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自动化行政方式下的行政处罚:挑战与回应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于行政处罚的负担行政属性,部分自动化是现阶段自动化行政处罚的主流形态。自动化行政方式的高效可能导致处罚密度失衡,需要建立处罚标准动态调整机制予以平衡。在自动化行政时代,需要坚持和发展正当程序原则,以解决在程序与证据方面面临的挑战。自动化行政对于数据的依赖与行政处罚中的数据特殊限制形成了悖论,应当通过将数据纳入公物法规制与扩张个人数据权利等方式,完善数据法治。在责任方面,自动化行政处罚错误时的责任主体仍然是行政主体,归责原则应当采用无过错责任原则。  相似文献   
儒家和谐治理观对历史中国和现代东亚国家的巩固和发展起了重要作用,并可以为当今中国和谐社会的建设和国家治理提供可资借鉴的思想资源。但由于其存在着理论与制度不同构、制度资源太少的根本性缺陷,不能作为解决当今社会政治问题的现成方案。欲实现社会和谐和长治久安,必须重构现代治理观,走出重“政治人”建设轻政治制度建设的历史误区,开辟一条靠制度执政、靠制度治国的新路。制度建设和创新的核心是民主与法治,其中又以党和政府的制度改革为重点。对战略策略作出理性化的选择,则是制度变革成败的关键。  相似文献   
运用社会学和经济学的分析方法,探索了制约我国物业税税制改革的财政公共管理体制中的约束机制,得出结论如下:不规范的财政分权改革的直接后果造成了地方政府预算软约束和"逆向软预算约束",而分税制改革给地方政府收入结构带来的"驱赶效应"以及地方政府事实上具有获取体制外资源的强大能力在很大程度上又强化了地方政府的"逆向软预算约束"机制.在上述财政管理体制环境中进行物业税改革自然步履维艰,因为地方政府"逆向软预算约束"机制是制约物业税税制改革的直接原因;不彻底的财政分权体制缺陷是制约物业税税制改革的根本原因;社会约束不力以及相关制度设计缺陷是制约物业税税制改革的外在原因;税制设计严重老化是制约物业税税制发展的内在原因.  相似文献   
This paper identifies and discusses the legislative provisions which protect confidentiality in family law proceedings in Australia. The purpose of discussing these protections is two‐fold: firstly, to identify the scope and operation of these protections for Australian legal practitioners; secondly, to allow comparison of Australian protections to those offered in other jurisdictions. This paper will consider duties of confidentiality and evidential privileges in the context of settlement negotiation, mediation, arbitration, lawyer‐client relationships and medical, counselling and other therapeutic relationships. The rationale for the protection of confidentiality in some of these relationships and circumstances, but not in others, will also be considered in an attempt to understand why it is so.  相似文献   

New Orleans, a highly segregated city with low homeownership, experienced a tremendous number of housing foreclosures between 1985 and 1990. This study highlights the process and impact of foreclosure in the urban housing market, which contributes to an understanding of their impact on the spatial structure of the city. Two aspects of foreclosure are examined: the differential impacts of foreclosure on low‐income and African‐American householders and changes in socioeconomic conditions (neighborhood change and the spatial structure of the city) resulting from foreclosure.

Conventional wisdom holds that urban neighborhood transformation is driven largely by white flight. The data presented in this article suggest a counterhypoth‐esis. Middle‐income professional whites employed in businesses impacted by recession who had recently bought housing with high loan‐to‐value ratios were forced to sell or have their houses foreclosed upon. The depressed market, in turn, made such housing affordable to middle‐class blacks interested in homeownership. Thus, black economic opportunity, rather than white flight, dramatically transformed the racial composition of many New Orleans East neighborhoods.  相似文献   
Comparatively speaking, the birth and the growth of public administration programmes, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in Hong Kong and Macao have been a response to the increasing need for the training of students and civil servants in the discipline of public administration. Since the 1990s, the proliferation of Master of Public Administration (MPA) programmes in both the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions can be explained by the demand for local people to govern the two places in accordance with the principle of ‘one country, two systems’. The content of various MPA programmes also reflects the changing political and administrative circumstances; its public administration focus has been accompanied by core courses training students from a variety of disciplines, ranging from public finance to economics, from public policy analyses to globalization, and from regional planning to a deeper understanding of mainland Chinese government and politics. In both Hong Kong and Macao, some graduates from both the Bachelor and Master programmes have joined the civil service or enhanced their skills in public sector management and governance. Although the medium of instruction varies from one university to another, their programme objective shares one thing in common: the imperative of training existing civil servants and students to join the governments of Hong Kong and Macao. This paper compares and contrasts the development of public administration programmes in Hong Kong and Macao and examines its theoretical implications for the changing relations between politics and public administration.  相似文献   
会计委派制试点工作已取得了初步成效,但还存在许多问题,实行有限度的会计委派制无论在理论上还是实践上都是一种更加完善的办法。  相似文献   
真正实现依法行政,非朝夕之功。构建有效保障依法行政的制度体系,逐步创造条件落实这些制度,可以使实现这一目标的行动更加有条不紊。本文从行政权力主体、权力分配行使和监督、执法救济、执法责任等几个方面的制度体系,来探讨完整的有效保障依法行政的制度体系。  相似文献   
英格兰普通法的形成不是任何单一权力意志的安排,而是多元选择的产物。郡法院最初可以被当作国王用以平衡地方权势的制度装置。缺少有效的地方代理人制度,国王不得不依赖于一支巡游的司法大军来实现王国的治理,普通法的司法治理模式由此形成。作为一项司法设置,陪审制度不仅为中央司法权威的扩张提供了公信力的保障,而且也是后者得以稳健运行的制度平台。随着越来越多的社会主体通过组成陪审团参与到法律事务之中,不经意间,普通法的大厦便被如此牢固地坐落在了民间普遍认同的基石之上。  相似文献   
基础利率的调整与常规经济增长的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国目前供大于求的宏观经济环境下,需求决定产出,产出的微小波动可能会引起投资的较大变化,投资与利率负相关;在跨时替代弹性σ<1,利率变动影响个人消费的收入效应大于替代效应的前提下,储蓄和利率存在负向关系。在央行采用公开市场操作收回流动性、提高存款准备金率等货币数量调控手段仍不能解决投资过热、消费需求不足的问题时,可以考虑适时适度加息,采用货币价格调控手段,以防止供求缺口的进一步扩大、宏观经济的大起大落。  相似文献   
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