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3 Judge and Arbitrator in International Legal Procedures:Implications for the Arbitral Tribunal of the South China Sea Dispute between China and the Philippines WU Hui, SHANG Tao [Abstract] The international legal procedures comprise judicial procedures and arbitration procedures, in which the personal factors of judges and arbitrators may have certain influences on these legal activities. The judges in the international judicial procedures shall have independence, swearing to be faithful to the court or tribunal. However, such independence is relative since the political factors during election, as well as the nationality, personal thoughts and ideas of a judge in service, will affect his or her handling of the cases. Meanwhile, the independence of the arbitrators in international arbitration procedures is insufficient compared with the judges in international judicial organizations such as International Court of Justice and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. The arbitrator appointed by each party usually stands for and defends the benefit of this party. In the international legal procedures, judges and arbitrators can play a certain role in determining the procedure, calling witnesses or experts and receiving their evidence and visiting the localities to which the case relates, and attaching a separate or dissenting opinion to the award. Therefore, it is important for us to have a full understanding of the personal effects of the judges and arbitrators in international legal procedures in order to deal with the present arbitration cases China has participated in and the potential cases in future; it can also help supervise and avoid adverse personal factors when China does not participate in the arbitration proceedings or gives up appointing an arbitrator. [Key Words] United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, international legal procedures, judge, arbitrator [Authors] WU Hui, Professor, Supervisor of Doctoral Candidates, Vice-president at University of International Relations; SHANG Tao, PhD Candidate at China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.  相似文献   
2012年"读者最喜欢的好文章(图片、栏目)"评选活动在评刊员、读者的热心关注和积极参与下,评选结果日前揭晓。此次评选,先由评选办公室在综合每期收回的评刊员阅评意见的基础上确定出候选作品  相似文献   
<正>在《现代性之路:英法美启蒙运动之比较》一书中,作者格特鲁德·希梅尔法布从思想史的角度入手,对英法美启蒙运动进行比较。这本书篇幅不大,但其所讨论的主题,关涉思想史上的大问题。以小篇幅讨论大问题,意味着很大的困难,即作者必须在掌握足够材料的基础上,具备超强的分析能力,并能以高度概括但不失真的文字表述出来。这本书即显示出这样的特点。作者以"美德的社会学"、"理性  相似文献   
程义秋 《奋斗》2014,(4):40-40
正我是一名多年从事组织工作的干部,不仅是《奋斗》杂志的忠实读者,也是为《奋斗》杂志撰稿的作者,能见证《奋斗》杂志出刊500期十分荣幸。我格外关注《奋斗》杂志上刊登的理论解读文章和经验交流文章,通过剖析理论问题,汲取兄弟县市的经验,让我在  相似文献   
《山东审判》迎来创刊200期,我作为你的老读者、老朋友由衷地感到高兴,并觉得实在应该借机向你说几句知心话。相遇——适我愿兮我和你的相遇是一次邂逅,是一种宿命,是一生的缘分。1993年大学毕业后,我怀着对法治的崇敬之心、对审判的热切之情和对法官的神秘之感,迈进法院的大门。我发现,在审判实践面前,在公文材料面前,我仍然是个学生,知识  相似文献   
姓名____年龄____性别____职业________ 联系电话_______E-mail_______读者单位________ 联系地址_______ 邮编_______ 1.你平时最喜欢的杂志:_____2.您阅读《中国减灾》杂志的主要原因是什么?  相似文献   
一、为适应我国信息化建设,扩大本刊及作者知识信息交流渠道,本刊已被CNKI中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库数字化期刊群、中文科技期刊数据库收录,提供读者服务。其作者文章著作权使用费与本刊稿酬一次给付。如作者不同意文章被收录,请在来稿时向本刊声明,本刊可做适当处理。二、本刊对来稿可视情作适当修改或删节,如作者对此不同意请事先声明。  相似文献   
新的汶川充满希望「江苏林影」读完6期《汶川这三年》这组特别报道后,心情感慨万千。3年前,汶川大地震让巴蜀成了血泪之地;3年后,在党中央的坚强领导和全国人民的倾力支援下,中国政府向世界交出了这场大地震灾后恢  相似文献   
《俄罗斯研究》自创刊以来,一直得到广大读者和作者的热情关心和大力支持。正是由于这种关心和支持,十几年来,《俄罗斯研究》获得了坚实的进步与发展。编辑部对此表示由衷的感谢!  相似文献   
宋丹丹《幸福深处》长江文艺出版社出版简介:书中除了充满爱心与宽容的大彻大悟,就是佛道般自我反思的劝人为善,字里行间透着一种博大情怀。宋丹丹那总是在不幸中开拓自己并制造幸福的心态与方式,值得让每一个清醒在生活中、迷茫于失意时的人去借鉴、去领悟,赢得了无数女性读者的青睐。  相似文献   
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