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十九大报告指出要增强群众工作本领,创新群众工作体制机制和方式方法,而基层工会正是广大群众凝聚力、战斗力的源泉,以夯实基础和创新机制为抓手来增强基层工会活力就显得尤为重要。而管理学是系统研究社会管理活动的基本规律和一般方法的科学,如果运用管理学的原理和方法分析和解决工会如何创新的问题,将会产生事半功倍的效果。因此,本文着重研究如何应用管理学的三大定律,以群众工作体制机制和方式方法创新为突破口,切实提高基层工会活力,从而团结动员广大职工群众为实现党的十九大提出的宏伟目标不懈奋斗。  相似文献   
In the 1980s, to address financial difficulties, the CFDT (a French reformist union) proposed an original solution – the union voucher – aimed at broadening its membership base and generating new resources. It affords unions with funding from a company, which annually distributes vouchers to employees, who can remit the voucher (or not) to unions of their choice. This mechanism is based both on company financing and the individual choices of employees. In the early 1990s, the insurance company AXA experimented with and then adopted this solution. This article traces the history of the union voucher and assesses the union’s experience.  相似文献   
Agrarian reforms do not constitute linear processes: rather, they are based on the interconnection between the crystallization of land governance in formal tenure rules and the way societies organize around a set of identities and power mechanisms. This paper focuses on how the misinterpretation of this two-way relationship, in setting up a new normative framework, can generate unintended consequences in terms of conflict. The recent wave of land conflicts in Bolivia shows how changes in the allocation of strategic resources inspired by the so-called ‘politics of recognition’ triggered processes of political ethnicization and organizational fragmentation, eventually contributing to fuelling new tensions between indigenous groups and peasant unions.  相似文献   
《Labor History》2012,53(4):293-308

In the first months of 1904, in a context of intense labor unrest, the Argentine executive branch presented to Congress a bill that became known as the ‘National Labor Law’ (Ley Nacional del Trabajo). It comprised a very extensive set of rules designed to regulate the labor market, the labor process and workers’ organizations. By that time, Argentina had a growing capitalist economy, a young and radical labor movement and no labor regulations whatsoever – in this context, the bill was the first attempt of regulating the relations between capital and labor and, not surprisingly, it sparked an important debate. Although it never became a law, the bill became an iconic reference in the history of labor regulations in Argentina. This article introduces the main characteristics of the proposed bill and focuses on the reactions that working-class organizations developed toward it. While anarchist-oriented groups and unions made clear its complete rejection toward an initiative that was seen as another intervention of an authoritarian state, the Socialist Party found itself in a much more complicated position. This article addresses these debates and tensions in order to better understand the reactions of working-class organizations with regard to the first attempt of labor regulation made by the Argentine state.  相似文献   
对西安交通大学、西北工业大学、西北大学、陕西师范大学、长安大学、西安理工大学等六所高校的工会与学校民主管理机制的网络调研表明,上述高校在"双代会"及提案工作机制、二级民主管理机制、"三公开"工作机制、理论研讨与对外交流机制等方面的建设做得比较好,且各具特色。并可在工会工作及学校民主管理方面学习和引进清华大学、北京大学等高校的先进成果和理念。中国高校在民主化管理中要形成长效机制,要把制度的建设、落实与创新统一起来,走出一条具有中国特色的高校工会与学校民主管理的发展道路。  相似文献   
在国企体制改革中出现的由企业党政副职兼任工会主席的现象与工会改革的理论相违 ,也不符合党对工会工作的指导方针。这种存在的客观性说明 ,目前的企业工会缺乏独立承担社会任务的能力条件 ,但现实条件下的这种存在有利于工会工作。中国工会对市场经济的适应是一个历史的过程。当前是在党政扶持下加强和提高工会组织能力、素质及社会影响 ,为工会实现群众化、民主化、法治化的历史性转变准备社会条件所必须经历的时期。  相似文献   
会计职业道德的高低是会计人员素质的重要体现。一个高素质的会计人员应当做到爱岗敬业、提高专业胜任能力,这不仅是会计职业道德的主要内容,也是会计职业者遵循会计职业道德的可靠保证。倡导会计职业道德,加强会计职业道德教育,并结合会计职业活动,引导会计职业者进一步加强自身修养,提高会计专业胜任能力,有利于促进会计职业者整体素质的不断提高。  相似文献   
"一带一路"倡仪实施以来,如何与当地工会合作是中资企业在"一带一路"沿线国家投资和经营管理中,在劳动关系方面必须面临的重要问题之一。"一带一路"沿线国家工会特点明显,差异很大。中东欧国家工会组织率高,集体谈判覆盖率也高;东南亚国家工会组织率相对较低,但组织力量很强。工会与其他非政府组织的各自力量、相互关系也不尽相同,中东欧地区工会组织强大,雇主联合会也强大;西亚北非地区工会组织力量弱,但有其他非政府组织代行部分工会职能。因此,应该从遵守工会相关法律制度,提升对构建和谐劳动关系重要性的认识,找到与东道国工会恰当的合作模式,避免简单移植等方面出发,提高中资企业与当地工会合作的能力。  相似文献   
劳模精神是引领广大职工和全国人民拼搏奋斗的强大精神动力,劳动模范是加强和改进思想政 治工作的重要力量。如何充分发挥劳模的思想政治引领作用,对于做好新时代思想政治工作意义重大。研究认 为,发挥新时代劳模的思想政治引领作用,必须做到:切实加强党的领导,确保劳模思想政治引领的正确方向; 发挥劳动模范在思想政治引领中的主体作用;创新劳模思想政治引领的方法和手段;更好地发挥劳模和工匠人 才创新工作室的阵地作用;建立和完善劳模思想政治引领的教育培养机制;切实做好劳模思想政治引领工作的 制度保证。  相似文献   
论工会在劳动合同制度中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动合同是规范劳动用工行为、处理劳动争议的重要依据和保证,也是工会维护职工合法权益的重要法律武器。因此,工会维护职工合法权益,必须从劳动合同入手。目前,《劳动合同法》正在制定中,明确工会在劳动合同制度中的地位,对于在立法中进一步加强和完善工会在劳动合同制度中的职责,充分发挥工会维护劳动者合法权益和协调劳动关系的作用,实现建设和谐劳动关系及和谐社会的目标有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
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