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人质危机现场封锁控制方法探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人质危机现场往往发生在地形生疏,又比较复杂的环境中,而且人质危机现场往往会出现各类人群聚集,发生拥挤吵闹、矛盾纠纷等情况,严重的会造成交通堵塞、引发灾害事故或发生其他案件,这在一定程度上,不仅会影响劫持者的情绪、给犯罪嫌疑人和人质造成不必要的损伤,还会影响和制约参战警力的处置行动,甚至给参战公安民警带来安全危害。因此,为确保现场各要素最大效能的发挥,必须对人质危机现场实施封锁控制。  相似文献   
运用生物信息学软件对GenBank中收录的30株新城疫病毒(NDV)全基因组序列间的差异和它们对应的F基因片段22~420核苷酸序列间的差异进行了分析。发现这些差异高度相关(r=0.937),该片段可作为区分NDV野毒和疫苗毒的指纹序列。据此设计了1对扩增用简并引物(其中一条用于PCR产物的直接测序),建立了RT-PCR-测序技术,并测得2个参数:NDV标准疫苗指纹序列库和指纹序列的变异参数。在此基础上,开发出多功能自动分析软件,通过对该指纹序列的分析,不仅可以区分NDV疫苗毒和野毒,还能同步测定这些病毒的毒力和基因型。该技术对NDV标准毒株的测定结果与已知信息完全吻合,且只需3 d即可获得结果。对不同禽类(鹅、鸽、鸵鸟、鸡)中分离的NDV的测定结果表明,59%为残留的疫苗毒。  相似文献   
农民权益保障视野下的农村土地征收制度重构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
土地是人类的生存之本。农村的土地不仅是生产资料,对广大农民更具有生活保障、提供就业、直接受益、后代继承、土地增值等效用。城市扩张靠政府强制征收农民土地,由于目前法律规定的征地补偿机制不完善,导致失地农民利益受损,社会矛盾激化。土地征收补偿事关失地农民生存权。科学合理地构建我国土地征收制度,补偿原则宪法化,土地征收权限规范化,补偿标准科学化,完善争议解决机制,关乎和谐社会构建及稳定大局。  相似文献   
彭宇案被演绎为转型社会的热点案件,客观诠释着其关涉司法法治生成结构要素的样本意义。彭宇案在事实真相认定的司法场域中具象化表征出参与主体的类型差异,一审和二审法院的场域资本在原被告之间呈现前后完全相反的态势变化。运用法社会学分析工具考量社会、职业和学术多维识别向度中热点案件的差异化区分特质,探寻关涉案件事实真相认定的司法法治生成社会动力学依赖发现路径。  相似文献   

This special issue, instead of questioning what effect peacebuilding interventions have on post-conflict societies, analyses what the ground of intervention does to peacebuilders. It demonstrates that everyday interactions on the ground shape the interveners and even the scope of their missions. We delineate how a political sociology approach might break away from binaries (‘internationals/locals’) and, instead, illuminate processes (of internationalization and localization). We intend to offer a political sociology of the ‘intervention encounter’, that is, to scrutinize the everyday interactions among peacebuilders and between peacebuilders and domestic actors, and to investigate effects of the ground on peacebuilding organizations, doctrines and decision-making processes, as well as on peacebuilders’ trajectories, positions, professional practices and representations. In fine, we explore how peacebuilders’ relations to the ground structure the socio-professional field of peacebuilding.  相似文献   
非职业法官是当前法律移植和比较法研究的一个热点。以美国和德国为样本的比较法社会学研究表明,非职业法官的类型选择与司法在国家治理和社会发展中的地位、运作中面临的问题以及现实需求密切相关,司法权力结构则深刻地影响了非职业法官在审判中的表现。我国人民陪审员制度的改革完善也应当具有一种全面的视角,既要认真对待当前的现实需求,也应充分考虑改革的空间、司法权力结构的影响以及相关制度的完善。  相似文献   
目的应用平面扫描技术建立尿渍鞋印的光学无损提取方法。方法通过调整光源入射角度和反射光接收角度等参数,运用3种平面扫描方法提取大理石、地板革和瓷砖等6种客体上遗留的尿渍鞋印。结果基于平面扫描技术的尿渍鞋印提取方法,显著增加了痕迹与承痕客体之间的亮度反差,消除或减弱承痕客体背景干扰。比较筛选得到了大理石、地板革和瓷砖等客体上尿渍鞋印的最佳平面扫描方法。结论平面扫描方法可作为一种光学无损方法用于尿渍鞋印的提取。  相似文献   
F. R. Kreutzwald introduced the Estonian national epic Kalevipoeg (1861) as genuine folklore, overshadowing his own prevalent role in its creation: the problems of genre and authorship persist in the text. Firstly, Kalevipoeg was shaped by the poetics of romantic balladry. This can be proved by its author’s devotion to the ballad; in addition, many a lyro-epic folk song has been integrated into Kalevipoeg. Thus, a ballad-like lyro-dramatical-epical structure bears upon the work which gave rise to a new form: the lyro-epic epic. Secondly, a complex cluster of authorship can be extracted from Kalevipoeg: personal, fictional, intertextual, and discursive authorships.  相似文献   
During criminal investigations involving firearms, the detection of gunshot residues (GSRs) is one of the most important evidences. In the present study, a new method to identify trace evidences of GSRs, deposited around the bullet entrance hole, in different types of fabrics used as targets, is described. The experiments were carried out using a 0.38-inch caliber revolver, and 9-mm and 0.40-inch caliber pistols. Testimonies of 2.25 cm(2) of the fabrics were cut around the bullet entrance and digested with 10% nitric acid. Antimony, barium, and lead were analyzed in the remaining solution using a sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. The concentrations of the elements were detected at levels up to few microgram per square centimeter. The use of ternary graphics allowed us to identify specific patterns of distribution for blank samples and the clear distinction between the revolver and pistols used.  相似文献   
随着经济社会的快速发展,教育体制改革的不断深入,社会腐败现象也日益严重地渗透到校园这块教书育人的神圣场所。从2008年以来,本溪市教育系统职务犯罪呈现的频发趋势,不仅严重损害政府形象,伤害公众利益,同时也影响了社会和谐与发展。为有效遏制职务犯罪滋生和蔓延,建立健全预防职务犯罪工作长效机制,本溪市检察院结合办案,就2008年以来教育系统职务犯罪情况进行了专题调研,并提出了相应的预防对策。  相似文献   
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