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Simulations are increasingly common pedagogical tools in political science and international relations courses. This article develops a classroom simulation that aims to facilitate students’ theoretical understanding of the topic of war and peace in international relations, and accomplishes this by incorporating important theoretical concepts about the causes of war found in international relations theory into the design and implementation of the simulation. In addition to sharing a successful classroom simulation with other international relations instructors, the article makes two important contributions to the pedagogical literature on simulations. First, it shows how simulation design can be usefully based on the theoretical concepts and/or substantive problems that course instructors aim to impart to their students. Second, it demonstrates that it is possible to achieve important learning objectives with low-intensity simulations that do not require a big investment of time, energy, and resources.  相似文献   
苗蓓蕾  薛力 《南亚东南亚研究》2021,(2):37-49,153,154
阿富汗素有"帝国坟墓"之称,不少学者认为中国应尽量避免过多卷入阿富汗问题,尤其是安全事务方面。然而,中国现阶段采取的"最低限度介入"也不能帮助解决阿富汗问题,有必要调整为"有条件积极介入",即:以不单边军事介入、不干涉阿富汗内政和尊重阿富汗人的意愿为原则。在地区安全方面,中国应积极构建中美俄印巴大国安全合作机制,发动五国力量共同提供区域公共安全产品;在外交方面,中国应坚持以双边调解和多边斡旋为主,借中巴、中伊(朗)良好的双边关系以及中国在阿富汗问题上独特地位多方协调,形成稳定有效的双边谈判机制和多边协调机制,并将阿富汗纳入上合组织;在经济方面,中国应依托"一带一路"倡议、中巴经济走廊等机制加大对阿经济援助促进阿富汗经济可持续发展,切实提升阿富汗人民的生活水平;在社会与文化方面,中国可为阿富汗提供可供借鉴的社会管理模式和改革经验,致力于促进中阿两国的文化交流和民心相通,使两国的友谊深入民间;同时,始终保证积极介入的底线所在,以便践行周边外交优先理念,展示负责任大国形象,防范"金德尔伯格陷阱"。  相似文献   
构建“动态治安”的社会防控体系已成为当前警务改革的必然趋势。为此,必须在明确街面  动态治安的概念、内涵以及分析我们在打击现行犯罪工作中存在的问题的基础上,从接处警机制、巡逻  策略和技能培训等方面来强化街面动态治安防控体系,以提高打击现行犯罪的能力。  相似文献   
The length of a shoe has significant value in reflecting characteristics of the owner, and thereby, it can help in tracking suspects in criminal cases. However, the shoeprints left at a crime scene are often incomplete, resulting in difficulties in assessing shoe length. To find a way to estimate the shoe length from a partial shoeprint, 109 shoes with different sizes and general patterns were collected, and their prints were lifted using magnetic powder. Four feature points were defined on a shoeprint, and the longest distance between the feature points was defined as shoe length. Using linear, quadratic, and cubic regression analyses, a total of 15 equations were obtained between the shoe length and the other distances between the feature points. Out of these, the five most accurate equations were selected as the optimal equation. The verified test, including another 18 pairs of shoes, showed an average error of equations between 0.591 cm and 0.732 cm. The equations were also applied in two practical cases, resulting in good accuracy. The study demonstrates that shoe length could be determined from partial shoeprints through the proven equations.  相似文献   
对私人住宅爆炸案件的现场勘验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私人住宅爆炸案件现场的勘验,既具有一般爆炸的一些共性,同时又具有其特殊性。在勘验时必须运用刑事技术、爆炸现场勘验的基本原理,结合现场爆炸的特点,寻找线索,为破案提供有力的证据。勘验程序涉及现场炸点、爆炸痕迹、爆炸残留物、爆炸人员损伤等内容。  相似文献   
目的:观察足三里穴位注射防止胆囊牵拉反应的效果。方法:240例行胆囊切除术患者,随机分为4组,每组60例。术前20min,治疗A组用10%葡萄糖液4ml加杜冷丁50mg行双侧足三里穴位注射、治疗B组用10%葡萄糖液4ml行双侧足三里穴位注射、阳性对照组肌注杜冷丁50mg、阴性对照组术中酌情用药,详细记录术中牵拉反应,观察呼吸、血压、心率、氧饱和度变化。结果:预防牵拉反应优良率,治疗A、B组显著高于  相似文献   
犯罪追诉时效的计算有"犯罪发生之日"的形式起算点与"犯罪构成要件满足之日"的实质起算点之分,放纵制售伪劣商品犯罪行为罪的追诉时效起算点,一般以犯罪行为终了之时为准,但当犯罪结果延时发生时,以犯罪结果发生之时为准。本文结合相关司法解释对放纵制售伪劣商品犯罪行为罪具体类型立案标准的划分,逐一分析了该罪不同情形下追诉时效起算点的计算标准。  相似文献   
从我国改革开放初期开始,邓小平就多次强调,我们要建设的社会主义国家,不但要有高度的物质文明,而且要有高度的精神文明,两个文明都搞好,才是有中国特色的社会主义。随着中国经济社会的改革发展,以江泽民为核心的第三代中央领导集体提出了"政治文明"建设的思想。进入新世纪,根据我国经济社会发展的客观要求,以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央提出了"社会文明"与"生态文明"的思想。这样,中国特色社会主义文明要素由"两大文明"要素发展到"五大文明"要素。中国特色社会主义文明要素的相互影响、相互作用,推动实现中华民族伟大复兴。  相似文献   
In a pre/post quasi-experimental study assessing the impact of a specific curriculum on critical thinking, the authors employed a critical thinking curriculum in two sections of a U.S. foreign policy class. The authors found that the interactive and scaffolded critical thinking curriculum yielded statistically significant critical thinking increases for students scoring below average on the pretest. Within a discussion of the overall need for strengthening critical thinking in higher education, the authors demonstrate that the study’s findings support the developmental process of acquiring critical thinking, and illustrate that early jumps in critical thinking can be achieved within one semester. Additionally, the results point to the need for more long-term approaches to assess larger increases for those scoring above average.  相似文献   
建设社会主义和谐社会,要深刻认识其主要目标、社会条件、依靠力量和推进效率。党群关系的和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键。全党从思想上深刻认识到这一点,对于自觉把握建设社会主义和谐社会的基本着力点和评价标准具有重大意义。  相似文献   
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