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Campus sexual assault (SA) policies and sexual consent definitions have not been widely studied. The study team conducted a nationally representative review of college and university websites (n = 995), assessing the prevalence of publicly accessible online policies and definitions and examining associations with school characteristics. A content analysis was performed on a subsample (n = 100) of consent definitions. Most schools (93.0%) had an SA policy and consent definition (87.6%) available online. Schools were more likely to have a policy or consent definition if they were large (≥5,000 students), public, or had a female enrollment of ≥33%. Detail and comprehensiveness of definitions varied. Findings highlight opportunities for schools—especially small schools, private schools, and those with more male students—to increase access to SA policies and consent definitions.  相似文献   
Disasters such as flash flooding, mass shootings, and train and airplane accidents involving large numbers of victims produce significant opportunity for research in the biosciences. This opportunity exists in the extreme tails of life events, however, during which decisions about life and death, valuing and foregoing, speed and patience, trust and distrust, are tested simultaneously and abundantly. The press and urgency of these scenarios may also challenge the ability of researchers to comprehensively deliver information about the purposes of a study, risks, benefits, and alternatives. Under these circumstances, we argue that acquiring consent for the immediate use of data that are not time sensitive represents a gap in the protection of human study participants. In response, we offer a two-tiered model of consent that allows for data collected in real-time to be held in escrow until the acute post-disaster window has closed. Such a model not only respects the fundamental tenet of consent in research, but also enables such research to take place in an ethically defensible manner.  相似文献   
我国《侵权责任法》不应满足于只是列举医生告知义务的范围。以患者为导向、面向“实质性”信息的一般性信息告知标准应成为我国立法的发展方向。应避免概括地让医疗专家鉴定“医生是否违反告知义务”、“医疗过错行为与损害结果之间是否存在因果关系”。医疗过错和因果关系的认定应化解为法官对一系列具体因素的综合考察。“医学判断”与“一般人知识”的区分有助于厘清哪些具体事项有赖于医疗鉴定,哪些具体事项应归入一般人(包括法官)的知识范围而不需要请医疗专家鉴定。医疗损害鉴定的对象仅限于常人知识不能及的医学专业问题。  相似文献   
临床医学中的知情同意权是医学实践中由基本伦理上升为受法律保障的患者权利,通过告知同意书的契约形式表达。法医临床鉴定中的被鉴定人与医疗体系中的患者具有类似的法律地位,但尚无相应的法律法规赋予被鉴定人知情同意权。笔者建议法医临床学鉴定中可赋予被鉴定人一定的知情同意权,在与鉴定机构的契约化关系下,参与鉴定过程,知悉必要的鉴定信息,并对鉴定意见有选择性同意权,从而实现司法鉴定程序的公平、正义。  相似文献   
作为20世纪60年代以后出现的新概念,强行规范具有优先于其他一切国际法规范的效力,其目的在于整合国际法的规范体系,限制国家意志。然而,由于其自身的先天缺陷,且缺乏实践的支持与充实,强行规范与传统的国际法理论产生了广泛的矛盾与冲突。步履维艰的强行规范只有在国际法的发展中才能得以升华并发挥其预期作用。  相似文献   
推定的被害人承诺与现实的被害人承诺不同。推定的承诺包括为自己或者第三人的利益的情形;推定承诺的正当化依据是为了保护被害人的更大利益;基于尊重自己决定权的立场,推定承诺的判断依据应该采取主观说;推定承诺的成立条件要具有紧迫性、有效性、可能性。  相似文献   
任意侦查行为论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强制侦查与任意侦查是根据行为是否由相对人自愿配合为前提而对侦查行为所作的分类。任意侦查行为具有保障人权和提高侦查效率双重价值,因此受到了法治国家所普遍承认和重视。但任意侦查无需司法令状原则的约束,事前司法审查的阙如容易导致任意侦查权的滥用,因此各国对任意侦查行为进行了多方面的限制。  相似文献   
由于我国刑法只规定一个伤害故意,因此,当行为人出于轻伤的故意导致他人重伤结果,应当怎样处罚,不仅在刑法理论中没有一个统一的基准,在司法实践中也是见仁见智。实施暴力行为,导致被害人重伤或死亡的,应当属于故意伤害罪的结果加重形态。在故意伤害的情况下,即便有被害者的承诺,由于作为伤害的社会意义并没有变更,因此,不能阻却构成要件的符合性。但是,基于被害者承诺的违法性的阻却,在某种情况下可以成立。阻却违法性的判断,应当根据被害者处分自己身体的安全这一法益,是否具有社会相当性而进行。针对同时伤害的情况,不应认定为共同伤害。  相似文献   
《Criminal justice ethics》2012,31(3):176-197
The will theory of rights has so far been considered incapable of capturing individual rights under criminal law. Adherents of the will theory, therefore, have defended the claim that criminal law does not assign rights to individuals. In this article I argue first, that criminal law does assign individual rights and second, that the will theory of rights may enhance our understanding of these rights. The two major implications of the account are: a volenti non fit iniuria principle for criminal law, and a theoretical framework for an idea of punishment as restitution.  相似文献   
A central tenet of medical ethics holds that it is permissible to perform a medical intervention on a competent individual only if that individual has given informed consent to the intervention. Yet it occasionally seems morally permissible to carry out non-consensual medical interventions on competent individuals for the purpose of infectious disease control (IDC). We describe two different moral frameworks that have been invoked in support of non-consensual IDC interventions and identify five desiderata that might be used to guide assessments of the moral permissibility of such interventions on either kind of fundamental justification. We then consider what these desiderata imply for the justifiability of carrying out non-consensual medical interventions that are designed to facilitate rehabilitation amongst serious criminal offenders. We argue that these desiderata suggest that a plausible case can be made in favor of such interventions.  相似文献   
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