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桂林确立"文化立市"战略是正确决策,把文化产业作为战略性支柱产业来发展是实现这个战略的必然选择,它既能使桂林丰富的文化资源优势得以展现,更是桂林突破经济围城困局的破解良策。只要坚定方向,科学规划,立足自身优势,扶持好文化旅游等重点产业的发展,突破发展中的障碍,巧借外力实现区域合作,桂林一定会走向繁荣。  相似文献   
Conventional scholarly wisdom has it that most Italian Americans in the United States were loyal supporters of the policies of Fascism in the inter-war years but eventually rejected the antisemitic measures that Benito Mussolini's regime adopted in their ancestral country in 1938. Contrary to such an interpretation, Luconi argues that many Italian Americans themselves held antisemitic attitudes and, therefore, did not distance themselves from Fascism after Mussolini launched his campaign against Italian Jews. He also contends that these attitudes resulted less from an ideological commitment to Fascism than from both the strained relations between Italian Americans and Jewish Americans, and the antisemitic climate of opinion that characterized American society in the 1930s. Italian Americans and Jews were partners in the labour movement and the Democratic Party. Yet the former resented the latter's distrust in Italian Americans' labour militancy, as well as the earlier rise of Jews in the hierarchies of the unions and the Democratic Party. Furthermore, Italian Americans and Jews competed for jobs, political patronage, cheap housing and relief benefits, especially during the Depression years. Such ethnic rivalries and the appeal of right-wing organizations to Italian Americans contributed to make the latter prone to antisemitism. As a result, few Americans of Italian descent came out against the racial policy of the Fascist regime.  相似文献   
程慧东 《学理论》2012,(21):17-18
中国必须坚持和平发展的战略,因为它符合中国的国家战略利益,也符合中国人民和世界人民的根本利益。同时,中国也必须果决反制菲、越的侵略挑衅行为。因为这是捍卫中国国家主权的需要,也是制止侵略行为、防止南海问题进一步复杂化失控化、捍卫南海和平的需要。果决反制挑衅,不仅不与我国的和平发展战略相冲突,反而是对我国和平发展战略的有力维护。  相似文献   
在未来相当长时间内,贵州省要充分利用良好的政策条件以及“工业强省”战略、“城镇化带动”战略所带来的发展机遇进一步抓好农民工的创业就业工作。调查发现,目前贵州省农民工创业面临的困难主要是“缺资金”、“缺项目”、“缺环境”、“缺信息”等,而就业中存在主要困难有“缺技术”、“缺稳定或缺保障”、“缺待遇”和“缺渠道和信息”等。为此,必须牢固树立“三个观念”、坚持“五项原则”,并按照“以就业促进创业,以创业带动就业”的战略新思路全面助推贵州农民工创业就业。  相似文献   
随着全球经济的快速发展,无形资产的作用和价值日益突显,尤其是专利权,已然成为全球企业竞争的核心力量.我国自改革开放以来,专利工作的开展取得了突飞猛进的效果,关于专利的研究也正在不断的深入,然而,我国企业专利权的保护仍存在诸如缺乏专利意识、专利技术含量不高、缺少专利战略等问题,我国应从增强企业内部专利权保护、提高企业专利技术含量、完善专利法律制度等方面加强我国专利权的保护.  相似文献   
目前在英语课堂教学中存在不少学困生。这些学生在英语学习上花费大量的时间却收效甚微。英语学习策略认知缺失是阻碍他们学习进步的主要原因。学生要早日摆脱学困,必须开启学困生学习策略意识,促使他们自主寻觅适宜的学习方法,以促其早日摆脱学困。  相似文献   
一个经济体的持续健康运行是由经济体实施的发展战略、经济运行的动力机制和平衡机制相互作用的结果,"中等收入陷阱"的形成机制在于这三个要素的配置失当。我国进入中等收入国家行列之后,在产业结构、收入结构、城乡结构、人口结构诸方面均已显现出类似于"中等收入陷阱"中国家的一些特征。为避免落入"中等收入陷阱",我国必须把经济发展重点由强调速度转向结构调整,实施"转变发展方式,实现包容性增长"的经济发展战略,促进由粗放型向集约型增长方式的转变,同时推动政府职能向提供基本公共服务转变。  相似文献   
Harriet Aldrich 《圆桌》2018,107(3):341-346
In the 1980s, the debate surrounding South Africa apartheid consumed the Commonwealth. While superficially this discussion might appear to have had little relevance to the interests of micro and small state members of the Commonwealth, the behemothic nature of apartheid presented significant challenges to such states. This article attempts to assess the varied ways in which South African apartheid affected the diplomatic strategies of micro-states within the political landscape of the Commonwealth, and how it could be perceived as both a hindrance to their agendas, as well a potential tool in the fight to amplify their voices. Micro-states used the egalitarian structure of the Commonwealth and combined it with the prominence of apartheid in international debate to both elevate their status and even to garner support for their own personal concerns. Apartheid’s reframing of the international conversation had broad reverberations which affected Commonwealth responses to a variety of seemingly disparate issues. This culminated in the ejection of Fiji from the Commonwealth in the aftermath of the 1987 coup due to concerns over racial discrimination, emblematising the all-pervasive nature of the apartheid debate within the Commonwealth.  相似文献   
近年来涉警类社会热点事件频发,一旦引导处置不当极易引发网络舆情危机。当前,公安机关政务微媒体在舆情应对中存在着应对意识滞后,引导资源分散,应对方法陈旧,运行维护不规范等问题。针对此类问题,公安机关政务微媒体在舆情应对过程中,应优化应对理念,健全应对处置机制,提升应对管控能力,完善应对激励考核机制,只有这样,才能在完善公安机关政务微媒体运行机制,提升涉警舆情应对能力,发挥政务微媒体自身价值及构建和谐警民关系方面得到助力和有所作为。  相似文献   
’95世妇会强调了男性参与的重要性,但20年来男性参与在中国仍然做得很不够。男性参与的概念在1994年第一次被正式提出,此后不断受到重视,男性参与具有必要性与可能性,是实现性别平等的重要力量。中国男性参与的理论与实践刚刚起步,需要加强。推动中国的男性参与,应该加强男性参与的理论研究,落实男性参与的现状与经验研究,并且在法律与公共政策、学校教育、大众传播、社会服务等领域制定和落实推动男性参与的具体策略,这些是弘扬’95世妇会精神所必需的。  相似文献   
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