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随着经济体制改革的深入,对行政体制改革提出了迫切要求。然而,行政体制改革的阻力和难度之大往往令人难以理解而感到失望。如果用新制度经济学的理论来分析,可以看出,国家也是一个组织或一种制度安排。国家有其自己的利益和目标,与社会的要求并不完全一致。国家也存在“内部人控制”的问题。在“内部人主导型”的改革中,国家会利用所掌握的权力维护自身的利益,抵制改革,成为制度变迁过程中的障碍。这是任何政府改革都存在的问题。  相似文献   
试论犯罪经济学的原理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
犯罪经济学的理论基础是犯罪经济学所阐述的各种具体理论、观点的出发点,是统帅犯罪经济学各种具体理论、观点全局的基本理论。其核心是探讨如何解决和处理由资源的稀缺性同人类欲望的无限性这对矛盾引起的犯罪等非法活动问题。其构成要素主要有效用最大化、具有不同效率和协调作用的市场及市场主体稳定的偏好。犯罪经济学主要应用的理论有理性选择理论、成本和收益理论、惩罚成本和惩罚机率理论、边际效用理论等。犯罪经济学的理论价值在于:它的产生推动了犯罪学的深入发展,表明了经济学家也可以涉足犯罪研究领域,人类在同犯罪作斗争时也应讲求经济效益,等等。  相似文献   
刘少荣 《法律科学》2004,22(3):19-23
在我国法律经济分析的一些论著中,在使用经济学概念和范畴时存在对经济学概念的非规范化使用和错误使用的情况;另外,还存在对经济学理论的片面或断章取义式的理解。要克服这些弊端,就要从有代表性的经济学教材着手,掌握经济学的最基本知识。  相似文献   
中国经济学向何处去是本文的中心议题。文章认为,中国经济学是反映中国经济建设和经济改革实践并为之服务的知识体系,既要开展“国民财富的性质和原因的研究”,又要开展“国民财富的增长和办法的研究”;所以,历史上的这两项研究成果,中国经济学都必须批判地继承和发展;任务的特殊性,决定中国经济学的研究对象既不能定位于生产关系,又不能定位于生产力,应当定位于市场的活动主体:研究对象是家庭、企业的生产和交换活动过程及其条件;研究对象的综合性,又要求研究方法的多样性。中国经济学要想不辱使命,必须从市场竞争中的弱势群体的立场上出发,因为这既是经济科学的优良传统,又是中国全面建设小康社会的着力点。  相似文献   
The sociology of law appears to be a weak field in the United States, in comparison to other indisciplinary fields of legal study, notably economic analysis of law. Although American legal sociologists have done important empirical work, particularly on the litigation process and on the legal profession, the focus of American sociology of law has been narrow, theoretically limited, and, empirically, limited in both scope and method. These deficiencies may reflect the methodological limitations of Max Weber, the most influential figure in the history of sociology in general and sociology of law in particular. The failure of legal sociologists to borrow theoretical and empirical tools from sociologically minded economists such as Gary Becker is especially regrettable, and may be due to inaccurate perceptions of the political valence of economic analysis of law, sociology's traditional skepticism about the knowledge claims of other disciplines, professional envy, and misunderstanding of the economists' conception of rational choice.  相似文献   
张林 《思想战线》2003,29(2):21-24
凡勃伦从哲学基础、基本信条和历史延续等方面集中批评了正统经济学,认为正统经济学是目的论的、快乐主义的和"前达尔文主义的"。正统经济学在今天虽然取得了长足的进展,但它的哲学基础和基本信条并没有改变,不管它的理论如何发展,其中的缺陷仍然是固有的,因此,凡勃伦对正统经济学的批评在当代仍然有效。  相似文献   
法律的经济分析方法评判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律的经济分析方法的新颖之处就在于经济方法对传统法律方法的替代。法律的经济分析方法与马克思主义的经济分析法虽然研究风格迥异,但在价值观上存在一致性。作为一种强有力的分析工具,经济方法已经对法学、政治学等诸多领域产生了划时代的革命性的影响,具有不可替代的优势。但法律的经济分析方法存在着不足,它不会也不可能完全代替传统的法律方法。法律的经济分析具有广大的包容力和发展潜力。法律的经济分析的发展将可能更注重价值多样化、更关注动态的法律发展过程。  相似文献   
An in-depth investigation of the Kampala Urban Refugee Children'sEducation Centre (KURCEC), a refugee-initiated community-basedorganization in Uganda, allows for detailed exploration of thelivelihood strategies employed by urban refugees in the sphereof education and of the ways in which these strategies can promoteself-reliance and individual and community development in urbansituations. Urban refugees' development of KURCEC challengesperceived notions of refugees as burdens or as passive recipientsin a system that fosters dependency and shows that they areagents of social change within their own and their host communities.The focus on what works in the midst of crisis, desperation,and uncertainty is a deliberate attempt to promote researchand policy-setting that is forward-looking and productive ratherthan reactionary and regressive in the context of new developmentsin policy and practice relating to urban refugees worldwide.  相似文献   
This paper argues that the first visit ‘back home’is important for refugees because it acts as a catalyst forrenewed engagements with host country and country of origin.The study shows that conditions in both countries impact ondecision-making and ultimately that integration and return cancoexist. The first re-connection with ‘home’ isdescribed as a memorable event in and of itself. Marked by anawareness of the passing of time, it provides both an end towaiting and worrying and a measure of one's progress (or lackof) in life, thus enabling participants to move on. Establishmentof safety nets in both host and home countries as a conditionfor permanent return distinguishes the predicament of theserefugees from that of other migrants. As the meeting betweenimagination and reality, the first visit contributes to there-examination of the refugee cycle, the myth of return andthe meaning of home in a context where return encompasses onediscrete experience, the visit, and subsequent events. Overall,the paper provides a link between the literature on return asimagined while in exile and accounts of the reality of post-return.  相似文献   
This comment deals with criticisms of law and economics analysis as they can be formulated from the point of view of an anthropologist. These criticisms are taken seriously. The author first addresses so-called defects of law and economics analysis which should be considered underdeveloped areas of the approach. Secondly, and more specifically, weaknesses of the property rights approach are taken up. In the author's view, they should be dealt with in future law and economics work. Finally, methodological issues are being addressed which, if not considered with circumspection, could impair the scientific integrity of the law and economics approach.  相似文献   
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