住形式、平等教育权的缺失。文章从历史的视角考察了国家发展战略及其制度安排和结构性压力的相互作用及其对农民工市民化进程的影响,指出农民工市民化的出路在于外部"赋能"与自身"增能"。为此,需要:(1)国家在制定发展战略时对农民工的市民化予以高度重视,对农民工的城市化进程、定位、路径安排等要有整体性的规划与布局,要将农民工看作是公民而不仅仅是城市经济发展所需要的劳动力;(2)国家全面、系统地改革现行的社会政策体系,而不仅仅是考虑改革户籍制度甚至取消户籍制度本身;(3)让农民工获得足够的收入并拥有支付城市生活费用的能力,特别是组织能力和市场能力。  相似文献   
中国内地推行的"成长向导计划"是个独特的尝试,由在校大学生为打工子弟学校的初中生提供近一年的"一对一"服务。双方的关系发展有四种类型:平稳推进型、先抑后扬型、始终平淡型、意外中断型。助人过程中有三个要点:向导被受导者及其家庭接纳;进入受导者的生活世界;向导寻找到行动的意义。最终参与计划的双方都获得了成长,但有些问题处理不当也会存在负面影响。在以后的项目运作中,需要引起注意。  相似文献   
大学生自杀风险评估是高校危机干预工作者通过观察、分析和会谈询问等方式,估计和确定特定大学生个体自杀危险程度的过程。自杀风险评估是做好大学生自杀预防与干预工作的起点和核心环节,妥善运用自杀风险评估技术,有助于建立科学的自杀预防与干预工作机制,提高大学生自杀预防与危机干预的效能。  相似文献   
The steady drip of dissident Republican attacks forms the backdrop to this special issue of Political Quarterly. Moreover, this comes at a time of economic austerity, when Northern Ireland faces unprecedented cuts to its public sector‐dominated economy. The economic crisis in the South adds an additional layer of uncertainty to the picture. In the past, economic deprivation has been associated with conflict in Northern Ireland and elsewhere. Might the peace dividend and constitutional settlement which have underpinned the Northern Ireland ‘miracle’ since 1994 be under threat? Or is there now sufficient momentum in both of Northern Ireland's main ethnic communities that such an outcome can be safely averted? This paper summarises the thinking of our symposium and special issue on this topic, updating our picture of the Northern Ireland peace process.  相似文献   
Determination of sex from fragmentary crania is a critical problem in forensic anthropology. Osteometric analysis of mastoid can serve forensic anthropologists better in sex identification by virtue of the noticeable dimorphic characteristics. The present study aims to develop population-specific, sex-differentiating anthropometric standards for the mastoid process of North Indian skulls. Eight parameters of the mastoid region were measured on 138 adult crania (M/F 104:34, 22-65 years) and analyzed using SPSS 16.0. All parameters showed significant sexual dimorphism (p < 0.000). In stepwise analysis, asterion-mastoidale and mastoid breadth have provided an accuracy of 87%. Receiver operating characteristic curves were obtained for each variable to observe their overall performance in sex determination. Posterior end of incisura mastoidea-depression of suprameatal triangle was found to be the best variable with maximum area under curve and highest predictive accuracy (82.6%).  相似文献   
政治的静态结构如组织、制度、法律、政策等,是政治过程的物质载体,同时也是政治运行的客观基础.但是,政治的原理及其结构安排既基于政治之基本要素即“人”的现实基础,同时也正是因为其“人”的要素而被赋予了复杂的意义.这其中,关于政治过程中人伦关系与道德基础就是一个不可忽略的因素.一定社会的人伦关系和道德基础孕育着一定的政治行为主体,使其在政治行为中不可避免地打上其人伦关系和道德基础的烙印;由此,现代的政治结构和政治规则,也必须以既定的道德基础和人伦关系为依据.以积极的取向充分发挥道德基础和人伦关系在现代政治中的作用,对于政治的稳定和发展具有积极的意义.  相似文献   
我国新《刑事诉讼法》规定的“犯罪嫌疑人、被告人逃匿、死亡案件违法所得的没收程序”具有刑事审判程序、对物程序、缺席审判程序及无刑事定罪程序的法律特征。检察机关在该程序中作为公诉机关向人民法院提出申请,其权力性质仍属于公诉权,同时作为法律监督机关依法履行法律监督职责。  相似文献   
Volatiles emitted by decaying human remains are in the focus of recent research. The identification of core volatiles in this field is of high importance, because cadaveric volatiles generally show high variation. In this study, the volatile profiles of five mice (Myodes glareolus) were sampled with charcoal filter tubes from their time of death until advanced decay. Eleven compounds were quantitated by means of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Electroantennographic experiments with female Calliphora vicina antennae led to the identification of dimethyl trisulfide, dimethyl disulfide, nonanal, hexan‐1‐ol, 1‐octen‐3‐ol, 3‐methylbutan‐1‐ol, and heptanal as electrophysiologically active compounds. When these were compared, dimethyl trisulfide (17 ng/μL) and dimethyl disulfide (11 ng/μL) were found to be emitted in higher concentrations. The roles of these compounds and nonanal as core volatiles for cadaver detection or postmortem time determination and their correlation to the stages of decay and the accumulated degree days are discussed.  相似文献   
土地征收审批的正当程序改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘国乾 《法学研究》2012,(4):126-137
程序正当是土地征收理应遵循的原则,实践中的改革已使报批前的准备阶段包含正当程序要素,然而公告之前的征收审批是否也应遵循该原则却有争议。征收审批内部程序运作的技术性设置不能改变其具体行政行为的属性,而其在实质上还具有对土地权利变动进行裁决的功能。征收审批的行为属性和功能属性理论上均要求引入正当程序。现行征收审批是由申请机关单方主宰信息的封闭决策过程,这导致审批机关缺乏第三方信息对报批材料进行验证。提高审批实效的要求呼唤引入正当程序作为信息传导机制。审批机关可利用拟被征收人表达异议或抗辩的信息弥补无法观测到申请机关行为的局限,增强对报批材料的核实能力。  相似文献   
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