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命案中的证据收集瑕疵表现为重嫌疑人有罪供述,轻物证、书证;重有罪证据,轻无罪辩解;勘查现场不及时、不细致;非法取证等。证据固定瑕疵表现为靠重复讯问固定证据;不善于运用录音录像固定证据;物证检验不及时;刑事技术鉴定结论不明。证据审查判断和运用瑕疵表现为轻信鉴定结论等科技证据;忽略物证证明的间接性;依赖口供又不会运用口供;不能正确对待嫌疑人的辩解;不能正确认识证据数量和证明力的关系;不善于排除证据矛盾。造成这些瑕疪的原因在于不能准确把握"命案必破"的内涵;办案思维方法不正确;不会把握证据确实、充分的定罪标准等。建议强化责任意识;增强人权意识;强化证据意识;正确运用有罪口供;建立切实可行的非法证据排除制度;制订科学合理的考核办法。  相似文献   
Many studies reveal strong interrater agreement for Hare's Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) when used by trained raters in research contexts. However, no systematic research has examined agreement between PCL-R scores from independent clinicians who are retained by opposing sides in adversarial legal proceedings. We reviewed all 43 sexual-offender civil-commitment trials in one state and identified 23 cases in which opposing evaluators reported PCL-R total scores for the same individual. Differences between scores from opposing evaluators were usually in a direction that supported the party who retained their services. These score differences were greater in size than would be expected based on the instrument's standard error of measurement or the rater agreement values reported in previous PCL-R research. The intraclass correlation for absolute agreement for the PCL-R Total score from a single rater (ICC 1,A = .39) was well below levels of agreement observed for the PCL-R in research contexts, and below published test-retest values for the PCL-R. Results raise concerns about the potential for a forensic evaluator's "partisan allegiance" to influence PCL-R scores in adversarial proceedings.  相似文献   
For governments to regulate, they must first define the problem and decide which policymakers have the authority to make decisions. Technological development can disrupt the authority-allocation process by fostering uncertainty about which actors are responsible for making policy. This article examines the role that changing technology has played in the development of cybersecurity policy in the United States. New technologies have increased the type and scope of assets vulnerable to cyberthreats, and with them the number of governing units who can claim jurisdiction over cybersecurity-related issues. Uncertainty about the nature of the problem has led the U.S. Congress to rely heavily on bureaucratic witnesses and focus on how existing regulations can be brought to bear. Emerging technologies create regulatory challenges for governance not only through unforeseen consequences but through uncertainty over who can regulate. Fragmented authority can produce piecemeal responses and a reliance on existing frameworks that benefit regulated industries.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to explore cultural and practical aspects of the growing use of information and communication technology (ICT) in policing. By using empirical research on policing in Norway, the focus will be on how ICT is used as a crime prevention instrument in everyday police work and culture. The transition, which the new technologies mediate, will be explored by focusing on concepts of risk and materialization of risk‐based policing at the practice level in two cases: 1) a special unit fighting serious and organized crime utilizing proactive policing methods, police informers, crime profiling and databases, and 2) a police station focusing on low‐level crime by using a problem‐oriented policing model, transmitting responsibility for personal security onto identified ‘problem‐owners’.1 ‘Problem‐owner’ is a notion used by the police in the two cases. It is referring to the POP‐model, and whom they identify as important to participate in the risk‐management. According to Wright (: 121): “Partnership refers to a purposeful relationship between the police and the public or between the police and other agencies in the field.” Based on an examination of risk phenomena as contextual, embedded in practice and cultural settings, various stories about risk management will be told. The stories reflect different control strategies in the crime control discourses, and point to how risk‐based technologies are shaped and adapted in occupational culture and practice. The article illuminates the importance of studying the empirical complexity ICT is used in, and looks towards, to paraphrase O'Malley and Palmer (), ‘firewalls of resistance’ in the local occupational culture, that are preventing full integration of risk tools.  相似文献   
农产品质量安全的立法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
《农产品质量安全法》的颁布和实施,填补了我国调整农业初级产品法律上的空白,基本形成了"从农田到餐桌"的农产品质量安全法律体系。但目前我国的农产品质量安全立法还存在着农产品范围不明确、禁止生产区域界定不清、法律责任规范不足等诸多不足,必须针对这些问题进行深入分析,进而构建出适合我国农产品质量安全运行规律的法律体系,才能从根本上提高我国农产品质量安全水平。  相似文献   
刑事技术鉴定作为刑事诉讼程序中解决专门性问题的一项工作,因为司法实践中出现的种种问题而倍受关注。如何制定出体现法治精神和诉讼价值的刑事技术鉴定程序是刑事诉讼法修改工作的一个重要方面。刑事技术鉴定程序的完善以对刑事技术鉴定性质的正确认识为前提。刑事技术鉴定是刑事诉讼行为而非侦查行为,是鉴定人运用科学技术或者专门知识解决诉讼中所涉及的专门性问题,刑事技术鉴定是人的证据方法,鉴定结论是言词证据。  相似文献   
以《中西法律文化比较研究》一书为例,探讨研究者如何从类型学的角度比较中西法律文化,指出其成功之处在于揭示了两种文化的类型特征,局限在于忽略了研究对象的复杂性,并为完善这些类型提供了思路;接着指出研究者在寻求中国传统法律文化与现代法制的联系时所怀有的是一种理解与沟通的心态,并对其观点和论据进行了分析与批判;最后清理了研究者运用中国古人的世界观会通中西法律文化的思路,从中探寻研究者从激进主义向文化守成主义转变的现象和原因。  相似文献   
刑事侦查是指“公安机关、人民检察院在办理案件过程中,依照法律进行的专门调查工作和有关的强制措施。”自上个世纪90年代以来,公安机关在刑事侦查活动中,无论是开展调查工作,还是采取强制措施,违法状况令人堪忧,尤其是非法取证因直接造成刑事错案,既给受害者本人、受害者家庭带来灾难,又严重亵渎了法律的公正,造成了恶劣的社会影响。本文选取40例加以剖析,以引起大家的高度重视。  相似文献   
社会治安视频监控工作存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对社会治安监控系统规划建设先天不足、维护管理相对滞后、资源共享深受制约等问题,文章从深化完善社会治安视频监控系统的角度,提出了一系列对策:制定科学合理的长远规划,合理布局安放地带;推动视频监控证据保全技术建设;完善视频监控管理制度,做好设施维护工作;拓展视频监控联通范围,确保证据及时获取;加强视频监控应用意识,培养专业人才队伍。  相似文献   
目前,关于司法鉴定的委托及受理等程序方面存在着诸多需要改进完善、加强规范管理的地方。文章结合司法实践,对司法鉴定的启动、材料提供以及鉴定文书的发送、告知等几个方面存在的问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
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