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行政合法性原则与行政合理性原则一直占据我国行政法基本原则的统治地位.现行行政法中并未明确确认信赖利益保护原则作为一项基本原则,也没有制定关于侵害信赖利益的赔偿法规.行政信赖利益损失补偿作为一种利益平衡机制,在协调个人利益与公共利益,保护公民个人权益方面起着举足轻重的作用.从构建诚信政府的角度看,尽早把这种理念落实到行政过程中显得尤为重要.我国在引入大陆法系关于信赖利益保护理论的同时,可以借鉴合法预期理论的长处,使得信赖利益保护原则具有更宽泛的适用性和周延性,使其成为一个现代行政法上的基本原则.  相似文献   
由于法律制度的不完善等原因,银行在住房消费信贷中承担着较高的风险。应根据住房消费信贷的特点和我国的社会现状,完善有关住房消费信贷的法律制度,使住房消费信贷市场更加健康、有序地发展。  相似文献   
期刊编辑工作中的侵权风险与防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
编辑侵权主要是指在期刊编辑工作中,编辑主体不遵守有关法律、法规,对著作权人的人身权和财产权形成侵害的行为。期刊编辑工作中有意无意出现多种侵权现象,小则损害作者的利益,挫伤作者的积极性,大则会侵害社会利益,危害到社会的公平公正原则。期刊编辑必须增强著作权意识,维护好编者、作者、读者的合法权益,尊重作者,审慎进行编辑加工,避免在编辑出版过程中的侵权行为。  相似文献   
生物技术风险应对必须走到科技的前面去,在风险预防的基础上审慎推动新冠疫情防治生物技术的发展创新;对生物安全威胁的防控更应走到法律的内部去,在法律规范下妥善处置新冠疫情中的生物技术风险.重塑发展生物技术的原则和态度,防范和化解生物技术应用产生的阴霾,创设适宜的生物技术生长的法治空间,实现在法律规制下的生物技术与人类社会的...  相似文献   
江苏省近几年及“十一五”期间面临投毒、爆炸、杀人、劫持等报复社会型风险。这些风险严重危及人民群众的生命财产安全,破坏社会稳定和地方经济的发展。应对这种风险的措施有:讲求社会公平,缩小贫富差距;多管齐下,健全社会支持网络;加强法制教育,培养公众的“侵犯焦虑”;“疏”、“堵”结合,控制报复社会型犯罪渠道;运用大众传媒,进行必要的信息控制和正确的舆论导向;加强防卫,保护重点人群和场所,管理好外来人口。  相似文献   
This historical study utilizes annual insured bank data from 1936 through 1989 to empirically evaluate the impact of bank regulation on bank risk taking in a cross-country comparison of the United States and Canada. Risk is hypothesized to be determined, in part, by the regulatory environment in which a bank operates. The findings of this analysis contributes to the contemporary deregulation policy debate, since both branch banking restrictions and deposit insurance variables are found to be detrimental to bank stability. More specifically, these results support the 1994 Riegle–Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act, which removed legislative barriers to interstate branching. These results also confirm expectations that deposit insurance increases risk taking and supports the 1991 mandate by regulators that risk-based deposit insurance be created. Further, these findings support the 1988 Basel Accord to standardize bank capital requirements internationally and to link these standards to bank risk taking.  相似文献   
社区是党和政府联系和服务群众的“最后一公里”,防范社区风险是维护社会稳定的重要抓手。基层公安机关是社区风险治理重要的参与者。基层公安机关要积极采用现代化社区警务模式,同其他部门协调配合,坚持重心下移、力量下沉、保障下倾原则,坚持法治保障、科技支撑,形成创新性社区网格化管理模式,更好地将风险化解在源头。  相似文献   
From the point of a normative idea of equality, all citizens are entitled to equal access to the cities public spaces. In the public debate, the media have often been blamed for contributing to people's fear and insecurity and the avoidance of public places, especially after dark. In this paper, the author addresses the question of how and to what extent experiences of risk and threats in the media, perceptions of crime coverage in the media and third-person-effects of risk and threats influence the degree of avoidance of public places and the variation in people's experiences of the sensation of feeling fear and insecurity in public places. The main results presented here are primarily based on survey data from a well known regional survey (Western SOM) performed in 2001-2007 on approximately 3,000 inhabitants in the local region of Gothenburg, Sweden. Experiences of risk and threats through the media are of minor importance for the independent effect on the experiences of the sensation of feeling fear and insecurity in public spaces. The main role of the media is through the perceptions the respondents have on media coverage on crime and media influence on their own and others experiences of threats and risks. Those that believe that media coverage on crime is understated have to a greater extent avoided public places and experienced the sensation of feeling fear and insecurity than those that believe that media coverage of crime is coherent with reality or overstated. The third-person-effects that occur also have consequences. Those that believe that media influence experiences of threats and risks have to a greater extent experienced the sensation of feeling fear and insecurity than those that don't believe in media influence (on both others and themselves). The main conclusion presented in this paper is that the avoidance of public places and variation in people's experiences of the sensation of feeling fear and insecurity in public places is more related to people's perceptions of media content and media influence regarding risk and threats than experiences of risk and threats through the media. This, however, doesn't mean that the experience of risk and threats through the media doesn't matter. Experience of risk and threats through the media matters, but do so through reinforcing personal and social experiences of risk and threats.  相似文献   
机动车在使用的过程中风险会发生变化,如改变其使用性质等。当机动车面临的风险增加时,投保人是否有通知保险人的义务,新实施的《机动车交通事故责任强制保险条例》无明文规定。结合我国《保险法》的相关规定,可以认为,投保人仍有危险增加的通知义务;未履行该通知义务的,保险人并不免除赔付责任;保险人在向受害人赔付后有权对投保人进行追偿;在投保人履行了通知义务后,保险人不得解除合同。  相似文献   
试论自主创新与风险投资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主创新发展高科技已成为我国调整产业结构和转变经济增长方式的一个中心环节,打造自主创新的风险投资机制,建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、政府资助和社会闲置资本为主体的风险投资体系,是实现我国自主创新、“十一五”规划的重要手段。风险投资在发达国家已取得了辉煌的成就,在我国尚处于开发阶段,完善我国的资本市场,形成风险投资的退出机制将是风险投资成败的关键。  相似文献   
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