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韩大元 《港澳研究》2020,(1):32-39,M0002,M0003
1982年宪法是制定澳门基本法的依据,也是澳门回归祖国20年来保持繁荣稳定的根本保障。从1988年9月起草澳门基本法开始,到1999年12月20日澳门回归祖国并实施基本法以来,共和国的宪法精神像血液一样融入到澳门社会的各个领域,为澳门社会的和谐、稳定与健康发展提供了根本法基础。澳门回归20年的实践充分表明,在宪法和基本法共同构成澳门新宪制秩序的背景下,澳门特别行政区展现了开放、多元与活力,为“一国两制”的伟大实践提供了新鲜的经验。在回顾澳门回归20年的历程时,我们更加深刻地认识到共和国宪法的历史方位与时代精神,对澳门未来发展充满信心。当然,未来“一国两制”的实践也会遇到新挑战、新问题,但只要我们坚持“一国两制”的初心,坚持严格依照宪法和基本法办事,继续以宪法和基本法凝聚社会共识,澳门将会迎来更加美好的明天。  相似文献   
近代中国 ,宪政运动伴随着中华民族争取独立、民主、富强的斗争而展开。回顾百年来中国宪政与宪法的历史 ,可以帮助我们在总结历史经验的同时 ,深入研究社会主义民主宪政的理论 ,提高全民的宪法观念和法律意识 ,使依法治国进入一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   
《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》是多个学科公认的经典名著。但国内外学者对其的解读却往往囿于各自的学科意识,忽视了其作为一篇时事政治评论的创作初衷。基于政治事件史的视角,以马克思《资本论》中成熟的思想作为分析的出发点,能发现马克思在对阶级斗争和国家原理的分析过程中还揭示出了资本主义代议制民主政治制度的本质性缺陷,即"代表"的分裂问题;制度本身无法避免成为保守势力倒转历史车轮的工具;自由主义与民主主义无休止的斗争。这些缺陷使得资本主义国家在周期性经济危机的影响下一直无法摆脱政治困境的周期性反复。当代随着经济危机的反复爆发与萧条的普遍蔓延,各种"煽动者"又开始普遍在资本主义国家政坛上崭露头角,并导致了一系列"黑天鹅"事件的发生。此时重温《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》更应别有一番意趣。  相似文献   
文章用"深化的共识,多彩的个性,团结的队伍,艰辛的征途"归纳了对经济法现状的几点看法。对经济法面临任务的艰巨性和困难提出了自己的认识。特别指出了在经济发展方式转变的背景下要增强风险意识、创新理论,使经济法律制度日臻完善。  相似文献   
This article reviews the vibrant literature on policy growth in political science and adjacent disciplines, thus offering a conceptual framework for situating past and future research efforts and facilitating the engagement between them. The first part presents important concepts that capture policy growth or aspects of it (rule growth, policy layering, policy mixes, policy accumulation, policyscapes, the policy state) and dominant measurement approaches. The second part provides an overview of the main drivers of policy growth in advanced democracies, discussing the role of societal demands, political competition, institutional fragmentation, and bureaucratic processes. The third part outlines the multi-faceted and far-reaching consequences of policy growth for policy, politics, and the polity. While policy growth is often portrayed as the price to pay for upholding the democratic capitalist order in constantly modernizing and diversifying societies, the existing research also points to the negative consequences emanating from increased state activity. Policy growth not only threatens to overburden bureaucracies and thereby undermine policy effectiveness; it may also transform the institutional structure of the democratic state and make its politics more complicated and conflictual.  相似文献   
德国社会民主党是民族国家范围内建立的第一个以科学共产主义为指导的无产阶级政党。德国社会民主党非常重视党内民主建设,在坚持党代会年会制、健全党内监察制度、实行民主制等方面为各国政党树立了榜样。但是,德国社会民主党只重视组织建设,而忽视了思想建设,使得修正主义、机会主义在党内逐渐泛滥,终于导致1914年党的破产。我们要学习德国社会民主党在组织建设方面的经验,汲取其在思想建设方面的惨痛教训,推进中国共产党党内民主的发展。  相似文献   
邓小平经济民主思想的形成经历了三个阶段 ,其内容是市场主体多元化和经营民主化、政府管理经济民主化、经济体制运行民主化和市场主体内部管理民主化。在这一理论指导下 ,我国在市场主体、市场行为、市场体系、市场调控与管理、市场保障和市场经济程序等方面创制法律 ,初步形成我国社会主义市场经济法律制度框架。  相似文献   
Do variations in land ownership affect people’s democratic participation? Quantitative, cross-country research on this topic suffers from the non-comparability of regulatory systems and cultures, and the use of crude indicators to identify participation. This study attempts to overcome these methodological problems, by employing indicators of procedural and substantive participation in a structured, diachronic comparison of qualitative data from five sites in China – an authoritarian state, which, however, requires residents of urban communities and villages to participate in ‘self-government’. It examines whether and why changing land from collective ownership to state ownership, and residents’ compensated acquisition of cash and secure, fungible assets, strengthens or weakens participation in self-government. In the research sites, collective land ownership is found to stimulate participation in self-government. Transformation of the land to state ownership and people’s acquisition of private property weakens participation. The robust results of the study support the direction of a causal argument that collective land ownership is conducive to democratic participation. These findings imply that scholars and policymakers should consider the potentially adverse political consequences of changing land ownership. A further implication is that, absent substantial political reform, an urbanized China might be less rather than more democratic at the community level.  相似文献   
This article links the literature on the Europeanization of civil society organizations (CSOs) with the literature on the contribution CSOs can make to democracy in the EU. To do so, it asks which are the pull factors that support CSOs’ Europeanization: are they mostly strategic and linked to where law-making and the money are? Or are they likewise linked to a desire to contribute to EU democracy? To explore this question, the article looks at agricultural, environmental and anti-poverty groups and combines fresh qualitative with quantitative data. The findings suggest that we need to distinguish strategic Europeanization, on the one hand, from the identification with supranational democracy, on the other. They also show that the most Europeanized organizations need not be the most interested in EU democracy, whereas organizations with a comparatively low degree of Europeanization can still be interested in EU democracy.  相似文献   
Feminist opposition to the use of cohabitationcontracts for the private regulation of personalrelations has been predicated on the classical readingof contract as commerce. On this reading,cohabitation contracts construct cohabitants'obligations as commercial and typically detrimental towomen because of their weaker bargaining power. Butthe premisses of classical contract theory are beingundermined by radical critiques which emphasize theimportance of relationality in the reading ofcontract. On such critiques, the obligationsconstructed by cohabitation contracts need no longerexclude considerations of the parties' differentfinancial status and social circumstances. Theconstruction of cohabitants' obligations canaccordingly foreground fairness and equality, both indrafting and in enforcing cohabitation contracts. Inthis way, the conceptualization of contract asrelationality encourages the use of cohabitationcontracts as progressive mechanisms for thedemocratization of personal relations.  相似文献   
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