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论宪法效力的终极依据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喻中 《政法论丛》2011,(2):79-85
在法律的效力链条中,宪法常常被置于效力的终端。但是,宪法本身的效力依据,却是一个值得追问的终极性问题。宪法序言,就是宪法效力的终极依据。中国宪法序言是通过"历史"向宪法提供了终极性的效力依据或正当性依据。相比之下,美国宪法序言是通过"契约"向美国宪法提供了终极性的效力依据。  相似文献   
The nonmetric "trait list" methodology is widely used for estimating ancestry of skeletal remains. However, the effects of the method's embedded subjectivity on subsequent accuracy and consistency are largely unknown. We develop a mathematical simulation to test whether variation in the application of the "trait list" method alters the ancestry estimation for a given case. Our simulation explores how variations in (i) trait selection, (ii) number of traits employed, and (iii) ancestry choice thresholds affect the ancestry estimation of an unidentified skeleton. Using two temporally and geographically diverse samples, the simulation demonstrates that trait selection, trait quantity, threshold choices, and the exclusion of high-frequency traits had minimal effect on estimation of general ancestry. For all data sets and Runs, Accuracy(AS) was maintained above 90%. The authors close with a discussion on the logistical issues present when choosing traits, and how to avoid ancestry bias.  相似文献   
萨维尼作为19世纪德国最伟大的法学家,他的学说理论通过其著作在英美的翻译和传播,不仅在大陆法系国家,而且对英美法系国家也产生了很大的影响。特别是在19世纪英国历史法学派的产生,美国南北战争后关于法典编纂的讨论,19世纪英国和美国大学法律教育的改革,以及美国司法实践等方面,萨维尼所产生的影响都为其他大陆法系国家的法学家所不及。个中原因是多方面的,既有萨维尼个人声望的原因,法律历史观在19世纪的兴起,但更重要的还是两大法系之间逐渐产生的互相交流的趋势。考察萨维尼对当时英美法学的影响,就是对两大法系之间长期存在的学术交流的一个有力例证。  相似文献   
In the domain of environmental security, it appears that a strong civil society, one with strong social ingenuity and social capital, is a necessary condition not only for environmental security, but also for regional security in general. This paper will argue that in the context of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), much can be learned from the empirical experiences of Thailand and the Philippines that have established records of accomplishment in civil society participation in forest governance. Also discussed is the possible role of epistemic communities both within these countries as well as across countries in the ASEAN in harnessing institutions of knowledge to influence domestic and regional governance of forest resources.  相似文献   
从19世纪末开始,美国普通法上形成的任意雇佣原则授予雇主任意解雇员工的权力而不要求其承担任何法律责任,对劳动者权利保护甚为不利。考虑到绝对任意雇佣原则所带来的种种消极影响,在许多方面已经不适应现代劳资关系的发展,美国立法机关和各州法院已经形成该原则的多项普通法例外,任意雇佣原则逐步走向衰落。由于任意雇佣原则在美国社会长期实行,拥有深厚的社会基础,动用立法权和司法权等国家权力也并非以废止该原则为目标,因此迄今为止其仍然是调整美国雇佣关系的重要规则。  相似文献   
Abstract: Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) is a protected and widely distributed ungulate in South America. A poacher, after killing guanacos in Valle Chacabuco, Chilean Patagonia, transported and stored the meat. Samples were retrieved by local police but the suspect argued that the meat was from a horse. Mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (774 pb), 15 loci microsatellites, and SRY gene were used to identify the species, number of animals and their population origin, and the sex of the animals, respectively. Analysis revealed that the samples came from a female (absence of SRY gene) Patagonian guanaco (assignment probability between 0.0075 and 0.0282), and clearly distinguishing it from sympatric ungulates (E‐value = 0). Based on the evidence obtained in the field in addition to forensic data, the suspect was convicted of poaching and illegally carrying fire arms. This is the first report of molecular tools being used in forensic investigations of Chilean wildlife indicating its promising future application in guanaco management and conservation.  相似文献   
于向东 《东南亚》2011,(2):11-13
作为2010年东盟轮值主席国和东亚世界经济论坛东道主,越南在2010年元月召开的瑞士第40届达沃斯世界经济论坛年会上,就东亚合作和共同体建设以及其它一些国际问题积极发表意见,为提升自己在东盟中的地位和作用做出努力,并借此进一步提升自己的国际地位,推进其长远外交战略的实现。  相似文献   
Sixteen American Indian women requesting counseling for domestic violence at an urban Indian health center were interviewed using standardized measures. The majority of the women were not married, had low family incomes, and both the women and their partners abused substances. All of the women experienced increased depression and stress as a result of the battering. A mental health needs assessment survey of 198 American Indian women is presented for comparison. Women who reported a history of domestic violence on the survey were more likely to be separated or divorced and reported more problems with alcohol than the women with no history of domestic violence. The results of the domestic violence program interviews are compared to the mental health needs assessment survey and studies of battered women in shelters.  相似文献   
张鸿巍  韦林欣 《法学论坛》2005,20(2):135-141
作为世界上第一个少年司法制度的诞生地———美国 ,它的少年司法体系的改革令人关注。本文回顾了美国少年司法政策的发展历史 ,并系统地检验了美国少年司法体制 ,总结了美国少年司法的历史 ,阐述了美国少年司法近年来的发展状况 ,这些发展推动了学者们对美国少年司法的深入研究 ,从而为处理青少年偏差行为指明了合理、有效的策略。本文还涉及到意识形态、政治策略和媒体对少年司法的公共政策的影响问题 ,最后探讨了将来美国少年司法领域中可能出现的争议。  相似文献   
19世纪美国超验主义思想家H.D.梭罗的个人主义深受美国传统渊源的影响,同时也颇具个性,主要体现在他对"个人道德良心"的呼唤.他把个人良心看作比法律更高的一种道德原则.他主张:个人利益高于机构利益.任何机构化了的组织不能将自己的意志强加于人,而应当尊重每一个人的权利,使人人有机会按自己的良心行事,实现自己的生活目标.梭罗的<论公民不服从>和<瓦尔登湖>这两部作品集中表达了他的个人主义的观点,梭罗正是从个人道德良心的角度来阐释其个人主义主张的.他的个人主义理想影响了美国民族文化的建构,并已成为整个美国文化的一个重要组成部分.  相似文献   
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