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实现南海区域安全与和平、稳定一直以来是中国和东盟国家就南海局势展开对话与合作的重要议题之一。然而,现实中的南海安全局势却一再紧张,这表明南海区域安全制度性安排与安全秩序理念和现有变化、发展迅速的南海安全形势已经出现了不同步、不协调的状况。在过往长期的南海安全区域间治理实践中,东盟和中国作为南海周边最具影响力的国家间集团和最重要的区域大国,以不同的方式,就南海安全的区域间治理展开了对话与合作,并形成了各自富有特色的治理模式,"东盟模式"和"中国模式"。这两种模式从不同层次和多个渠道就南海区域安全治理进行了对话与合作,并在南海安全区域间治理方面发挥了一定的效用。然而,目前南海安全体系呈现出来的脆弱性和南海区域安全现况却一再揭示,中国和东盟在南海安全区域间治理进程中还面临着不少现实的困境。为克服这些困境,更好地实现南海安全的区域间治理,中国和东盟应形成合力,为南海安全的区域间治理重塑一个相吻合的制度规范,共同构建一个相匹配的角色、身份与创造一个具有建设性意义的内外治理环境。  相似文献   
中国直接投资东盟新四国的区位分析与对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东盟新四国由于有着相似的市场特征与发展共性,适合作为细分后的投资整体区位来研究.通过新近的数据和实证资料,分析东盟新四国直接投资环境的利弊因素以及国企业投资过程中存在的一系列问题,进而提出优化并有效扩大中国企业对东盟新四国直接投资的综合对策.  相似文献   
The paper examines the flow of highly skilled workers employed by foreign companies in Hungary. It explores the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and tacit knowledge flows through the mobility of highly qualified workers in this age of globalisation. The paper shows that mobility is a very important factor in the transfer of knowledge linked to the movement of capital—to FDI. The paper analyses the potential transfer of knowledge and skills from advanced market economies to Hungarian companies as accompanying FDI. The analysis is based on a pioneering survey on business-led mobility.
Annamária InzeltEmail: Email:
This paper provides a preliminary overview of research on organized crime in Asia drawing on selected papers from a symposium held at the National University of Singapore in June 2007. We draw on these contributions to emphasize the enterprise nature of organized crime and the common problems encountered by law enforcement in controlling and preventing the many harms inflicted by serious criminal activity. Recent attempts to address the changing character and forms of transnational organized crime, especially through the strengthening of mutual legal assistance by regional bodies such as ASEAN, are noted. These measures have yet to develop into the cross-border institutional frameworks now found in Europe, and the level of effective co-operation can only continue to improve. Countering organized crime in Asia also faces additional difficulties arising from the cultural diversity, relative weakness of law enforcement in some states and the lack of common strategies in respect to illicit markets.
Roderic BroadhurstEmail:
This paper examines whether foreign direct investment (FDI) influences confidence in commercial contracts in developing countries. While the research on how host countries’ policy environments encourage FDI inflows has flourished, scholars have paid less attention to how the policy environment and local actors’ beliefs might, in turn, be affected by FDI. This is surprising because multinational enterprises are well‐recognized political and economic actors across the world. We expect that their increasing economic salience will influence the policy environments in which they function. By employing an innovative measure of property rights protection – contract‐intensive money – we examine how foreign direct investment influences host countries’ contract‐intensive money ratio in a large panel time series of both developed and developing countries from 1980 to 2002. Our analysis suggests that higher levels of FDI inflows are associated with greater confidence in commercial contracts and, by extension, the protection of property rights in developing countries.  相似文献   

The Eurocentric theory of economic regionalism, as demonstrated by the empirical case of the European Union, has been widely recognized as the pathfinder, role model, and inspiration for other regional organizations, including ASEAN, due to its continuous attempts at deepening economic integration, formalizing the decision-making process, and legalizing the administrative body. Despite this concordant movement, it is evident from Thailand that ASEAN has evolved differently from the rationale, process, and prediction that Eurocentric theory dictates.

The purpose of this article is to argue that the economic regionalism of ASEAN has not developed in accordance with an economically-oriented rationale. Moreover, the process of economic integration has not necessarily derived from the free trade agreement itself, particularly when a country lacks continuity in terms of its development of regionalist projects. In addition, Thailand has not followed the path of economic integration due to spillover effects. This is because member countries have not given up their sovereignty in favour of the regional institution. Economic regional activities have been broadened within a limited scope, and the expansion has been conducted through bilateral talks, rather than a strengthening of regional solidarity.  相似文献   
自2017年美、日、印、澳“四方安全对话”重新启动以来,其虽然只开展了少量且缺乏实质性内容的行动,却引发了大量讨论和高度的政策关注。纵观这一对话的发展演变可以看出,四国之间的某些共识构成了其重启后的显著特点,如更明确地将目标指向中国、以“民主价值观”作为秩序构建的出发点、服务于美国“印太战略”的需要以及开始将关注重点延伸至发展和治理领域等。基于这些新特点,“四方安全对话”在近三年来的实践中提升了四国之间的战略联系和协同作战能力、从议题领域和地理范围两个维度拓展了四国的战略合作、在外交上释放了四国团结一致的政治信号,并强化了美国主导的地区安全结构,从而对“印太”地缘环境产生了不容忽视的影响。尽管从组织内部以及次区域战略环境角度分析,“四方安全对话”的前景仍有很大的不确定性,但考虑到这一新的地缘战略安排针对中国的目标指向性,以发展的眼光看待并审慎地予以应对,是中国从外交上塑造地区和平秩序、维护国家安全和发展利益的应有之义。  相似文献   
入世前,我国在吸引外资的政策上“超国民待遇”与“次国民待遇”并存,取得了相当大的成效,也存在不少问题;入世后,对外资的“超国民待遇”可以根据各行业和各地区的实际情况继续实行,但在“次国民待遇”上可作为的空间将逐步缩小,因此,要加强重点产业的引资力度、超国民待遇政策向中西部地区倾斜、积极探索和采用跨国并购的方式提高利用外资的规模和质量。  相似文献   
冯卓 《东北亚论坛》2006,15(6):17-20
随着国际环境和东亚区域内环境的不断发展变化以及东亚各国较高的经济增长速度,近年来东亚合作展现出了前所未有的新的机遇。然而,东亚一体化进程中仍充满着很多不确定因素,在通往东亚共同体的道路上仍困难重重。东北亚各国应认清目前的国际环境和发展态势,用发展的眼光看待和解决面临的困难和问题,抓住历史机遇,东亚合作大有可为。  相似文献   
本文从投资规模、目的、领域和区域分布等方面分析韩国企业与日本企业对华直接投资的变迁过程及其特点。近年来,韩El企业在对华投资目的上越来越倾向于开拓中国市场。对华投资的行业类别上,虽然投资产业集中在制造业的格局没有改变,但是在批发零售业、金融业等非制造业领域也呈现增长趋势。今后,在强化技术开发和零部件采购本地化的基础上,开发建立适应中国消费市场变化的产品与销售体制,积极拓展内陆地区以及二、三级城市市场将是韩日企业需要解决的重要课题。  相似文献   
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