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反恐怖劫持应急指挥系统构建和程序研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
突发事件应急指挥,是协调各级应急处置力量“有效行动”的关键,是处置行动的核心和灵魂。科学合理的反恐怖劫持应急指挥系统是实现高效、稳定指挥的重要保证。对恐怖劫持人质事件的处置,必须针对我国恐怖活动的特点、反恐怖武装力量体制的特点及反恐怖斗争方针政策的特点,建立固定的、强有力的、权威性的、能集中统一指挥和协调各方力量的反恐怖组织机构和指挥体系。反恐怖劫持处置是一个人工控制系统,处置过程必须通过系统工程方法进行调控,以公安指挥中心为平台,按照接警、出警、应急启动、救援行动等程序进行。  相似文献   
爆炸和人质劫持是人口密集场所恐怖事件的主要类型,对人口密集场所恐怖事件的处置应遵循正确的危机管理过程方法:建立实时的动态指挥体系及格式化的处置模式,采取妥当的现场处置与救援措施,加强对媒体的正确管理与引导,实现与媒体的良性互动,充分凸现人本理念,正确把握紧急状态下的人权保障问题。  相似文献   
归根到底由资本主义社会的基本矛盾运动所酿成的这次国际金融危机,又对当代资本主义造成了巨大的冲击,这种冲击遍及于其经济、政治、文化、社会和生态等各个方面。它引发的一波又一波社会震荡大体上分为五种类型:一是由危机造成的高失业率、经济衰退、政府紧缩财政措施所引发的罢工、抗议和骚乱;二是危机造成的经济低迷、失业率攀升,使西方极右势力得以把其反多元文化、反外来移民的情绪推向极端;三是危机造成的这种经济低迷、失业率攀升,又在西方国家的外来移民聚居区中埋下了街头骚乱的根子;四是危机激起了标志平民主义抗议的"占领华尔街"运动;五是美国等西方资本主义国家在国际金融危机期间的所作所为激起的独狼式恐怖袭击事件。这些震荡是资本主义的固有缺陷弊端在国际金融危机冲击下集中暴露的必然结果,因而即使在危机后幸存下来时它还将在一波又一波社会震荡中运行。  相似文献   
边境地区恐怖暴力事件在案发、形态、背景以及案犯等方面各具特征。基层民警反恐应加强对恐怖信息的发现与追踪缉查、反恐意识的培养、对流动人口的监管及自我防范能力的提高等。基层民警反恐培训应强化反恐意识、明确反恐培训方向、细化培训目标、改革培训教材、创新培训方法及制定培训量化评价标准。  相似文献   
当前的恐怖犯罪活动已成现实威胁,对暴力恐怖犯罪活动以及“三股势力”分裂破坏活动需严厉打击。通过全方位地探析昆明“3·01”严重暴力恐怖案件发生的原因、经过和处置等过程,总结教训,应在工作机制、情报工作、社会管控、应急处置、反恐协作等方面加强探索与研究,以提升公安机关防范、打击和处置暴恐案件的针对性与实效性。  相似文献   
城市恐怖主义是中外恐怖主义犯罪的基本现象,是世界各国关注的重点。目前,中国恐怖主义犯罪正在抬头,欧美国家在城市恐怖主义防范方面的经验和教训是形成中国城市反恐策略体系的重要经验来源,及时借鉴可以让我国的反恐工作避免走弯路。从欧美国家的经验来看,城市恐怖主义难以防范主要有两个原因:安保战线过长和防范心理的松懈。针对我国未来城市反恐的建议有二:一是尽快完成反恐法立法,二是重视各部门之间的协作配合。  相似文献   
多点连环式恐怖袭击的袭击目标多、影响范围大,是需要加以重视的一种恐怖袭击类型。通过对GTD数据进行统计分析,指出该类恐怖袭击发案区域广泛主要聚焦于中东和北非等地区,其特点是目标明确、多为团伙作案且使用炸弹袭击方式。文章结合“蜂巢分析法”分析作案模式,总结发案原因,提出加强安防能力、完善情报工作流程的工作措施,以供实战部门进行针对性防控。  相似文献   
The social sciences have mostly focused on the formation of social opinions from a semantic point of view: given a certain semantic field, interviews, statistics, and other analytical instruments are commonly deployed in order to map the distribution of views, their evolution, their conflicts and their agreements. Socio-semiotics, social semiotics, and the other semiotic branches that bear on social inquiry have contributed to the effort by providing semiotic grids of categorization. These grids too, however, have been mostly related to semantic contents circulating through societies and their cultures. The present article pursues a different hypothesis. After briefly recalling the events of 7–9 January 2015 in the Parisian area, the article seeks to survey and map the syntax of progressive differentiation of opinions circulating in the social networks about such events. Some patterns are identified and semiotically described: (1) cleavage; (2) comparative relativizing; (3) blurring sarcasm; (4) anonymity; (5) unfocused responsibility; (6) conspiracy thought. A new semiotic square is created to visually display these patterns, their positions, their relations, and their evolution.  相似文献   
In this article we offer a first attempt at providing a set of universal grading criteria for determining on what basis, and how far, an item of discursive content can be considered “terroristic.” In doing so, we draw loosely on the existing COPINE scale for child abuse images. The scale described in the article is not intended to reflect actual risk of engagement in terrorist violence, nor is it intended to have evidential validity in relation to offenses in certain jurisdictions relating to “terrorist publications.” Rather, by formalising assumptions which seem already to be latent in the literature on terrorist use of the Internet, it aspires to serve as a starting point for a more methodologically coherent approach to relationships between content—particularly online content—and terrorism.  相似文献   

The conventional wisdom that religious conflicts are more intense than other types of conflicts is tested in this study using a cross-sectional time series analysis. The statistical test evaluates the intensity of 278 territorial conflict phases in the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo, Norway (PRIO) Armed Conflict Dataset. The results indicate support for the assumption that religious conflicts are more intense than other types of conflicts; however, the relationship disappears when the relevance of religion is taken into account. Furthermore, this study evaluates the relationship of conflict intensity with the type of religion involved in the conflict and determines that no religion exhibits a significantly higher or lower intensity than the others.  相似文献   
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