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2004年1月8日,武汉市洪山区朱女士的30万元现金在轿车后备箱被盗,洪山警方接警调查后盗案是否成立存在着两种相反意见,湖北警官学院对朱女士采用测谎仪测试得出盗案事实成立的结论。洪山警方迅速立案调查,又由湖北警官学院对嫌疑对象作测谎测试,作案人刘海军浮出水面,在铁证面前,刘海军交代作案经过,全案告破。心理测试在侦破此案中发挥了十分重要作用,其经验是多方面的,但同时也有教训,走过一些弯路。  相似文献   
"欧盟2020战略"是继里斯本战略之后,指导欧盟下一个十年经济发展的全新规划。该文对"欧盟2020战略"重点内容进行了解读,通过分析当前中国可持续发展的情况,结合中国"十二五"规划的内容,阐释了"欧盟2020战略"对中国可持续发展的启示。  相似文献   
"十二五"时期是加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期。加快转变经济发展方式,应努力做到"八个着力":着力创新教育体系;着力建设一流人才队伍;着力突出企业的创新主体地位;着力加大研究与开发投入;着力发展现代产业体系;着力实现城乡一体化发展;着力推进以保障和改善民生为重点的社会建设;着力发挥改革的强大动力作用。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen intense intergovernmental deliberations on issues concerning governance in the field of environment. Their aim has been to address the role of the institutions that provide platforms for international environmental cooperation. There are two main lines of enquiry: the role of regime-specific institutions that cater to sectoral regulatory frameworks (popularly known as multilateral environmental agreements, or MEAs); and the role of institutions that are established to follow up on global environmental conferences or a specific environmental task. Most of these institutions reflect intergovernmental consensual process. However, there are concerns about their proliferation and there is a growing cacophony of calls to ‘bring coherence to the fragmented landscape of MEAs, intergovernmental bodies, UN system entities and other international organizations’ (Sha Zukang (2011) ‘Legal and policy dimensions of sustainable development: expected contribution of Rio + 20’, Environmental Policy and Law, 41(6), pp. 244–246, at p. 245). In fact the need to bring order to environmental governance has assumed great importance and urgency if environmental cooperation is to be achieved. This paper explores, in particular, the role of the United Nations Environment Programme and its potential for conversion to a specialised agency of the UN.  相似文献   
《刑法修正案(八)》第8条规定了坦白从宽情节,这是我国刑事立法上首次确认坦白从宽制度。坦白从宽法定化是落实宽严相济刑事政策,实现司法公正、提高司法效率,走出司法尴尬境地之必然产物。坦白,是指犯罪嫌疑人除构成自首以外的如实供述自己罪行的情形。坦白的主体是"犯罪嫌疑人",可以包括犯罪单位。坦白的成立条件包括:被动归案;如实供述自己的已被司法机关掌握的罪行或者如实供述司法机关虽未掌握、但与已掌握的罪行属同种罪行。坦白从宽是原则,不从宽是例外。避免特别严重后果的发生可以从四个方面进行认定。  相似文献   
《刑法修正案(八)》第8条规定了坦白从宽情节,这是我国刑事立法上首次确认坦白从宽制度。坦白从宽法定化是落实宽严相济刑事政策,实现司法公正、提高司法效率,走出司法尴尬境地之必然产物。坦白,是指犯罪嫌疑人除构成自首以外的如实供述自己罪行的情形。坦白的主体是"犯罪嫌疑人",可以包括犯罪单位。坦白的成立条件包括:被动归案;如实供述自己的已被司法机关掌握的罪行或者如实供述司法机关虽未掌握、但与已掌握的罪行属同种罪行。坦白从宽是原则,不从宽是例外。避免特别严重后果的发生可以从四个方面进行认定。  相似文献   
党的十八届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》提出了一系列反腐的新部署、新观点和新举措,开创了法治反腐的新局面。法治引领治腐、防腐,规范、制约权力和对腐败问题"零容忍",每一项都直接遏制权力腐败。  相似文献   

Following the law of 1884 that re-authorised divorce in France, divorce was more frequent in the large cities before spreading to other urban areas and then to rural ones. Divorce rates were especially high in the Seine département from 1884 to the eve of the First World War. In this region, divorced people lived more frequently in Paris than in the suburbs. More precisely, they resided more often on the Right Bank of the Seine in Paris proper (intra-muros) and, as an extension of this area, in the suburban cities to the west and, to the east, around the Bois de Vincennes. A comparison of the share of divorced men and women to the economic, demographic and cultural characteristics of the 20 Paris arrondissements and 74 suburban municipalities in the Seine département shows that a portion of the spatial distribution can be explained by the occupational structures of the area. Divorced people seldom lived in the most rural areas. This urban/rural divide can be explained by two main factors that can be complementary: the economic possibility to divorce – and here we will add the economic possibility for women to leave live alone after a divorce – and the social and cultural acceptance of divorce.  相似文献   
以儒家文化为主导的传统文化是中华民族最基本的文化基因。考察近百年来儒学在海内外发展的命运可以发现,儒学研究者对其态度大致经历了从全面批判到积极肯定再到创造性转化三个阶段。儒家思想在海内外的发展历程证明了中华传统文化经过创造性转化不但可以与现代文明相适应,而且能够对治由西方文化引发的人类生存危机,体现了中华传统文化历久弥新的魅力。  相似文献   
This article explores the origins of French influence in Egyptian education by examining the circumstances under which Muhammad Ali Pasha (r. 1805–1848) sent two organized student missions to study in Paris over other European destinations. In the history of modern Egyptian education, French influence on educational institutions is linked to persistent French imperial interest following their occupation of Egypt (1798–1801). French involvement in education was not initially a government project, but rather evolved to become a government project by the end of the Pasha's rule. Using historical evidence, I show that the first mission was a personal venture of ex-Bonapartists who desired to keep the spirit of the Napoleonic expedition alive through informal cultural imperialism despite the Restoration government's disinterest. The French government's official involvement in the second student mission of 1844 was motivated by their colonial interests in North Africa. Previous historians have projected those motivations backwards on the earlier period and that Egyptian choice to make use of French expertise and knowledge was a contingent one.  相似文献   
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