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任何民事权利均应当有权利限制。如果某种民事权利不受限制,则必然妨碍其他民事权利的存在或行使。权利限制通过限制冲突中的权利,使多种权利得以和谐共处,而成为权利冲突的基本纠偏机制。  相似文献   
目的 调查中国武汉地区汉族人群STR基因座—D3S1 358、D1 3S31 7、D1 2S391基因频率分布和群体遗传数据。方法 从 2 0 8个汉族无关个体收集血液标本 ,应用PCR技术及聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板电泳对D3S1 358、D1 3S31 7和D1 2S391基因座分型。结果 D3S1 358检出 7个等位基因和 4 1个基因型。三基因座基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡。观察 2 31次减数分裂均未发现突变基因。另外 ,调查结果计算显示D3S1 358、D1 3S31 7和D1 2S391基因座的杂合度 (H)分别为 0 70 98、 0 80 56和 0 84 0 0 ;三个人识别能力 (DP)分别为 0 851 6、 0 9332和 0 952 3;非父排除率 ( pE)分别为 0 4 463、 0 60 1 6和 0 681 8。结论 D3S1 358、D1 3S31 7和D1 2S391基因座在群体遗传学研究和法医学亲子鉴定及个人识别中具有较高实用价值  相似文献   
《违法行为矫治法》脱胎于劳动教养制度。《违法行为矫治法》不是行政刑法,违法行为矫治也不属于行政处罚,应当将违法行为矫治定性为行政强制措施,并凸显其可诉性、非惩罚性以及保安性之特质。在此基础上,应当在《违法行为矫治法》中设置相应的救济措施,具体措施应倾向于矫治,且矫治措施应当尽可能多样化。  相似文献   
《行政许可法》第13条要求立法者设定行政许可时应当进行必要性考量,但因其存在立法语言的模糊性、缺乏可操作性的缺点,以及许可评价机制被虚置等原因,导致其无法实施。国家应当在第13条的指导下,经常性的对行政许可进行清理,盘活现有的行政许可评价机制,尽早出台统一的评价机制立法,设置严格的启动时效机制,同时扩大公共参与行政许可的深度和广度,以最大限度地界定许可的设定范围,从而扩大行政许可设定的正当性。  相似文献   
We focus in this paper on the effects of court errors on the optimal sharing of liability between firms and financiers, as an environmental policy instrument. Using a structural model of the interactions between firms, financial institutions, governments and courts we show, through numerical simulations, the distortions in liability sharing between firms and financiers that the imperfect implementation of government policies implies. We consider in particular the role played by the efficiency of the courts in jointly avoiding Type I (finding an innocent firm guilty of inappropriate care) and Type II (finding a guilty firm not guilty of inappropriate care) errors. This role is considered in a context where liability sharing is already distorted (when compared with first best values) due not only to the courts’ own imperfect assessment of safety care levels exerted by firms but also to the presence of moral hazard and adverse selection in financial contracting. There is also not congruence of objectives between firms and financiers on the one hand and social welfare maximization on the other. Our results indicate that an increase in the efficiency of court system in avoiding errors raises safety care level, thereby reducing the probability of accident, and allowing the social welfare maximizing government to impose a lower liability [higher] share for firms [financiers] as well as a lower standard level of care.  相似文献   
志愿服务是指不以营利为目的,经志愿服务组织安排,由志愿者实施的自愿帮助他人和服务社会的公益行为。志愿者行动是社会保障体系的重要组成部分,志愿精神是和谐社会核心价值观的集中体现,志愿服务是参与者实现自我教育和人格完善的载体。志愿者行动是外在激励与自我激励的共生与统一,正逐步呈现参与主体多元化、服务水准专业化、关注对象民生化趋势。  相似文献   
《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(4-5):385-411

Crane's essay begins to engage the complex, polyvalent nature of the so-called Jewish Question in the early twentieth century by following closely the evolving ideas of a French intellectual who eventually emerged from his association with figures such as Action Française leader Charles Maurras to offer a sustained and vehement rejection of antisemitism, a rejection itself almost unheard of in respectable circles. The philosopher Jacques Maritain (1882–1973) has been identified as an extraordinarily philosemitic member of the Catholic intelligentsia in interwar France. Having broken with the anti-democratic and antisemitic Maurras in 1927, by the late 1930s Maritain established an international reputation as an outspoken anti-fascist and opponent of antisemitism. In response to the intensification of anti-Jewish prejudice in interwar Europe, he strove to advance a metahistorical understanding of what might be called the Sacred Jew in an era in which the racially hygienic construct of the Dirty Jew threatened to prevail in contexts ranging from the gutter to the drawing room to the classroom. But Maritain's recasting of the timely Jewish Question as the timeless Mystery of Israel amounted to just as much of an expression of the political-cultural anxieties of the interwar period as its racist and ever more eliminationist counterpart, articulated as the so-called Jewish Problem. Both removed the Jewish object of the question from the perspective of visible mundane reality and uncovered—or recovered—hidden apocalyptic secrets. Maritain's vision of Jewish identity in the modern world, as it developed in the 1920s and 1930s, thus proved inseparable from his negotiation of the personal and public crises of his time.  相似文献   
在诉讼案件与日俱增而司法资源有限的国情下,传统的诉讼模式已无法完全满足繁简案件分流审理的需求,简易程序不简易的现实制约着当事人和法院简便快速处理简单案件的迫切要求。基层法院审判实践中存在事实无争议的案件,增设简易判决改变传统的审理方式,把这部分事实无争议案件过滤于庭审之外,进一步细化简单案件的程序再分流,可为简易程序改革提供一种全新的进路和方向。  相似文献   
与国际医学界对吸毒成瘾持"病态说"的观点不同,在我国怎样看待吸毒成瘾一直是个敏感而重要的的话题。1998公复[3号]文对吸毒成瘾采"行为说",规定只要有证据证明有吸毒行为就可认定吸毒成瘾。随着"采取各种措施帮助吸毒人员戒除毒瘾,教育和挽救吸毒人员"的戒毒方针在禁毒法中的确立,《吸毒成瘾认定办法》也从医学角度对吸毒成瘾进行了重新审视,实现了对吸毒成瘾"病态说"的回归。  相似文献   
刘曼卿在西藏地方与中央正常关系恢复中具有独特的地位与作用。自1911年以来没有中央官员入藏,国民政府必须解决此一问题,刘曼卿是入藏沟通意见的最佳人选。她不畏艰险,取道康藏,"打破一二十年来康藏和内地不交通的记录。"在拉萨的三个月里,她同十三世达赖进行两次会谈,并频繁与噶厦上层人物会谈,到哲蚌寺、甘丹寺、色拉寺等寺庙与喇嘛交谈,宣传国民党的三民主义,交换恢复西藏地方与中央正常关系的意见。十三世达赖表达了维护国家统一、民族团结的政治态度,要求国民政府重视边疆。国民政府给予刘曼卿应有的评价。  相似文献   
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