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Northern Ireland, we are told, holds positive lessons for other societies emerging from violent conflict. As Britain is one of the leading proponents of liberal internationalism, this article considers whether the liberal internationalism pushed with so much enthusiasm abroad through British foreign policy has been applied with diligence at home—in the Northern Ireland peace process. The findings suggest that Northern Ireland is by no means a poster child for liberal internationalism. Instead, British government handling of the Northern Ireland peace process shows serious deviations from the liberal internationalist canon. This article argues that liberal peace-lite has been tolerated and facilitated at home, while a stricter variant is often expected in overseas contexts.  相似文献   
在五千多年的发展中,中华民族形成了以爱国主义为核心的团结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息的伟大民族精神。爱国主义——中华民族精神的核心,团结统一——中华民族的立身之本,爱好和平——中华民族的固有本性,勤劳勇敢——中华民族的传统美德,自强不息——中华民族不懈追求的精神。这五个方面的内涵是一个相辅相成的统一整体,这是对中华民族精神内涵的一个最一般的概括。  相似文献   
The use of noncompetition agreements in the mental health profession has created unfortunate consequences for patients and families seeking and receiving care within their respective communities. In addition to exacerbating issues in access and the availability of care in the mental health delivery system, noncompetition agreements (1) undermine the goals of therapy and injure the public's welfare; (2) potentially conflict with professional ethics and standards of practice guiding the mental health profession; and (3) conflict with promising proposals to reform mental health care delivery. This Note advocates that states adopt a statute prohibiting mental health practitioners from entering into noncompetition agreements with their employers as against public policy.  相似文献   
和解是国家间关系中一种典型的、然而在过去很长一段时间里没有得到足够重视的国家间互动形式。与和平不同,和解是发生在那些有严重历史恩怨的“宿敌”或“世仇”国家之间,它不单单是物质层面上的冲突解决,更涉及民族心理和精神创伤的愈合,是一个从冷和平走向暖和平、从不稳定和平走向稳固和平的长期过程。目前,学术界既有的关于国家间和解的研究描述多于诠释、案例多于理论,存在着忽视和解的阶段性特征、割裂政治与经济的关联性逻辑等缺陷。国家间和解的发生本质上是一种政治行为,它或是等级制作用的结果,或是在面临较为强烈的安全关切下,国家在维护国内政治合法性与国家安全之间作出的一种平衡。国家间和解的巩固与深化本质是一个将和平制度化的过程,它涉及三个密不可分、又相互递进的机制:从承认(对历史事实的再确认)到补偿(对非正义的弥补和纠正),再到融合(多层次的社会融合与交流机制),是在内力与外力、政治与经济等多重复杂因素互动作用下的结果。国家间和解的实现会带来广泛而又深远的影响,能够显著地改变国家内部的政治经济生态,又能够获得超越双边关系的意义,不仅有助于推动国家与地区和平的深化,而且也是推动地区经济一体化的重要力量。  相似文献   
英国在世界范围内率先建立起现代职业警察制度,创现代治安管理模式之先河。然而在现代职业警察制度建立之前,英国经过原始部落时期、罗马不列颠时期、盎格鲁—撒克逊时期等不同的历史阶段,在每一个阶段中都孕育出了适应其历史发展的警务工作模式。通过对各个时期的警务模式研究,我们可以归纳得出英国传统警务模式的发展轨迹,即由早期的"自我警务"到"社区集体警务"再到"王权监督下的地方自治警务"。  相似文献   
Although voluminous research connects the neo-Kantian triad—democracy, economic interdependence, and intergovernmental organization membership—to amelioration of conflict processes, comparatively little is known about how these factors relate to economic coercion. We advance the relevant literature on neo-Kantianism and the determinants of sanction decisions by (1) analyzing the impact of all three neo-Kantian factors on economic coercion and (2) assessing the effects of these factors across both the onset of threat and imposition of sanctions. Results from the time-series, cross-national data analyses indicate a significant but complex connection between the neo-Kantian variables and sanctions. Specifically, we find that although democratic regimes are less likely to threaten each other with sanctions, once a threat is made, democracies are more likely to impose sanctions against each other. Economic interdependence and common IGO membership are likely to increase the probability of sanction threats. Yet, the results also suggest that common IGO membership decreases the probability of sanction imposition while economic interdependence has no statistically significant effect on the decision to impose sanctions. Overall, these results highlight the importance of a more nuanced study of sanction decisions for a better understanding of the factors that lead to sanction use.  相似文献   
WTO协定在应对环境贸易争端和人权贸易争端时的贸易价值优先取向加剧了国际法的"碎片化"和"不成体系"问题。为克制和应对国际法的"碎片化",促进WTO协定与多边环境和人权协定的规范整合,《维也纳条约法公约》第31(3)(c)条可作为整体解释方法的条约依据运用于WTO协定的司法解释中,但这需要专家组和上诉机构对条约"解释"和条约"适用"做出革新的认识,将整体解释方法作为自治的条约解释方法在人权和环境贸易争端中适用,而不是陷于第31(3)(c)条所述之当事国为"条约当事国"还是"争端当事国"之争。  相似文献   
The interpretation of the Northern Ireland peace process is highly controversial because it not only has implications for the future of Northern Ireland but ‘lessons’ are also drawn for dealing with terrorism and insurgency globally. This article reviews and critiques key interpretations of the peace process. ‘The Militarists’, Republican Dissidents and Neoconservatives, offer a ‘fundamentalist idealist’ interpretation which leads them to reject political compromise and continue to pursue victory by military means. ‘The Enthusiasts’ are leading figures in the Labour government who champion the outcome of the peace process and recommend ‘talking to terrorists’. ‘The Sceptics’ argue in defence of politics and support the pragmatic realism used to negotiate accommodation. They are critical of ‘The Militarists’ for misinterpreting the peace process and threatening to go back to ‘war’. ‘Sceptics’ welcome powersharing but criticise the ‘Enthusiasts’ for mishandling the peace process and undermining the moderate parties. This has left Northern Ireland with high levels of segregation and economic inequality that prevent the consolidation of peace.  相似文献   
During the troubles, the role of a Northern Ireland correspondent evolved from ambulance chaser to peace process ‘Kremlinologist’, keeping an eye on the subtle shifts within the political negotiations. Now the interest of the international media has waned and reporters have to generate fresh stories relevant to the local audience, against the backdrop of an adverse economic climate. Some stories may be Northern Ireland specific, dealing with the legacy of the troubles. Others involve economic and social issues common to other areas of the UK or Ireland. Knowledge of the conflict remains a prerequisite for covering Stormont politics, dissident republican attacks, or loyalist violence. However journalists should be mindful of the concerns of a younger generation who increasingly regard the paramilitary ceasefires and peace deals as history.  相似文献   
邓小平的全球化战略观可概括为:全球化是当今世界发展的客观趋势;和平与发展是全球化时代的世界主题;实行全方位的对外开放是应对全球化挑战的基本战略;建立公正合理的国际新秩序是推进全球化进程的基本准则。邓小平的全球化战略思想是指导中国应对全球化挑战的伟大思想旗帜。  相似文献   
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