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This paper examines a clash between modern and post-modern security systems, which may generate cooperative security dilemmas. Cooperative security dilemmas are not state-centric concepts as traditional security dilemmas but apply to international systems. The variations of cooperative security dilemmas are tested in the context of Baltic Sea regional security complex, particularly the integration dilemma in the Nordic countries and the identity dilemma with Russia. The security and defense postures of some regional actors tend to follow modern security understandings that may produce cooperative security dilemmas in the post-modern security environment.  相似文献   
受特殊运行环境的激发,新启蒙思潮开启了由“西化”向“中国化”的转型尝试。然而,思想启蒙的实现程度,总是取决于它满足该国家需要的程度。由于对民族文化特别是儒家传统救国意义的过分迷恋和畸形阐发,新启蒙思潮没能形成对中国国情的全面把握,其“中国化”话语出现了批判意识与保守情结、“济天下”与“善其身”、文化包容与权威整合、民族觉醒与个性解放等关系的调处困境,最终在继承与超越、传统与现代等一系列博弈斗争中,左右摇摆、顾此失彼,没能形成对中国化进程的系统推动。当前,“中国化”话语的建构应在马克思主义的指导下,依托民众主体力量,着眼于现实实践的主题变化,充分激发社会主义制度优势,才能超越对旧传统的过分纠葛,开拓出更为广阔的创新前景。  相似文献   
台湾爆发“3·18”学运的一个深刻背景原因是近年经济持续低迷不振。台湾经济困境主要表现在经济增长、物价变动及劳动市场等方面。由于民间消费与投资增长乏力、出口竞争力明显下降、工业生产增幅小、服务业发展不平衡,导致总体经济增长动力明显不足。造成台湾经济困境的原因,除了全球景气衰退与台湾自身结构性问题外,近年台湾经济还面临一些新问题的严峻挑战。一是区域经济整合潮流对台湾的冲击效应日益明显;二是台湾应对大陆经济转型发展乏力;三是经济振兴严重受困于政治因素。台湾突破经济困境的路径,关键在于要排除非经济性因素障碍,深化与大陆经济交流合作,充分利用大陆市场和区域整合来提高自身竞争力。  相似文献   
随着电子商务和网购市场的发展,职业差评师和网络水军在购物网站或微博等社交媒体上制造肯定性的或否定性的虚假客户评论,不但侵犯了消费者、竞争者的合法权益,而且干扰了正常的网络交易秩序。由于网络行为本身的隐蔽性特点导致法律规制上一系列困境,比如立法保护呈现归责主体不全面、义务规定不完善、法律规定不统一的状态;司法保护中取证难导致的事实认定难;执法保护中的监管难。克服该困境可以在借鉴美国经验的基础上,完善现有的立法规定;挖掘自力救济的潜力克服司法保护中取证难问题;发挥行业自律以克服执法保护监管难问题;并提高广大网民的媒体素养和法律素养,从源头上遏制网上虚假的客户评论。  相似文献   
我国《集会游行示威法》颁布已多年,但在现实中却鲜有获批准的合法的集会游行示威,大部分集会游行示威陷入合宪但违法的境地。这与《集会游行示威法》对公民集会游行示威权的限制过严有关,也与主管机关在执行过程中维稳的思维误区以及角色错位有关。要改变这一现状既要正确认识集会游行示威的制度化对民主政治的健全和社会稳定所具有的积极作用、修订《集会游行示威法》以保障公民集会游行示威的基本权利,又要明确公安机关事前依法审批、事中有效管理和事后依法追惩的角色职责。  相似文献   
The European Union Training Mission (EUTM) in Somalia, the EU’s mission to contribute to the training of the Somali Security Forces, was deployed in April 2010 and extended for another 12-month period in July 2011. Despite the positive assessment of the outcome of the first training period, the overall feebleness of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government puts the political feasibility of the mission into question. EUTM Somalia can be subjected to many of the same criticisms as the liberal peacebuilding agenda in general for trying to contain rather than resolve conflict and maintaining a top-down perspective which ignores organic, indigenous local structures.  相似文献   
华文教育本土化是世界尤其是东南亚地区的必然趋势。泰国始于20世纪40年代末期,马来西亚始于50年代后期,印度尼西亚则始于60年代中期。其他一些国家由于政治变化等国际国内因素,甚至将华文学校国有化。在这种情势下,华文教育如何在所在国落地生根并发展?本文将从华文教育的现状、特点、困境和出路等几个方面谈谈自己的看法。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来马来西亚华文教育取得了巨大成就,许多人对此颇为乐观,认为华文教育的前景一片大好,从而忽视了成就背后的困境。通过对近20年来华文小学及华文独中发展状况的分析,本文在揭示马来西亚华文教育取得成就的同时,指出了业已存在的成就困境局面  相似文献   
Strategy in negotiation is often modeled as an activity involving the interplay of creating and claiming behaviors. Theorists have advanced differing perspectives on what game best describes the consequences of choosing one approach over the other. David Lax and James Sebenius offer the prisoner's dilemma game as a model, whereas Richard Walton and Robert McKersie's analysis is consistent with a version of a classic coordination game — namely, the game of “chicken.” This article revisits these two perspectives and shows that the Walton–McKersie view is applicable to a broad range of contexts. In particular, it demonstrates how what is commonly called the tension between creating value and claiming is better understood as the simple tension between a high‐risk and a low‐risk choice.  相似文献   
The negotiator's dilemma is a vexing problem (structurally similar to the prisoner's dilemma), but it is made more complicated by the fact that many negotiations involve teams of negotiators. Although it is widely recognized that the behavior of groups of people can deviate in important ways from the behavior of individuals, the implications of this for the negotiator's dilemma are unclear. For this article, I have used a computer simulation to explore the impact of different decision rules (majority rule, consensus, and weakest link) on how the approach of groups to negotiations might differ. The results suggest that the use of different decision rules can greatly complicate negotiations. While the majority rule is quite versatile in multiple contexts, a pairing of weakest link and consensus decision rules is highly problematic for finding a negotiated settlement.  相似文献   
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