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劳动争议调解机制的构造分析与改进构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国劳动争议调解机制的结构性缺陷为忽视了调解组织中立性、行动能力、行为动因、工会角色安排和交易费用承担等前提条件问题,其基本假设不可靠。参考国际社会的成功做法,结合我国实际,可建立健全企业内部劳资沟通渠道,配置给雇主以释明、沟通义务和相应的举证责任;可改造和充实三方机制,以建立区域性、行业性乃至国家层面的调解和指导调解机构;在诸多重要条件不具备的过渡时期,可选择政府主导的调解机制,同时培育和激励民间调解机构和人员的广泛参与;运用惩罚性赔偿的私法责任和行政处罚等公法责任,强化对劳资纠纷中侵权者特别是资方的法律约束,以确立劳资争议调解中促进妥协、和解的压力与诱导机制。  相似文献   
与其他非诉纠纷解决机制相比,公安行政调解具有独特的优势。但公安行政调解尚存在违反自愿原则、扩大调解范围、调解与处罚并用等问题,因此,应当科学定位并合理规范公安行政调解行为,以化解矛盾与纠纷,推动公安基层基础建设,增进社会和谐。  相似文献   
论警察行政调解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
警察行政调解是建立在既有的警察治安调解的基础之上 ,行使其行政权能的一个重要方法。它的适用对象应该包括因民间纠纷引起的治安案件 ,刑事案件中的自诉案件和对刑事案件的附带民事赔偿部分。警察行政调解对缓和社会矛盾的作用显著 ,但需在自愿、查明事实、分清是非、合法原则的指引下进行 ,同时对其具体操作程序也需要科学构造  相似文献   
调解是中国社会一种重要的纠纷解决机制。近十几年来,法院调解在中国重新得到重视,在案件解决过程中起到了重要作用。在案件调解过程中,法官经常运用预判术、隔离摸底术、“借力术”等调解技术。法官在其法律观、司法观、当事人观等观念支配下形成了独特的调解观。  相似文献   
2008年以来,随着《劳动合同法》、《劳动争议调解仲裁法》的实施,特别是《劳动合同法实施条例》的颁布施行,虽然澄清了《劳动合同法》中的一些模糊问题,但是,围绕企业规章制度、双重劳动关系、经济补偿金和赔偿金的计算、追索加班费的举证责任和加班工资基数,以及社会保险争议等问题,人们的认识和仲裁、司法的审理和执行仍比较混乱。因此,有待于通过进一步学习劳动法律,在实践中对《劳动合同法》及《实施条例》执行过程中的某些疑难问题做进一步探讨。  相似文献   
大调解格局是对我国社会转型、社会矛盾激增、社会纠纷亟须有效解决的积极回应,是社会管理创新之举。而人民调解制度源于传统调解制度,发展于建国后,对于预防纠纷、解决纠纷曾发挥过重大作用。但在新时期,人民调解一度因不适应社会发展未能充分发挥作用。大调解格局的形成,为人民调解的回归与功能的新定位创造条件。人民调解是社区建设、社区自治的必然要求,可以有市场、管理和司法模式的选择。人民调解是个多元的、开放的体系。  相似文献   
In this article, I investigate intake calls to community mediation services in which disputing neighbors ask mediators to help them resolve their conflicts. These calls are the first point of contact between potential clients and mediators. To maintain their organization's funding, mediators must convert a sufficient number of these callers into clients of the service. Intake calls, however, are not treated as part of the mediation process proper, and mediators are not trained to handle them. I audio‐recorded and transcribed approximately two hundred calls to mediation services based in the United Kingdom and then analyzed them using conversation analysis. I identified several factors routinely present in these intake calls that seemed to prevent disputants from ultimately engaging in the mediation process; I characterize these factors as “barriers to mediation.” These barriers include callers' lack of knowledge about mediation as a service and mediators' often ineffective methods of explaining the process. In particular, callers rejected mediation services when the mediators explained that mediation is an impartial service. Some of the mediators, however, managed intake calls differently, describing it more effectively, expressing empathy or affiliation with callers, and thus were able to overcome many of the callers' most common concerns about the process. In this article, I also discuss this study's implications for understanding the institution of mediation and for training mediators.  相似文献   
在纠纷解决的资源视角下,法院调解资源的投放情况攸关调解的效能。由于缺乏传统"马锡五审判方式"所隐含的"熟人权威"资源背景,法官更多通过增加调解工作频度以弥补熟人资源的缺失,造成了诉讼调解的"内卷化"。地方实践中的人大代表协助诉讼调解,在人大代表介入调解的正当性基础上,通过常识性话语资源优势和社会资本优势,为法院调解提供了"意外"资源支持的机遇结构,在一定程度上改善了调解"内卷化"问题。  相似文献   
In Finland the first experimental mediation projects founded on the principles and ideals of restorative justice were started in the beginning of the 1980s. Before the Act on Mediation in Criminal and Certain Civil Cases (1015/2005) came into force in 2006, mediation services were provided by cities, municipalities, and non-governmental organizations. Victim–offender mediation (VOM) practices varied, and there was minimal guidance and supervision by state authorities. The Act (1015/2005) aimed to standardize mediation services and practices and enable evaluation of VOM in order to provide solutions to some of the issues raised regarding mediation in intimate relationship violence (IRV). The Act states that only police or prosecutors may initiate the process for referring a case that involves intimate relationship violence. Furthermore, mediators/facilitators who handle IRV cases are required to attain further training. This article examines the ideals, attitudes, and practices of VOM in relation to intimate relationship violence in Finland. The aims and ideals stipulated in the Act on Mediation are presented and later compared to actual practices of VOM which were obtained through the review of documented agreements. These were the end-results of VOM in cases of intimate relationship violence. The empirical data also included a questionnaire sent to mediators in three offices as well as a national questionnaire sent to prosecutors.  相似文献   
The mediation efforts of the European Union (EU) Delegation in Yemen started with the uprising in 2011 which led to the conclusion of the National Dialogue Conference in 2014. This article examines the EU's understanding of mediation vis-à-vis its practice. The case of Yemen lends itself to trace EU mediation capabilities from the implementation of the “Concept on Strengthening Mediation and Dialogue Capacities” to a more systematic approach because the Mediation Support Team (MST) of the European External Action Service took office in 2011. Building on an analytical framework of mediation as a tool of EU foreign policy, this article demonstrates how EU mediation presents itself along a political and a technical dimension. The collaboration of the MST and the EU Delegation personnel in Yemen fostered an increase in mediation awareness. However, it could not develop its full potential as the UN Special Advisor sidelined the EU and other members of the Group of Ten Ambassadors through his proactive approach. Despite those difficulties of standing up to established actors in the field, this study argues that EU mediation is about balancing its political and technical dimension. For now, the political seems to outweigh the craft of mediation in the case of Yemen.  相似文献   
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