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Legal context: The article reviews the commercial risk allocation clauses intypical open source licence terms and discusses their enforceabilityand implications. Key points: The enforceability of warranty disclaimers and limitation ofliability clauses in common open source licence terms is questionable,particularly in a cross-border context, and commercial licensorsshould take additional steps to protect themselves from down-streamrisks. Practical significance: Open source software presents a number of unusual commercialissues, because it is available free of charge and the providerstry to disclaim warranties and liabilities. End users and resellershave to adjust their own in- and out-licensing models to accommodatethis situation.  相似文献   
Dem Mieter dürfen als Betriebskosten im Sinne des § 21 MRG immer nur die angemessenen Kosten verrechnet werden, gleichgültig auf welche Art die Hausbetreuungskosten erbracht werden. Die Angemessenheit des Entgelts oder Werklohns stellt daher die Obergrenze dar. Die nach früherem Recht für Hausbesorger zu leistenden Betr?ge bilden keine H?chstgrenze für die Angemessenheit.  相似文献   
刑事诉讼中侦查阶段对物的强制性措施是侦查中获取证据的一类侦查措施 ,关系到侦查乃至整个诉讼的进程和物所有人的权益 ,怎样正确认识该强制性措施显得很重要。文章从强制措施和强制性措施的区别入手 ,探讨了刑事诉讼侦查中对物强制性措施的目的、价值、分类 ,并从执行权与批准权、采取强制性措施物的范围、见证人等方面阐述该强制性措施存在的问题。  相似文献   
敦煌吐鲁番借贷契约中的"公私债负停征,此物不在停限"、"后有恩赦,不在免限"等抵赦条款,是民间社会对抗国家赦免私债的契约表现.始于北魏时期的国家对私债的赦免,针对的是"偿利过本,翻改券契"等民间高利贷行为;唐、五代及南宋、元初赦令,延续了这个传统.这一赦免初衷,也波及到无息借贷,致使抵赦条款也出现在无息借贷契约中,反映了民间防御意识的加强.契约中的抵赦条款的反复出现与国家免除民间债负赦令的频繁发布,反映了民间高利贷与国家控制的长时间博弈.明清时,国家不再以赦令形式免除私债,契约中的抵赦条款也随即消失.  相似文献   
刑法第306条是对刑事辩护权的限制和对律师职业的歧视,它被形象地称为悬在辩护律师头上的一把达摩克利斯之剑.对比刑法其他相关条文,不难发现刑事辩护在我国遭受立法歧视的现实.刑事辩护没有空间,究其原因一是因为在中国立法活动被异化为纯粹的权力、利益的较量.二是中国缺乏公正对待刑事辩护的土壤:制度上中国不具备弹劾式诉讼构造和正当程序模式;理念上中国没有真正贯彻无罪推定的原则和人权保障的价值观念;更深层次的原因是中国缺乏法治文化.  相似文献   
复制生产权是知识产权人独占性权利的重要组成部分,因此,权利人拒绝向第三方授予许可的行为本身并不当然构成《欧共体条约》第82条(以下简称ECT82)意义上之市场支配地位的滥用,但是,这并不排除某些特殊情况下滥用行为的存在。通过一系列案件的审判,欧洲法院对知识产权人滥用市场支配地位的判断总结出了一些标准,一旦符合这些标准,权利人就会被强行要求向市场提供某些产品或服务,尤其是当权利人凭借知识产权垄断了市场“基础设施”的时候,欧盟竞争法就会赋予权利人开放这种“特定门槛”的强制性义务。  相似文献   
Dual-credit courses expose high school students to college-level content and provide the opportunity to earn college credits, in part to smooth the transition to college. With the Tennessee Department of Education, we conduct the first randomized controlled trial of the effects of dual-credit math coursework on a range of high school and college outcomes. We find that the dual-credit advanced algebra course alters students’ subsequent high school math course-taking, reducing enrollment in remedial math and boosting enrollment in precalculus and Advanced Placement math courses. We fail to detect an effect of the dual-credit math course on overall rates of college enrollment. However, the course induces some students to choose four-year universities instead of two-year colleges, particularly for those in the middle of the math achievement distribution and those first exposed to the opportunity to take the course in eleventh rather than twelfth grade. We see limited evidence of improvements in early math performance during college.  相似文献   
最高人民法院《关于适用(中华人民共和国婚姻法)若干问题的解释(三)(征求意见稿)》自公布以来,引发了很大的争议。本文择取其中第11条,借以管窥我国的夫妻财产制度以及第11条规定背后的问题实质,并从法社会学的角度探析其不合理性。  相似文献   
我国刑法理论和司法实践对侵占罪犯罪对象的概念和范围有不同认识 ,文章通过对各种观点进行评析后认为 ,代为保管他人财物是基于信任关系而委托他人保管的财物及因无因管理、不当得利而保管他人之物 ;遗忘物和遗失物在法律上是同一的 ,只要在追诉时效之内知道或经他人帮助有证据证实为何人拾得占有的财物均可视为遗忘物 ;埋藏物是指埋藏于地下或他物之中 ,暂时脱离物主控制的物品  相似文献   
Legal context: The article reviews significant decisions handed down by theBoards of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2006,concentrating on decisions of the Enlarged Board and the Boardsof Appeal issued in 2006 and published or to be published inthe OJ EPO. Key points: The article discusses the application of Art. 24 EPC on exclusionand objection to members of the boards of appeal in the lightof the following decisions: G 1/05, T 281/03 and J 15/04; referralspending before the EBA on the subject of divisional applications(Art. 76 EPC and R. 25 EPC) and exclusion from patentabilityunder R. 23d(c) in conjunction with Art. 53a EPC; and decisionsof technical boards of appeal on exclusions from patentability(Arts. 52 (2)(3) and (4) EPC), the requirement of industrialapplicability (Art. 57 EPC) and re-establishment of rights (Art.122 EPC). Practical significance: The article provides an overview of the 2006 case law of theboards of appeal which is particularly useful since most ofthe decisions discussed have not yet been published in the OJEPO. The author is critical of the recent case law on the applicationof Art. 24 EPC (exclusion and objection to members of the boardsof appeal) and reports on several decisions of particular legalinterest.  相似文献   
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