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The debate on the advantages and disadvantages of upgrading the United Nations Environment Programme to a 'world environment organisation' (WEO) has gained momentum in both academe and politics. This article contends that a WEO would further the interests especially of developing countries, because it would provide them, first, a high-level forum to unite their individual bargaining power against the major industrialised countries. Second, a WEO would assist Southern efforts to garner international support for environmental programmes in regions and sectors that are increasingly bypassed by economic globalisation. Third, a WEO would create a locus to politically institutionalise the influence of non-governmental lobbyists in a way that increases the balance of opinions and perspectives. The article then addresses special challenges and caveats for developing countries in the upcoming negotiation process, in particular whether an upgraded UNEP would address only 'global' issues, thus absolving the international community from assisting developing countries in mitigating the more pressing local environmental issues in the South; whether the new body would have powerful sanctioning mechanisms, which might disproportionally affect developing countries; and what decision-making procedures the new body would have.  相似文献   
邓小平的对外开放理论是马克思世界历史理论在当代中国的坚持和发展。邓小平对马克思世界历史理论的新发展主要表现在以下几个方面:立足于当代世界局势和基本国情,提出了“现在的世界是开放的世界”的科学论断;基于对中国长期停滞落后历史教训的深刻总结,提出了“中国的发展离不开世界”的科学认识;顺应世界历史发展趋势,立足国情,在对外开放中建设中国特色的社会主义。  相似文献   
从法治生成的角度来看 ,世界各国法治有内生型法治和外生型法治两种主要类型。中国属于典型的外生型法治类型。大陆法系和英美法系是当今世界法律文化的主流 ,两大法系对我国法制建设有着历史性的多方位的影响。  相似文献   
开放是世界历史发展的必然要求,也是现代社会的基本属性。开放的历史必然性蕴涵在资本主义生产方式与商品经济相结合所开创的世界历史中。社会主义的产生和发展都离不开世界历史。因此,社会主义是在经济、政治、思想文化等方面都必须与整个世界进行双向沟通和交流的开放型社会,开放既是实现社会主义现代化的手段,同时也是社会主义的一个基本属性。  相似文献   
试谈扩展社会学的传统界限   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
社会学是一种具有"科学"和"人文"双重性格的学科,社会的存在和演化都包含在广义的"自然"的存在和演化之中,人的社会性与生物性互相兼容,互相结合,这是社会学研究的基础。从我的"人"这个中心,一圈圈推出去,就构成了两个"差序格局"。社会学研究的重点不仅仅是人的特殊的一面,还要研究人与自然一般相同的方面,"人"和"自然"、"人"和"人"、"我"和"我"、"心"和"心"等社会学至今还难以直接研究的东西,是我们真正理解中国社会的关键。  相似文献   
抗日战争是中华民族近代史上第一次取得完全胜利的民族解放战争,是世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分。充分认识中国人民为夺取世界反法西斯战争的胜利做出的历史性贡献,正视日本军国主义曾经给我国及亚太地区人民带来的深重灾难,对于我们正确认识和牢记历史,反对日本右翼势力篡改和美化侵略战争,警惕军国主义势力东山再起,与各国人民一道共同维护世界和平,具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   
Power shifts and especially power transitions in the international system are often associated with (military) confl ict. Power Transition Theory (PTT) does offer an analysis of this phenomenon but no remedy. We suggest easing the tensions related to ongoing worldwide power shifts by introducing a new informal multilateral security governance institution, based on the idea of a concert of powers. The historical European Concert of the 19th century prevented the outbreak of great power wars for more than a generation by providing a cooperation framework, based on shared norms and common procedures. In this article we explore the possibility of utilizing a modernized concert of powers as a framework for managing the coming power shifts. In order to do so, we introduce two new elements in Power Transition Theory: (1) the importance of the (dis) satisfaction of the declining hegemon with the anticipated future order, and (2) a broader multilateral framework of major powers that overcomes the Power Transition Theory’s traditional bilateral “duel” situation. On this basis, institutionalized power transition management becomes possible. We then work out the norms, strengths and weaknesses of the historical concert and update it with a few new features that would be necessary for it to be successful in the 21st century.  相似文献   
桂林状元文化体现了广西在科举制度时代“一带河山,少壮努力,出人头地,梦想成真”的“甲天下”精神..桂林状元文化的优势积累与科举文化的长期接力,是广西成为“大儒之乡”的文化渊源与推动力之一,也是广西人走向与走进中国的政治舞台与军事前台的推手之一。  相似文献   
世界专利是专利制度发展的趋势.建立世界专利的客观条件已经基本具备:程序一体化对世界专利产生起着巨大的推动作用;地区性专利条约为世界专利提供了直接的样板;美国专利法改革为专利制度的统一消除了重要障碍;专利审查高速公路合作为单一审查打下了良好的实践基础;实体专利法条约取得进展.世界专利可能采取的模式包括PCT改进版模式、欧洲专利模式、统一生效加申请进入模式、单一世界专利模式等,它们各有特点.这四种模式也可以看作是世界专利的四个发展阶段.  相似文献   
从儒家的“发乎情,止乎礼”与道家的“发乎情,止乎游”,历经了禅宗的“发乎情,止乎觉”,明清之际启蒙美学主旋律变为“发乎情,止乎情”。它代表着中国美学在与“西天”佛教文化对话后的成熟,距离最终的突破,距离“五四”之际王国维、鲁迅的探索,乃至距离后来的从20世纪80年代崛起的奠基于“万物一体仁爱”新哲学观基础上的情本境界论生命美学的探索,都只有一步之遥。  相似文献   
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