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Behavior in social-dilemma (mixed-motive) situations has been of great interest to economists, psychologists, and negotiation scholars. In this study, we used a threshold social-dilemma game to examine factors that have not yet been investigated and that may have an impact on behavior in these settings: gender and group identity. We found that, for women, interacting with members of a naturally occurring group increased coordination and efficiency, while for men, interacting with members of a naturally occurring group decreased coordination and efficiency. Psychological literature on gender differences and group interdependence explains these differences. We conclude by discussing the implications of these results for gender differences in negotiation behavior.  相似文献   
Despite the fact that the Korean nuclear crisis is one of the most protracted security issues in the world, the research analysing the crisis from the perspective of securitisation theory is curiously absent. This article attempts to pin down some distinguishing features of South Korea’s securitisation of the nuclear threat posed by North Korea, thereby investigating why one rarely sees the implications of securitisation theory in the way that the Copenhagen School theorists would suggest. Borrowing the key components of securitisation theory—existential threats, referent objects and extraordinary measures—this article suggests three elusive characteristics of the South Korean actors’ speech acts as sources highlighting the dilemma. To make the article’s arguments clearer, I hold Floyd’s classification of securitisation theory, which separated the securitisation process into two different stages: securitising move and security practice. While acknowledging the importance of the differences between illocution and perlocution in a securitisation process, this article takes this logic one step further by suggesting the limits of the perlocutionary effect in making the securitisation process complete.  相似文献   
以"行为—过程范式"为分析视角,有利于更清晰地理解信访困境的形成机制。以"法治是地方性知识"与"相对合理主义"为应对信访困境的理论基础,可以发现关注信访制度的定纷止争功能,依靠权威力量进行纠纷化解,加强对于公权力的规制,注重成功经验的法治化是突破信访困境的可行出路。  相似文献   
选用德才兼备的人才,必须要澄清德与才的错误认识,分析其生成的原因。官德存在的认识困境有:对于官德内容侧重点的认识不同;对于如何进行官德评判的认识不同。主要原因有:一是对于官德的内涵缺乏分析性研究;二是对于官德的适用缺乏针对性研究;三是对于官德的标准缺乏评判性研究。才能存在的认识困境有:认为才即学历,才即资历,才即职称或职务,才即身份等。主要原因有:一是才本身的多维性因素;二是才认定中的权力因素;三是缺乏易于量化的操作因素。  相似文献   
处于持续转型中的中国农村已不复是60年前费孝通描述的乡土社会了,情理对于村民行为的规整作用趋微,适合于陌生人之间的现代法律未觅得合适的落脚之地因而法治力量尚不能彰显,基层司法在处理农村纠纷特别是家事纠纷时常常遭遇情理法摩擦的困境.在当前的背景下,破解农村基层司法情法困境的可行路径应当包括强化诉讼外调解效果和在诉讼中坚持法治原则.  相似文献   
我国新刑事诉讼法对于非法证据排除规则的规定无疑是2012年修改刑事诉讼法的亮点之一.然而,立法中的确立并未能完全解决司法中的困境,而且随着新规则的运行,新的问题也随之而来.究其原因,这除了与我国目前司法环境不够成熟有关外,也有非法证据排除程序自身不够完善和精确的原因.目前,我们应当从完善非法证据排除程序上逐步地推进非法证据排除规则的实施.  相似文献   
目前,韩国的实体经济保持着良好的恢复态势,就业、工资情况有所改善,基本实现了稳定物价的目标,维持经常收支黑字基调,金融市场趋于稳定,金融制度得到改善。但韩国经济面临着对外来冲击缺乏抵抗力,经济过度依赖特定产业,出口集中于少数国家,金融市场结构脆弱,就业的结构性问题加深等一系列的结构性问题,其出路在于采取内需拉动型的稳定增长模式,扩大产业群,构筑韩国特色的灵活安全的就业体系,构建支撑实体经济发展的安全的金融体系。  相似文献   
隐性采访是近年来受到新闻记者普遍青睐的新闻采访形式.由于通过隐性采访这种采访手段采获的新闻具有形式的新颖多样、内容的新鲜独特等特点而受到受众的欢迎,成为大众传媒经常采用的新闻样式.但由于相关法规的缺乏,新闻记者在开展隐性采访时,经常会遇到诸多法律困惑:通过隐性采访采获的视听资料能否作为法庭合法证据使用,隐性采访实施过程中是否可以采用引诱手段,新闻记者在隐性采访时如何隐身等等.在没有专门法规定的情况下,探讨根据我国现有法律的相关规定合法开展隐性采访的方法和途径,对于隐性采访的健康发展意义重大.  相似文献   
With the aim of investigating factors affecting willingness to pay for municipality child care, a survey was undertaken in Sweden of 1840 parents living in five municipalities of different sizes. On the basis of the greed-efficiency-fairness hypothesis (Wilke, 1991) which is supported by results from experimental social dilemma research, it was hypothesized that perceived fairness of how the quality of child care is distributed (equal, proportional to need, or proportional to payment) as well as of method of payment (collectively by taxes or proportional to use by fees) would be important determinants of willingness to pay. Results showed that perceived fairness of how quality of child care is distributed played some role but that other factors had stronger effects. Perhaps also reflecting fairness considerations, willingness to pay by fees was on average higher than willingness to pay by taxes. Predicted from previous research, willingness to pay by taxes was furthermore found to increase with income and degree of use. However, willingness to pay by taxes showed an increase rather than the predicted decrease with municipality size.  相似文献   
中国公民海外安全是一个多重因素结合而产生的现实问题。要从根本上消除公民海外活动中的安全隐患,既需要国际社会的共同合作和联合应对非传统威胁,更要公民提高自身安全意识和防范能力。中国警方应该结合国际安全环境和本国公民海外活动的特点,积极预防和强力应对。现阶段,建立海外公民安全保护警务机制,加强国际警务合作和提高领事保护能力是我国警方及相关部门的主要任务,同时也是维护中国公民海外安全的有效途径。  相似文献   
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