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事业单位员工养老保险转移与接续的问题及立法思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪云 《行政与法》2012,(12):104-108
事业单位员工养老保险转移与接续机制的缺失是我国目前经济发展中遇到的一个突出问题。本文从社会保险价值的基础和功能入手,分析了我国事业单位员工养老保险转移与接续的立法现状、存在的问题及原因,在借鉴国内外立法经验的基础上,结合我国实际,提出了提高立法层次形成全国统一法律法规;将事业单位员工养老保险金纳入全国统筹;设置统一的管理机构;建立高效的转移与接续协作机制;制订统一标准、实现标准化管理的立法建议。  相似文献   
在未来《刑事诉讼法》的修订中,借鉴外域“辩诉交易”制度,建立起具有中国特色的“控辩协商”程序,已经得到学界和司法实务界的认可。“控辩协商”程序的设立和运行与检察官自由裁量权的行使具有不可分割的关系,应该以外域实施辩诉交易制度需要的检察官自由裁量权为参照系,进一步丰富和完善我国检察机关自由裁量权的内容,为建立和实施控辩协商程序提供制度上的支持。  相似文献   
论分配关系中的法律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟庆瑜  范海玉 《河北法学》2005,23(12):54-59
分配作为一种经济现象与法律有着密切的关系。法律在分配关系的产生、变动和消灭过程中发挥着重要作用。法律介入分配关系具有层次性和协调性,包括宪法、民商法、行政法和经济法等在内的不同法律部门,都从各自的角度调整着分配关系,共同维护着一个国家的社会分配秩序。  相似文献   
胡威 《行政与法》2005,(2):73-75
社会保障制度不仅是人类消极地适应工业化时代经济和社会问题的产物,它还有着深厚的政治道德基础.本文从分配正义的角度揭示了社会保障制度的规范意义,阐明了分配正义原则的理论内涵,介绍了西方分配正义原则的当代争论,并从分配正义角度对我国社会保障制度的建设进行了理论思索.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a new theoretical framework of international unions qua coalitions of countries adopting a common policy and common supranational institutions. I make use of a three-country spatial bargaining game of coalition formation, in order to examine the endogenous strategic considerations in the creation and enlargement of international unions. Why would we observe a gradualist approach in the formation of the grand coalition even if the latter is assumed to be weakly efficient? I propose asymmetric information about the benefits of integration as a mechanism that can generate gradual union formation in equilibrium. As it turns out, it may well be in the ‘core’ countries’ interest to delay the accession of a third, ‘peripheral’ country in order to (1) stack the institutional make-up of the initial union in their favor and (2) signal their high resolve to wait out the expansion of their bilateral subunion. A related case from the European experience provides an interesting illustration.  相似文献   
辩诉交易制度是根生于美国并发展壮大的一项简易速决程序,体现了被告人与司法机关合作与认罪换来的法律上的从宽处罚。这种制度可以使被告人尽早地摆脱诉累,也可以最大限度地避免司法资源的浪费。针对我国不同类型的刑事案件,有必要借鉴辩诉交易制度,构建起我国以被告人认罪为基础,范围更广、分类更合理的有层次简易程序体系。  相似文献   
Miller's volume is a useful, thorough, and innovating overview of the subject of social justice. It inspires three lines of critical response. The first involves the symbiotic role of philosophy and empirical inquiry in the analysis of justice. The second involves the qualities of opportunity that ought to underlie justice. Finally, there are a few lessons regarding the status of justice in the overall evaluation of society that can be learned from the case of the United States, which has an anomalously bad record with respect to distributive justice. The centrality of politics is one of the implications of the analysis.  相似文献   
冀祥德 《河北法学》2006,24(6):58-65
任意性和真实性是口供的两个基本特征.基于对控制犯罪与保障人权的诉讼价值的诉求和对口供特征的尊重,既要首肯侦查人员获取口供的权力,又要通过限制"权力"或扩张"权利",寻求刑事诉讼双重价值的平衡.口供作为追诉犯罪的重要裁判证据,在侦查程序中的获取具有社会安全秩序意义上的该当性,但考虑到口供获取过程的特殊性,遵循正当程序的要求,则当对口供获取的原则、方式、时间、地点、程序等予以全面规制.在法治的视野下,沉默权是讯问制度中犯罪嫌疑人应当享有的重要权利,辩诉交易则又是犯罪嫌疑人打破沉默、自愿供述的激励机制.一套完整的侦查程序中口供获取与人权保护的法制体系,有待于我们在刑事诉讼法之再修改时予以构建.  相似文献   
我国修订前后的《证券法》都严格禁止证券商接受客户的全权委托.这一规定固然有其法理依据,但从意思自治原则出发、参照国外的证券交易立法并结合我国国情来看,应予解禁.在加强规制的前提下,开放全权委托业务,利大于弊.  相似文献   
Current debates concerning the viability of the welfare state evoke the question of the social bases of support of the welfare state. Past research has documented fairly consistent relationships between sociodemographic characteristics and attitudes toward welfare policies. Yet, the nature of these relationships is not well understood. In the paper we argue that the level of support for the welfare state is largely determined by the principles of distributive justice espoused by individuals as well as their images of society. We develop a theoretical framework, which outlines the structural relationship between social attributes, principles of justice, perceived conflict, and support for the welfare state. Using data from a recent population survey on the legitimation of inequality, conducted in Israel in 1999 (N = 1057), we test a number of hypotheses. For the empirical analysis we use structural equation modeling with multiple indicators. Our findings reveal substantial support for policies aimed at reducing inequality. At the same time we find strong support for rewards according to merit and unequal earnings distribution. The impact of social attributes on attitudes toward the welfare state is partially mediated by the justice principles and images of society.  相似文献   
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