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科学发展观是马克思主义中国化的最新成果,开辟了马克思主义关于发展理论的新境界。科学发展观"军事篇"是党的军事指导理论的与时俱进,是新的历史条件下国防和军队建设的科学指南。以部队建设的优异成绩迎接党的十七大,首要的是用科学发展观统一思想,把全军的思想和意志、智慧和力量凝聚到党的创新理论旗帜下。  相似文献   
冷战结束后的15年中,美国与印尼的军事合作关系发生了显著变化:由中断到恢复、不断升温。现实主义的权力观根据国际环境发生变化后国家利益的侧重点也会变化这一视角进行解读。建构主义认为,观念会影响身份的建构,美国与印尼观念的变化对它们身份和军事合作产生了重要影响。美印(尼)军事合作关系的恢复和升温,对东南亚地区安全环境将产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to conduct a multi-method evaluation to investigate the effectiveness of a youth development program for military dependent youth entitled, Youth Action Program. The dimensions of an ecological program are used to examine the program post-de-facto. The comparison with elements of ecological programming provided reasons as to this program's perceived impact and its weaknesses. A multi-dimensional evaluation is employed that examines the processes and outcomes in their natural settings. Youth and parents overwhelmingly believed that this program had made a positive difference in their lives. Youth demonstrated an improvement, although not significant, in their self-concept; however, participating youths' levels of social isolation and withdrawal from social contact remained at a high level. The results and need for future research are presented related to evaluating youth development programs and the ecological model.  相似文献   
Velasco's brand of military nationalism marked a real break from the orientation of the majority of Peruvian military regimes, which were pro‐United States and espoused limited government. Many attempts have been made to explain this outcome, but the release of documents from British and United States archives clarify certain issues. Above all, Velasco's use of the nationalist card enabled him to win over decisive support from both the military and political society. This support gave him sufficient leverage to consolidate his personal position, which he did before launching a major programme of domestic property expropriation.  相似文献   
This paper seeks to understand the effect of campaign finance laws on electoral outcomes. Spurred by the recent Supreme Court decision, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), which eliminated bans on corporate and union political spending, the study focuses on whether such bans generate electoral outcomes that are notably different from an electoral system that lacks such bans. We look to two key electoral dynamics that such bans might influence: the partisan balance of power and the success of incumbents. Using historical data on regulations in 49 American states between 1968 and 2009 we test alternative models for evaluating the impact of corporate spending bans put in place during this period. The results indicate that spending bans appear to have limited effects on election outcomes.  相似文献   
我国军事社会学自 2 0世纪 80年代中期创建以来 ,取得了一系列令人瞩目的成就 :学科建设稳步发展 ,学术成果较为显著 ,重点问题研究有所建树。但同时也还存在着一些问题和不足 ,主要表现为学科体系建构尚有分歧 ,理论研究缺乏系统性 ,缺乏扎实的实证研究 ,研究领域失之零散 ,研究方法较为单调。展望未来 ,我国军事社会学的学科前景十分广阔 ,但要使学科科学化、规范化 ,进而使学科走向繁荣 ,在宏观上应做好三个方面的工作 :一是加大理论研究力度 ,构建中国军事社会学学科的理论体系 ;二是解放思想 ,拓宽视野 ,增强军事社会学的生命力 ;三是加强学科基础建设。  相似文献   
详细研究国民政府在抗日战争相持阶段军事战略的学术成果不多,且以否定居多。通过研究三次南岳军事会议和四次长沙作战的具体史实,可归纳出此时期国民政府军事战略的四个特点:持久战的总体构想;重视湖南战场,屏蔽大后方;不再一味死守重要城市;应战而不求战的策略。据此可以认为,国民政府基本把握了抗战相持阶段的特点,其军事战略基本上是正确的,即以持久战对抗日本的速决战,以空间换时间。尽管主客观方面的原因使得国民政府在相持阶段的军事战略显得有些保守,但是不加分析地责难其“消极、妥协、退让”,是有些苛求的。  相似文献   
“9.11”事件后,俄罗斯军方针对世界安全形势发生的新变化,对其军事安全战略实践从四大方面做出重大调整,即:研发新一代核武器,确保“现实遏制”的核战略;加速武器装备现代化建设进程;增加学习,提高军队作战指挥能力;加强独联体军事一体化,加强与周边大国的军事交流。但俄罗斯军事安全战略实践调整成功与否最终将取决于俄罗斯综合国力的变化。围绕国际政治问题的外交斗争是以军事力量的强弱决定着胜败。从目前来看,实现俄罗斯的战略目标,既有不少有利条件,也存在现实困难,俄罗斯在实现其军事安全目标的道路上不会一帆风顺。  相似文献   
恐怖主义是战争的一种形式,只有动用武装力量才能将其彻底铲除。恐怖活动作为一种军事战术,其目的是杀死敌方战士,降低公民的道德标准。为了打击恐怖主义,美国武装力量应对支持全球恐怖主义国家的军事盟友实施攻击,主要针对军事目标,不能伤及平民。美国武装力量也可以采用小股部队突袭的方式,深入敌方国家,对敌方领导人实施抓捕或处死。  相似文献   
谈在公安院校学生中加强武德教育的重要性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
武德是人们在几千年的实践和发展中,提炼出来的一种精神文化产物,为各个时期的武术界所共同遵守。其内容大概包括"仁、义、信、敬、勇"五个方面。优秀的中华武德对公安院校学生的思想道德、行为规范等教育具有积极重要的作用。  相似文献   
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