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随着警犬技术工作的不断推进,法律并未授权公安机关有权使用警犬对犯罪嫌疑人进行扑咬的法律现实与警犬在公安实践中被广泛且无序地应用现状严重冲突着,构建警察使用警犬进行扑咬的法定情形刻不容缓。但前提是应厘清警察使用警犬进行扑咬时其武力性质和行为属性。只有这两个问题解决后,构建警犬扑咬法定情形才不是空中楼阁。本文拟从警犬扑咬时的行为属性出发,探讨构建警犬扑咬法定情形时应遵循的法治原则,为立法提供建议。  相似文献   
本文报道了用725型电警棍反复电击3只清醒犬所引起的行为反应、重要内脏器官活动变化。结合尸体解剖与组织学检查发现,持续高压脉冲电击可导致机体应激系统机能高度亢奋,但随电击的持续进行而转为逐渐低下,以致衰竭。从而出现各器官、系统不同程度的生理功能障碍和形态结构改变,甚至危及生命。为正确使用电警棍提供了一定的实验依据。  相似文献   
Motor vehicle accidents (MVA) are often difficult to distinguish from non‐accidental injury (NAI). This retrospective case–control study compared animals with known MVA trauma against those with known NAI. Medical records of 426 dogs and cats treated after MVA and 50 after NAI were evaluated. Injuries significantly associated with MVA were pelvic fractures, pneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, abrasions, and degloving wounds. Injuries associated with NAI were fractures of the skull, teeth, vertebrae, and ribs, scleral hemorrhage, damage to claws, and evidence of older fractures. Odds ratios are reported for these injuries. MVA rib fractures were found to occur in clusters on one side of the body, with cranial ribs more likely to fracture, while NAI rib fractures were found to occur bilaterally with no cranial–caudal pattern. Establishing evidence‐based patterns of injury may help clinicians differentiate causes of trauma and may aid in the documentation and prosecution of animal abuse.  相似文献   
Abstract: Canine biological specimens are often part of the physical evidence from crime scenes. Until now, there have been no validated canine‐specific forensic reagent kits available. A multiplex genotyping system, comprising 18 short tandem repeats (STRs) and a sex‐linked zinc finger locus for gender determination, was developed for generating population genetic data assessing the weight of canine forensic DNA profiles. Allele frequencies were estimated for 236 pedigreed and 431 mixed breed dogs residing in the U.S. Average random match probability is 1 in 2 × 1033 using the regional database and 1 in 4 × 1039 using the breed dataset. Each pedigreed population was genetically distinct and could be differentiated from the mixed breed dog population but genetic variation was not significantly correlated with geographic transition. Results herein support the use of the allele frequency data with the canine STR multiplex for conveying the significance of identity testing for forensic casework, parentage testing, and breed assignments.  相似文献   
We present the case of a 91‐year‐old woman lived alone at her home with two domestic dogs, that is,, a Labrador Retriever and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and found dead. The investigation of the scene revealed that the Bull Terrier's jawbone and chest were covered with blood. The autopsy revealed multiple, histologically confirmed, life‐threatening skin and bone lacerations without scavenging marks. The punctures and tearing of each of the wounds on the skin were compatible with bites. A left humeral fracture and multiple fractures of the right facial bones were observed. The death was attributed to external hemorrhages due to several dog bites. A veterinary physical and behavioral examination indicated that the Bull Terrier was involved in the attack. A domestic predation hypothesis was deemed here most likely due to the presence of food supplies at the scene, the dog's previous history of attack, and the breed of the dog.  相似文献   
德国是目前世界各国警察部门中警犬技术工作开展较好的国家之一,代表欧美该技术领域的发展水平。我国的警犬技术工作在一定程度上是借鉴德国的工作经验基础上发展起来的。本文运用文献资料法、现场调查法、比较分析法及逻辑推理法,对中、德两国警犬技术在教学培训受训犬的选择方式、课程设置和计划安排、管理运行方式、教学培训体系、警犬技术各使用类别等方面进行比较研究,该研究详实呈现了两国应用现状以及新技术训练方法和手段创新,通过思考相互存在异同,提出建议,旨在借鉴德国警方训练技术的先进经验,为我国警犬训练技术的改革与科学发展提供依据。  相似文献   
郑州地区犬隐孢子虫病流行病学调查及动物感染试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法和改良抗酸染色法对采自犬养殖场、郑州郊区宠物市场、实验动物房、宠物医院以及郑州郊县农村的309份犬粪便样品进行了隐孢子虫感染情况调查,同时用幼犬和SCID小鼠进行了人工感染试验。结果显示,隐孢子虫平均感染率为2.59%(8/309);犬养殖场、郑州郊县农村和实验动物房犬的隐孢子虫感染率分别为0.56%(1/179)、10.53%(2/19)、16.67%(5/30),而宠物市场、宠物医院的被调查犬未发现隐孢子虫感染。所查到的8份隐孢子虫阳性样品有6份来自1~3月龄的幼犬,表明幼犬更容易感染隐孢子虫。动物感染试验表明,犬源隐孢子虫不感染SCID小鼠和2月龄非免疫抑制幼犬,但能感染免疫抑制幼犬。组织切片用HE染色观察的结果显示,犬源隐孢子虫主要寄生在幼犬的十二指肠和空肠。根据卵囊形态大小和动物感染试验结果,将从犬分离的隐孢子虫初步鉴定为犬隐孢子虫。  相似文献   
为了解四川省黑热病疫区黑水县、汶川县、九寨沟县、茂县和北川县2010年利什曼原虫的家犬感染情况,采用荧光定量PCR反应检测自上述地区采集的584头份犬前肢静脉血样本。结果显示,总阳性检出率为18.1%,其中黑水县25.3%、汶川县24.7%、九寨沟县24.6%、茂县12.3%、北川县8.3%。按照性别、年龄差异将样本分组后对检测结果进行数据统计分析、比较组间差异,结果显示性别组阳性检出率没有显著差异(P>0.05),雄性高于雌性;年龄组差异显著(P<0.05),1岁以上犬易感。检测结果对正确预测四川省黑热病疫区疾病流行趋势,保障人民健康安全和公共卫生安全具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Cases of postmortem canine predation often involve elderly recluses and their dogs. The face, head, and genitalia are targeted. Two unusual cases of postmortem canine predation of abandoned newborns are described to demonstrate an unusual alternative pattern of mutilation related to the small size of the decedents, marked decomposition, and canine scavenging behavior. Both bodies were abandoned/concealed soon after birth and were subsequently disturbed by dogs. Both were markedly decomposed with absent arms. Other injuries included skin and soft tissue defects of the torsos, with loss of distal portions of the right foot and the left lower leg in one case. No interstitial hemorrhage was observed in any of the exposed soft tissue wounds. There were no significant head or neck injuries. These cases show that patterns of postmortem canine predation will vary depending on the age, physical characteristics, degree of decomposition, and location of decedents.  相似文献   
Abstract: Despite the popularity of dogs in US households, canine DNA evidence remains largely untapped in forensic investigations partially because of the absence of well‐defined forensic short tandem repeats (STRs), lack of standardized and validated PCR protocols, STR reagent kits, and poorly developed nomenclature. A nomenclature system was established based on internationally recognized recommendations for human forensic STRs for a recently developed canine STR reagent kit. Representative alleles were sequenced from each of the 18 STRs and the sex‐typing marker included in the kit. This study also reflects on the impact of point mutations, insertions, and deletions within and outside the STR core repeat structures. An understanding of the STRs’ sequence and repeat structures will enable development of a robust and reliable allele nomenclature and improve the accuracy and precision of allele fragment sizing in canine forensic profiling. The expected allele sizes have been calculated, and their repeat stuctures defined based on sequence information.  相似文献   
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