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徐志远同志长期从事企业法律顾问工作,先后参与中国石化改革重组、改制上市、多个项目的收购兼并等重大活动,提供法律咨询和意见;参与公司法律顾问制度和法制工作建设。2001年任中国石化法律事务部法律顾问(部门副职待遇);2007年任副主任兼法律顾问。现分管法律纠纷和法制宣传教育工作。  相似文献   
严峻 《台湾研究》2010,(2):42-47
随着海峡两岸经贸、人员交流日益密切,由此产生的两岸民事法律纠纷也不断增加,为规范两岸交流交往商签两岸民事司法协助愈显必要。2009年4月26日两岸两会在南京签署“海峡两岸共同打击犯罪及司法互助协议”(以下简称“南京协议”),同年5月14日最高人民法院公布并实施“关于人民法院认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的补充规定”,标志着两岸司法协助步上一个新台阶。本文试就两岸民事司法协助(本文不含涉港、澳民事司法协助)的性质、内容等问题展开分析与探讨。  相似文献   
近年来,浙江省衢州市关注非公有制企业发展中面临的法律问题,市工商联在对市内非公有制企业进行调查摸底后发现,不少企业的法律维权意识淡薄,一旦发生法律纠纷可能造成难以弥补的损失。为帮助企业搭建法律服务维权平台,帮助非公有制企业依法经营,规避法律风险,防范和化解危机,保障企业健康有序运行,市工商联与市司法局联合开展非公有制企业“法律体检”,  相似文献   
滕修福 《公民导刊》2013,(12):46-46
<正>随着现代科技的发展,手机、照相机等电子产品多具有即拍即分享的随手拍功能。这一功能,在满足摄影爱好者创作欲望和成就感的同时,如果使用不当,将会给其带来法律纠纷,因为,随手拍侵犯他人隐私,不宜提倡。属于我国正式法律渊源的《世界人权宣言》第12条规定:"任何人的私生活、家庭、住宅和通信不得任意千涉,他的荣誉和名誉不得加以  相似文献   
综上,原告请求判决被告B公司据实付清下欠原告的工程承包款128万元。法院经审理认为,被告B公司在承建该小区1号楼工程后,将其转包干没有资质的个人甲,应属无效。最高人民法院《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷适用法律问题的解释》第二条规定:“建设工程施工合同无效。但建设工程经竣工验收合同。承包人请求参照合同约定支付工程价款的,应予支持。”  相似文献   
文学创作的灵感和激情往往来源于生活素材。有些文学作品还用文字对某些社会现状进行影射、鞭挞。为了撒清不必要的法律纠纷。这些文学作品往往打出告示。宣称:“本故事纯属虚构。如有雷同,  相似文献   
The principal aim of this research is the quest for a well-balanced legal system that reconciles predictability and flexibility in the law of maritime delimitation. As with all types of law, the law of maritime delimitation should possess a degree of predictability. The other flexible considerations of geographical are also required in order to achieve equitable results. How, then, is it possible to ensure predictability while taking into account a diversity of factors in order to achieve an equitable result? This, according to the author, is the question at the heart of the law of maritime delimitation. This issue in depth by looking at three aspects of the question." first by looking at the two opposing and contrasting approaches evident in the evolution of the law of maritime delimitation; second, by undertaking a comparative study of the case law and State practice; and third, by examining the theoretic 1958 Geneva Conventions and the pioneer ruling in the North Sea Continental Shelf case." the inherent and "ab initio" rights of the coastal State, the requirement for delimitation by agreement, and the emphasis on the role of equity. But much remained to be worked out by State practice and by jurisprudence; and in such a novel field, it is perhaps not surprising that there have been many inconsistencies and reversals. There could be no better guide through this labyrinth than whose sureness of direction is based on very detailed study, All problems underlie the law of maritime delimitation. Nowadays, many studies have been written in the field of maritime delimitation. Most of them have focused on the case law. In fact, as is shown in the bibliography, there are many articles relating to inter-national judgments in this field. Since it has been argued that the law of maritime delimitation has developed through international jurisprudence, it was only natural that writers turned to the analysis of case law in this field. By contrast, State practice concerning maritime delimitation has not been suffici  相似文献   
黄菡彦 《新民周刊》2012,(44):80-81
国家政策的频频出台,催生了房地产的法律服务,法律服务的市场需求又催生了大量的"不动产律师事务所"。法律界人士提醒,不动产交易的每个环节都可能出现纠纷,律师提前介入非常必要。  相似文献   
当前农村存在合同纠纷、财产权纠纷、人身权纠纷、婚姻家庭纠纷、农村土地承包经营权纠纷等法律纠纷,这些纠纷严重危害农村的和谐发展。人民调解制度是一种富有中国特色的纠纷解决机制,具有程序简易便捷、方式灵活、低成本、高效率等特点,应进一步拓展调解工作的受理范围,优化队伍建设,完善人民调解组织网络,促进人民调解与诉讼程序的有机衔接。  相似文献   
偏执性精神障碍是一组以系统妄想为主要症状的精神障碍,在不涉及妄想的情况下,无明显的其他心理方面异常。偏执性精神障碍诊断难度大,而且较多涉及法律纠纷,因此临床及司法鉴定医生对诊断偏执性精神障碍应极为慎重,否则法律纠纷很可能接踵而来。  相似文献   
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