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行政诉讼是人为的宪政制度设计的结果,行政权与司法权两种权力运作模式的目标截然不同,这是现实中司法权与行政权关系紧张的根源所在。正视司法权与行政权的差异性是行政诉讼判决形式改革的基础。在现有的裁判方式中,驳回诉讼请求判决应当全面取代维持判决,撤销判决中应规定重作判项,但内容不宜具体,履行判决应当根据不同情况来决定是否应规定具体的内容,变更判决范围不宜过大,确认判决的存在仍有必要。  相似文献   
顾爱华  袁准 《行政与法》2007,(11):64-67
在全球化条件下,进行省级行政区划改革不能采用分割现有省级行政区划增加省份的方式进行,否则会提高行政成本,降低行政效率,引发诸多社会矛盾,不利于国家稳定。我国省级行政区划改革要在科学发展观的指导下,考虑政府公共服务的有效性和增强各省的地区竞争力的情况下,以稳定和完善现有省级行政区划为主的途径进行。  相似文献   
杨成 《行政与法》2007,(6):81-84
法国具有成文法传统,普通法院法官断案原则上以成文法为依据,判例没有当然的拘束力。唯独在行政法领域,法国很早就建立了行政判例制度,最高行政法院的判例具有当然的拘束力。行政判例在法国行政诉讼中发挥了巨大的作用,极大地提升了行政法院的公信力,法国行政诉讼制度至今亦为世界所尊崇。就我国行政立法与行政审判的现状而言,迫切需要建立行政判例制度,法国行政判例制度对我国具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
正义历来是法律所追求的价值目标之一,但其从来都不是空洞和抽象的,需要用具体的方法和标准对其进行诠释和分析。在金融全球化趋势日益加深的今天,从法经济学的视角,对金融监管法的正义性价值目标进行分析和诠释,对于进一步完善我国金融监管法体系,维护我国金融安全与稳定意义深远。运用法经济学的分析方法,从立法、执法和司法三个方面对我国现行的金融监管法进行分析,以促进我国金融监管法正义价值目标的最终实现。  相似文献   
On the basis of the uncertainty management model, we argue here that when people are uncertain about an organization's trustworthiness, they may resolve the question how they should react toward the organization by relying on their perceptions of the organization's procedures. As a consequence, we predicted that the reactions of parents whose child was in a day care center would be strongly influenced by their perceptions of the procedures used by the organization that was responsible for their children's day care when the parents would be uncertain about the organization's trustworthiness. However, when parents would be certain that the organization could be trusted they would be less in need of procedural information, yielding less strong effects of perceived procedure on parents' reactions. The findings of a survey study corroborate this line of reasoning. In the discussion it is argued that these findings suggest that people especially rely on their perceptions of procedures when they are uncertain about important aspects of their lives, such as the trustworthiness of organizations that are responsible for their children's day care.  相似文献   
British constitutional legal discourse is structurally limited in its capacity to capture the complexity of the Good Friday Agreement. Rather than assessing the Agreement in narrow devolutionary terms, it should be seen as a hybrid domestic and international law instrument, making an important contribution to accepted international law norms in relation to self-determination. The Agreement transforms and partly transcends the Northern Ireland conflict by substituting political contestation for violent conflict, and by defining the modalities of conducting that contestation. This analysis complements classical international law perspectives, and opens up the application of legal discourses associated with 'transitional justice' to the legal and political transformation in Northern Ireland. These discourses focus on the problem of reconciling the demands of peace with the imperatives of justice. The Agreement sits squarely in this terrain with its provisions on 'dealing with the past' and 'institutional legacies'. The insights gained here challenge orthodox thinking about conflict-management and the ongoing political process.  相似文献   
行政程序法的立法架构与中国立法的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于选择在行政程序法中规定实体内容,中国的行政程序法典立法架构要解决实体性规定与程序性规定之间的架构和作为法典重要内容的程序性规定本身的架构这两大问题。对前者,可以行政权力为核心概念,遵循行政权力涉及的主体———行政权力的运行程序———行政权力的运行结果的思路予以架构。对后者,应以确立正当行政程序理念、突显正当行政程序制度为第一考虑要素,并根据立法惯例中“先一般、后特别”的规则,先规定行政程序的一般规定,后规定特定种类行政行为程序;关于内部行政程序,则置于法典中行政机关部分作出规定。  相似文献   
北京两会期间,"人口准入制"的提案引起众多争议,无论是经济学界、社会学界,还是法学界都对此都争议颇多.文章从法学的角度,从正义、自由、平等等法的价值对此提案进行讨论.  相似文献   
《治安处罚法》第九条涉及行政责任与民事责任的竞合理论与行政调解理论。除此以外,本文还谈了该条在适用中应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   
试论我国行政登记制度及其立法完善   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国行政登记制度存在严重缺陷 ,突出表现在行政登记机关的登记审查批准权很大 ,几乎不受什么制约 ,但却不承担相应的义务和责任 ;行政登记没有明确的公信力。在我国加入WTO后 ,应和海外立法接轨 ,明确特定行政登记的公信力和国家责任 ,健全和完善我国的行政登记制度。  相似文献   
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