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The Sex Disqualification (Removal Act 1919) enabled women to enter some professions including law for the first time. Virginia Woolf calls 1919 a ‘sacred year’ because of this Act in her later essay ‘Three Guineas’. However, the historical literature largely considers the act to be a ‘broken reed’, focussing on its failure to equalise the franchise, remove the marriage bar or to enable women to sit in the House of Lords. This article argues that such negative verdicts fail to take into account the political and Parliamentary situation in 1919 and overlooks the genuine achievements of the Act.  相似文献   
国家权力来自人民是现代民主政治的核心理念。如何实现人民的选择,保障人民权利成为民主政治发展的重大关切。中国民主政治类属于人民民主,其价值理念与历史实践内在赋予了执政党以领导核心地位,并要求以民主集中制为组织原则,实现广泛、真实的民主。中国新型政党制度作为中国民主政治的一项基本制度安排,在利益代表、政治参与和民主监督等政治功能方面与民主政治的规定性要素相契合,并在实践过程中体现出政治平衡、政治稳定、政治整合的显著治理优势,为社会主义民主政治发展与国家治理体系和治理能力现代化建设奠定稳固基础。  相似文献   
This article aims to address how to ensure a two-way ‘dialogue’ across ‘the West/non-West distinction’ in international studies. To this end, I first discuss three different approaches to dialogue, the Socratic, the Habermasian, and the Weberian, and clarify what kind of thing dialogue should be if it is to overcome the ‘West-non-West divide’ and transform the current ‘Western-centric’ IR into a global discipline. I argue that dialogue should be understood as reciprocal feedback from different perspectives for mutual learning. In order to achieve this goal (i.e. mutual learning), I call for an ‘instrumentalist’ approach to dialogue. To elucidate this point, I offer an empirical illustration. The focus here is on dialogue as mutual learning between Western-centric IR theory, more specifically constructivism, and the indigenous experience and knowledge of East Asia.  相似文献   
精神预防性无痛分娩法的推行是中华人民共和国成立初期国家卫生行政对妇女保健实践的一次直接介入,该法学自同属社会主义阵营的苏联,符合新中国"以预防为主"的卫生工作方针。得益于妇产医学精英在技术研究和各界在宣传教育中的努力,上海在推行中取得不错的成绩,成为全国的标杆。在经历了高潮和重振等阶段后,精神预防性无痛分娩法退出了历史舞台,但其在彰显社会主义优越性、改造医学界思想和改善医务人员工作态度方面起到较好的作用。对于接受精神预防性无痛分娩法的妇女而言,实际"痛与不痛"已不重要,其从无痛分娩法所要求的住院分娩、自然分娩中获益良多。  相似文献   
习近平关于风险防范的重要论述是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,是对当前国际国内风险动荡源和风险点日益增多的敏锐观察和理论创新。这一重要论述具有丰富的基本内涵,主要包括“居安思危”的风险意识观、“具有先手”的风险准备观、“守土尽责”的风险责任观、“驾驭风险”的风险本领观、“敢于斗争”的风险意志观、“健全机制”的风险实践观。这些基本内涵具有实事求是的理论品格、强烈的问题导向、辩证的底线思维、高瞻远瞩和统揽全局的战略思维等鲜明时代特征。新时代背景下,我们党要主动践行习近平关于风险防范重要论述的相关内容,把马克思主义作为看家本领,全面提升防范风险能力,汇聚广大民众磅礴之力,补齐风险防范“短板”,建立健全体制机制,发挥制度威力,为打赢重大风险防范攻坚战、全面建成小康社会,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化保驾护航。  相似文献   
纪律严明是中国共产党的一大光荣传统和独特优势。如果梳理党的十八大以来全面从严治党实践特点的话,纪律建设的强化无疑是一大亮点。习近平在强调纪律建设是全面从严治党治本之策的基础上,阐明了把纪律和规矩挺在前面、以严明政治纪律为重点、健全党内法规体系和用好“四种形态”的行动逻辑。这一实践逻辑,蕴含着鲜明的问题意识和正确的解决路径,不仅是全面从严治党的内在重要构成,也从理论上丰富了马克思主义政党学说。  相似文献   
侵权纠纷中夫妻共同债务的认定在裁判结果、法律适用、举证责任分配以及债务清偿方式等方面均存在诸多龃龉。对此,"数人侵权的侵权法进路"与"责任承担的婚姻法逻辑"均无法提供系统合理的解决方案。司法实践中的诸多困境渊源于既有立法规范混淆责任成立、责任承担与责任实行,缺失相应的立法原则、认定规则以及清偿规则。着眼于"民法典婚姻家庭编"的编纂,在区分责任成立与责任承担的维度上,夫妻共同债务认定应锁定于责任承担的范围内,遵循弱者保护原则,将夫妻一方的侵权之债认定为夫妻共同债务;在区分责任承担与责任实行的维度上,夫妻共同债务清偿应厘清共同债务与连带债务的区别,以夫妻共同财产承担清偿责任,不足部分以侵权人个人财产承担。在立法技术上,侵权纠纷中夫妻共同债务的认定规则应采兜底性条款形式,同时配套以夫妻共同债务的清偿规则。  相似文献   
微信正式被广大老百姓所知,并以其信息便捷性以及强大的互动性,吸引了大批大学生的关注。微信的发展给高校辅导员工作带来了难得的机遇,同时也因为其不可控性让高校辅导员工作面临着严峻的挑战。如何应对新形势下的挑战,实现新的突破,是我们辅导员工作研究的重要课题。  相似文献   
The concept of whole-process people’s democracy can be analyzed in terms of four the rule of law dimensions: continuous democracy, authentic democracy, extensive democracy and consultative democracy. Continuous democracy means that democracy provides a continuous and uninterrupted mechanism in terms of stage, time and space, which can ensure the continuous participation of the people in the management of state and social affairs. Authentic democracy is not only embodied creation of opportunities and conditions for the people to have more channels and methods of participation in the management of state and social affairs, but is also reflected in the process of democratic practice, including the protection of legitimate rights and interests of the minority. Extensive democracy means that the people are fully and deeply involved in the management of state and social affairs as well as their own affairs, from the operation of the state system to social life at the community level, and from pre-election to post-election. Consultative democracy is a means of realizing people’s democracy in the whole process. It applies consultation and seeks truth, aiming at building consensus. Moreover, it integrates various channels of consultation, and integrates democracy into all aspects of the work of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and government and in all aspects of the people’s political and social life.  相似文献   
Despite the fact that early work on international regimes conceptualised them as dialogic in nature, this fundamental regime property has remained relatively underdeveloped. Drawing on the work of Mikhail Bakhtin and his circle, this article proposes a dialogic framework for understanding regimes and the political struggles that constitute them. Focusing on the contextual and relational properties of signification processes within a regime, one of the key arguments is that neither their dialogic nature nor the trajectory and outcome of a particular conflict can be understood without giving full attention to language as a power-laden form of action. By focusing on how language and discourse are implicated and put to work in a particular instance of regime contestation, namely the Development Agenda proposed by a group of developing countries’ representatives at the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2004, efforts are made not only to bring to the fore the political and ideological nature of the ‘shared understandings’ without which a regime would not exist, but also the manner in which they are reproduced and reinvigorated, even by acts that set out to challenge them.  相似文献   
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