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犯罪理论最终决定于社会基本特征.犯罪构成源于实体观,犯罪生成源于关系观.犯罪构成在于以罪定刑,对抗性程序和客观事实;犯罪生成在于以刑定罪,协商性程序和法律事实.农业社会是整体生成的,工业社会是犯罪构成的.德日体系是构成论框架下的生成论,仍然属于犯罪构成.未来知识社会的犯罪论,是整体生成、要件生成的,是生成论框架下的构成论,属于犯罪生成.  相似文献   
《反弹道导弹条约》曾经是美苏(俄)双方承认的维持战略稳定的基石。布什政府单方面宣布退出《反导条约》是具政治主张驱使的结果,是为了在国际上谋求军事霸主地位和绝对自身安全,在国内谋取党派利益,必将对未来国际安全与军备控制进程产生极坏的影响。  相似文献   
作为一项极具中国本土特色的实践探索,行政机关负责人出庭应诉在24年间经历了依托文件推动的初创期、制度正式入法的生长期和司法解释实施的拓展期三个阶段。置身全面推进依法治国的新时代,行政机关负责人出庭应诉的制度功能应当得到全新阐释。在法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设的视域中,行政机关负责人出庭应诉具有以官员守法带动全民守法、以官民沟通促进实质化解、以个案处理实现诉源治理的时代价值,最高人民法院公布的典型案例为此提供了有力佐证。遵循法治政府建设要率先取得突破、带动法治社会建设的法治发展逻辑,应从必须出庭案件范围划定中的司法裁量、实质性解决行政争议取向的应诉表现和负责人出庭应诉实际效果的公开评价三个方面进一步予以完善。  相似文献   
公司、企业犯罪情报的集成分析是在信息集成分析理论的指导下,将大量零散的与公司、企业犯罪有关的信息加以集中、比较和重新组合从而发现新信息的过程。它以信息的联通为基础,以犯罪情报的交流、资源、方法、技术和模式为分析对象,较好的解决了传统犯罪情报分析方法面对海量信息无所适从的难题,是一种面向应用并且只有在网络环境中才能实现的分析模式。其具体过程是由元素自集成分析到感应集成分析再到体系集成分析。  相似文献   
森林生态系统是内陆增加降水、涵养水土、稳定径流、繁衍生物和吸碳制氧的重要机制,同时还提供人类所需的多样性的食、用之物。传统的农林水气分离式发展模式严重削弱了这一机制,导致全球性的水土流失、径流失稳、干旱加剧、气候变暖、资源短缺、环境恶化。未来的粮食、淡水、气候和生物多样性安全应建立在建设多产高产和生态功能健全的农林水气一体化的森林系统基础上。  相似文献   
Research Summary This article reviews what international evidence exists on the impact of civil and criminal sanctions upon serious tax noncompliance by individuals. This construct lacks sharp definitional boundaries but includes large tax fraud and large-scale evasion that are not dealt with as fraud. Although substantial research and theory have been developed on general tax evasion and compliance, their conclusions might not apply to large-scale intentional fraudsters. No scientifically defensible studies directly compared civil and criminal sanctions for tax fraud, although one U.S. study reported that significantly enhanced criminal sanctions have more effects than enhanced audit levels. Prosecution is public, whereas administrative penalties are confidential, and this fact encourages those caught to pay heavy penalties to avoid publicity, a criminal record, and imprisonment. Policy Implications Although it has yet to be proven that prosecution has a greater or lesser impact on these offenders, increased prosecution might be justified for purposes of moral retribution as well as perceived social fairness.  相似文献   
BRUCE A. JACOBS 《犯罪学》2010,48(2):417-441
The first forays into Western criminological theory came in the language of deterrence (Beccaria, 1963 [1764]). The paradigm itself is simple and straightforward, offering an explanation for crime that doubles as a solution (Pratt et al., 2006). Crime occurs when the expected rewards outweigh the anticipated risks, so increasing the risks, at least theoretically, will prevent most crimes in most circumstances. If deterrence describes the perceptual process by which would-be offenders calculate risks and rewards prior to offending, then deterrability refers to the offender's capacity and/or willingness to perform this calculation. The distinction between deterrence and deterrability is critical to understanding criminality from a utilitarian perspective. However, by attempting to answer “big picture” questions about the likelihood of offending relative to sanction threats, precious little scholarship has attended to the situated meaning of deterrability. This article draws attention to this lacuna in hopes of sensitizing criminology to an area of inquiry that, at present, remains only loosely developed.  相似文献   
In this paper we use a simple climate model for endogenous environmental technical change in order to analyse the effects on equity and efficiency of placing different degrees of restrictions on trade in the market of pollution permits. The model is obtained by incorporating in Nordhaus and Yang (1996)'s RICE model a notion of induced technical change close to the one proposed in Goulder and Mathai (2000). With the help of such a model, we assess the pros and cons of introducing ceilings on emission trading. In particular, we analyse both the cost effectiveness and the distributional effects of placing restrictions of trading emissions. The analysis takes into account the role of environmental technical change that could be enhanced by emission trade limitations. However, this effect is shown to be offset by the increased abatement cost induced by the larger than optimal adoption of domestic policy measures when ceilings are made binding. Hence, our analysis provides little support for quantitative restrictions of emission trading, even when these restrictions actually have a positive impact of technical change. Even in terms of equity, ceilings find no justification within our theoretical and modelling framework. Indeed, we find that flexibility mechanisms in the presence of endogenous technical change increase equity and that the highest equity levels are achieved without ceilings, both in the short and in the long run.  相似文献   
刘银良 《法学研究》2022,44(1):171-187
惩罚性赔偿制度的目的在于通过惩罚既往侵权行为而威慑未来侵权行为,其前提包括权利的确定性、侵权判断可行和过度威慑的消极影响小。知识产权的不确定性决定了它与惩罚性赔偿有着根本冲突,难以全面适用惩罚性赔偿制度。从惩罚性赔偿制度的前提和侵权行为的道德可责性出发,可对知识产权惩罚性赔偿进行类型化适用,恶意知识产权侵权行为或可适用惩罚性赔偿,一般知识产权侵权行为则难以适用。在国际知识产权规则下,既要保护知识产权,又要为正当竞争保留合理空间,知识产权与竞争的平衡才可产生最优的创新激励效果。知识产权惩罚性赔偿可能造成过度威慑,打破知识产权与竞争的平衡,妨碍知识产权法基本目标的实现。类型化适用有利于降低或避免知识产权惩罚性赔偿的制度风险。  相似文献   
算法具备自主学习和大数据处理的能力,有助于达成、实施垄断协议,形成算法驱动的合谋现象。算法合谋并无明显的意思联络,缺乏明确的合意证据,因而对传统的垄断协议概念带来挑战。算法决策存在黑箱,导致经营者排除、限制竞争的主观意图无法得到验证。人—机联系弱化,进而导致宽恕政策和法律制裁失灵。面对算法技术的进步,反垄断法亟待建立因应时代变化的垄断协议检测、认定和制裁规则体系。为此,垄断协议的检测应当保持前摄性,借助大数据和经济分析手段筛选市场异质信号,进而在垄断协议认定方面适当降低证明标准,发挥算法作为间接证据的证明功能,最后,通过续造法律责任督促算法设计者、提供者履行竞争义务,保持算法的可问责性。  相似文献   
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