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支果 《河北法学》2007,25(7):109-113
合伙兼具设立简便、出资灵活、管理便利等诸多优点,是一种古老而又有生命力的人类生产活动的组织方式,各种合伙制度又因历史传统、经济基础等不同而在形式和内容方面呈现出差异性.盐业合伙契约作为我国近现代一种独具民族传统特色的资本组织形式,具有十分丰富的内容和非常鲜明的特点,分析盐业合伙契约并阐释其历史意义和现代价值,对于探讨我国新《合伙企业法》存在的不足,提出完善的思考和建议有着一定的启发作用.  相似文献   
白族文化的包容性及其现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包容性是白族文化最主要的特征之一。包容性几乎表现在白族文化的方方面面,但突出地表现在白族族源的多元性、白族文化源流的多源性、白族宗教信仰的多元性、南诏大理国与唐宋的关系、白族的民族观及婚俗观和丧葬观等方面;白族文化包容性的主要成因是受中原文化和白族生息的地理环境的影响;充分挖掘和利用白族文化的包容性有利于促进边疆民族地区的和谐社会建设。  相似文献   
Media coverage of Supreme Court decisions is not well-understood, with studies typically focusing on features of decisions such as issue area and opinion authorship, and ignoring the political and legal importance of those decisions. Because the Court is both secretive and esoteric, and because it does not engage in traditional public relations activities, media must proxy importance by looking to available cues, such as interest group participation. Importantly, some indicators of importance are available before a decision is rendered; thus I examine both pre- and post-decision media coverage of cases. I show that expected legal and political impact drive media coverage of Court decisions, and that the decision-level features that prior studies have focused on are much less important in determining coverage than has been previously thought.  相似文献   
This study describes the performance of handheld Raman devices for determining whether suspect pharmaceutical tablets declared to contain controlled substances were consistent with authentic (CWA) or not consistent with authentic (NCWA) tablets using a simple, rapid, field-friendly method capable of being used by nonexperts. Twenty-five authentic products and 84 known NCWA tablets were examined using three “parent” devices for a total of 327 analyses. On average, the parent devices yielded a true pass rate of 100%, a true fail rate of 98.4%, a false pass rate of 1.6%, and a false fail rate of 0%. The methods/libraries were then transferred to 13 identical “daughter” devices, which were used to examine 10 suspect finished dosage forms in duplicate (six known NCWA tablets and four authentic tablets) for a total of 260 measurements. On average, the daughter devices had a true pass rate of 100%, a true fail rate of 95.5%, a false pass rate of 4.5%, and a false fail rate of 0.0%. These data demonstrate that the parent–daughter electronic transfer method was successful, which permits the ability to develop methods in the laboratory that can be seamlessly pushed out to field devices. The methods can then be used to (i) prioritize samples for additional testing using other more time-consuming laboratory-based techniques needed to detect and quantify active ingredients and (ii) help support the interdiction of dangerous tablets at ports of entry, thereby preventing them from reaching the supply chain.  相似文献   
刘梦娟 《桂海论丛》2009,25(6):109-112
百色起义是我党在大革命失败后较早在我国西南少数民族地区实行的“工农武装割据”的光辉实践,由百色起义所孕育的百色起义精神具有深远的历史作用和巨大的现实价值。它对中国革命道路的摸索,对建设有中国特色社会主义道路的选择具有重要的启示作用;它所体现的对理想信念的执著追求和不怕牺牲的大无畏精神是引领当代人价值取向的一面旗帜;它所体现的辛勤劳动、艰苦奋斗的作风是当代人应发扬的优良作风,也成为社会主义荣辱观的主要内容之一;它所蕴涵的依靠群众,全心全意为人民服务的思想与当今共产党人“以人为本”的执政理念息息相通。  相似文献   
对化妆品进行安全性评价及数据分析,离不开动物试验。欧盟最早通过立法规范化妆品动物试验,对他国相关立法具有重要的指导和借鉴意义。中国作为世界第三大化妆品市场,如果不禁止化妆品动物试验,不仅将面临化妆品动物福利贸易壁垒,而且无法进口未经动物试验的化妆品。中国应通过立法鼓励化妆品生产商使用动物“替代方法”研发新产品,并逐步禁止化妆品动物试验。  相似文献   
无论是中国的先秦时期,还是西方的古希腊时期,礼俗在中西道德伦理生活中皆占有重要地位。然而,不同的文化传统、社会背景酝酿出不一样的礼俗:中国人的文化传统是内敛的、谦虚的,从而更注重渗透在礼俗中的文化内涵;而古希腊则无拘无束,纵情喧嚣,其礼俗多为一些具体的外在形式;与古希腊礼俗更加注重人文关怀不同,中国先秦时期的礼俗则有更多的政治意蕴。中西礼俗的不同,在一定程度上造成了中西方生活方式及文明走向的差异。因此,比较先秦和古希腊礼俗文化,对于我们探索中西礼俗的渊源、发展和价值有着重要的作用。  相似文献   
"通识教育"是我国高等教育改革中的创新理念。本文通过辨析"通识教育"与"文化素质教育"的关系阐述了"通识教育"理念的内涵;同时结合高职教育特点,讨论高职院校发展通识教育的时代意义;建议高职院校从完善通识教育课程体系,提高教师素质,发挥学生主体性和营造校园人文环境等方面实践通识教育。  相似文献   
蒋劲松 《思想战线》2007,33(6):34-38
虽然"天人合一"本身并不简单地等同于人与自然和谐,但是"天人合一"思想却具体表现了人与自然和谐共存的思想。"天人合一"所蕴涵的等级价值体系和人与自然和谐共处是不矛盾的。"天人合一"思想的生态意义在于提供我们思考生态问题的新视域,以突破人类中心主义与非人类中心主义的两难困境。  相似文献   
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