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丁伊 《国际安全研究》2022,40(2):78-103
2021年1月22日起生效的《禁止核武器条约》致力于在全球范围内禁止核武器的拥有、研发、储存、转移、试验、使用或是威胁使用等行为,从而将核武器完全非法化。尽管《禁止核武器条约》反映了人道主义的关怀和无核世界的愿景,但该条约无论是在理论层面还是在现实层面都面临着不小的困境。从理论上看,《禁止核武器条约》以确立禁核规范来推动国际社会所有成员国弃核的逻辑基础并不牢固,因为规范可能退化甚至被颠覆,未必能够对国家产生强有力的约束。在现实层面,《禁止核武器条约》则因为全盘否定核威慑的重要性而遭到拥有核武器国家及其盟国的联合抵制,并暴露出该条约忽视部分国家的安全关切、损害国家自卫权利以及忽略裁军核查机制等不足。鉴于国际社会围绕《禁止核武器条约》产生了诸多争议,未来,该条约还是应当落脚到分步骤、渐进式的核裁军路线上来,需要在提供安全保证、区分禁核情形、建立核查机构,以及加强与不扩散国际机制兼容等方面进行完善,以促进当前核不扩散国际机制的改革和推动陷入停滞的核裁军进程的持续进行。  相似文献   
Nuclear DNA was extracted from human telogen hairs from 60 individuals. Six to nine hairs from each individual were individually extracted. The amount of DNA recovered from each individual varied greatly, and most samples yielded a quantity of 550 pg or less per hair. A selective extraction buffer was used to remove epithelial cell DNA and the amount of exogenous DNA was determined. DNA was also quantified by real time PCR using three different sized amplicons targeting an Alu sequence. The results were used to determine the state of degradation of the extracted DNA. Different quantities of sample (<100 pg, 100-500 pg, >500 pg) were amplified with the Miniplex kits to determine the minimum DNA template required for successful amplification. DNA recovered from hair showed degradation; however, partial profiles were obtained for those samples containing at least 60 pg using MiniSTRs.  相似文献   
"9·11"以来美伊在核问题上的矛盾表现为两国文化建构基础的不同,这种不同是由于双方所持有的现实主义集体安全观的内在矛盾所导致的.美国和伊朗在核问题上的冲突实质上是两种文化体系的冲突,即国际核不扩散机制为主导的康德文化体系与美伊敌对关系为特征的霍布斯文化体系的冲突.建构主义在解释外交政策上忽略了国家身份建构中的内部因素,这也是伊朗难以纳入所谓的核不扩散"国际规范"的原因.  相似文献   
The cis and trans isomers of 3‐methylfentanyl and its three analogs were chemically synthesized, and these compounds were characterized and differentiated by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The cis and trans isomers of the 3‐methylfentanyl analogs were completely separated by GC/MS. Although the high temperature of the GC injection port caused thermal degradation of β‐hydroxy‐3‐methylfentanyl, the degradation was completely suppressed by trimethylsilyl derivatization. The isomers were also well separated by LC/MS on an octadecylsilyl column with 10 mM ammonium acetate and methanol as the mobile phase. The proton NMR signals were split when the hydrochloride salts of the 3‐methylfentanyl analogs were dissolved in deuterated chloroform because stereoisomers were formed by the coordination of the hydrochloride proton to the nitrogen of the piperidine ring of the 3‐methylfentanyl analogs.  相似文献   
Abstract: Forensic anthropologists routinely macerate human bone for the purposes of identity and trauma analysis, but the heat and chemical treatments used can destroy genetic evidence. As a follow‐up to a previous study on nuclear DNA recovery that used pig ribs, this study utilizes human skeletal remains treated with various bone maceration techniques for nuclear DNA amplification using the standard Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) markers. DNA was extracted from 18 samples of human lower leg bones subjected to nine chemical and heat maceration techniques. Genotyping was carried out using the AmpF?STR® COfiler® and AmpF?STR® Profiler Plus® ID kits. Results showed that heat treatments via microwave or Biz/Na2CO3 in sub‐boiling water efficiently macerate bone and produce amplifiable nuclear DNA for genetic analysis. Long‐term use of chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide is discouraged as it results in poor bone quality and has deleterious effects on DNA amplification.  相似文献   
Abstract:  A clandestine chemist was observed producing heroin from crude morphine utilizing a solution of sodium hypochlorite during the process. Numerous chlorinated opium alkaloid derivatives were created when the morphine acetylation reaction was quenched and neutralized with a solution of sodium hypochlorite and ammonium hydroxide. Four of these compounds, 1-chloroheroin, 1-chloroacetylcodeine, 1-chloro-O6-monoacetylmorphine, and 2'-chloropapaverine, were characterized via preparative isolation, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and independent synthesis. These chlorinated derivatives were formed via electrophilic aromatic substitution with free chlorine during the illicit process. Although no illicit heroin exhibits containing these compounds have been observed in seizures to date, mass spectral data are provided for several of these compounds for their identification should they be seen within future seizures of illicit heroin.  相似文献   
Abstract: Continual reports of illicit trafficking incidents involving radioactive materials have prompted authorities to consider the likelihood of forensic evidence being exposed to radiation. In this study, we investigated the ability to recover latent fingermark evidence from a variety of substrates that were exposed to ionizing radiation. Fingermarks deposited on common surfaces, including aluminum, glass, office paper, and plastic, were exposed to doses ranging from 1 to 1000 kGy, in an effort to simulate realistic situations where evidence is exposed to significant doses of radiation from sources used in a criminal act. The fingermarks were processed using routine fingermark detection techniques. With the exception of glass and aluminum substrates, radiolysis had a considerable effect on the quality of the developed fingermarks. The damage to ridge characteristics can, in part, be attributed to chemical interactions between the substrate and the components of the fingermark secretions that react with the detection reagents.  相似文献   
国际核安全合作法律机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
核武器扩散、核能利用安全、核恐怖主义问题是当前国际核安全领域急需解决的热点问题,亦是关乎世界和平与安全的重大命题.解决该问题需要各国超越政治制度的差异和意识形态的分歧,实现真诚的谅解和持久的合作,建立国际核安全法律机制.现有的国际核安全合作法律机制是以限制核能军用、促进核能民用的国际法律文件为基础、以国际原子能机构为组织核心辅以多边及双边实践的初具规模的体系,然而该体系仍有诸多不足.完善国际核安全合作法律机制需要:改善核安全机制的法律基础;优化国际原子能机构的效能;建立稳定、合作与互信的国际安全大环境;在集体安全的框架里,加强国际社会的团结合作.  相似文献   

Periods of mutual enmity in US-North Korean relations are typically interrupted by more conciliatory gestures. How can the many twists and turns in this relationship be explained and hopefully overcome so that more long-lasting détente is accomplished? Drawing eclectically on realism and constructivism, we conclude that a nuclear deal should address not only North Korea’s interests in security and regime survival, but also its status concerns. Applying the same theories to the other part of the dyad – the US – we conclude that it may now have material interests in ameliorating the relationship, but that such a development requires US foreign policy discourse to cease depicting North Korea as “irrational” and “evil”.  相似文献   
东日本大地震、大海啸引发的日本核事故,对日本的核电事业乃至全球的核电事业造成巨大冲击,对我国能源安全也提出新的挑战。中日两国都是能源消费大国,在能源领域既有合作也有竞争。日本拥有世界一流的节能技术和新能源开发技术,还拥有包括能源储备等在内的保障能源安全的丰富经验,加强中日之间多种形式的能源合作对破解我国能源安全瓶颈具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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